Thursday, December 14, 2023


Living with the Holy Spirit in us, as born-again Christians, we've been Divinely preserved for the present day; now is the right time to proclaim the Good News of Salvation to the Sons of Men in love, that they may come to the realization of the Truth - knowing that Jesus Christ is the only Way leading to eternity with the Father of all creation. As other people receive the Truth, they also will be renewed in the Spirit, their souls now imperishable, to uphold righteousness in Christ Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith.
Therefore, let's never stop sharing the New Wine, known as the New Covenant, established for the redemption of mankind, through discipleship, as we reveal to those closest to us, God's Love and Divine Grace, which has delivered us from eternal condemnation and shame, so that souls may be refreshed and spirits revived for God's glory, while His Kingdom couriers advance.
PRAYER: In Jesus' Holy Name, thank You, LORD, the Redeemer of my soul, for keeping me Safe and preserved for this moment - to declare the Truth, established by Your blood as the New Covenant, which brings forth Salvation to all - reviving the souls of men and renewing their spirits for the advancement of Your Kingdom, the best to ever come to Earth,

From John 2:10

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