Friday, January 26, 2024


Being thirsty for God's righteousness makes us seek and find the Truth in His Word, which surely brings eternal peace and Salvation to satisfy our souls, keeping us preserved in His Love, Grace, and Glory (Matthew 5:6). Even then, as we remain in communion with Him by meditating on His Word and through prayer, His Spirit fills us up to the fullest, so that we may remain divinely sustained as Overcomers, forever in His Kingdom (John 6:35).
Moreover, we are being gracefully revived and nourished by God's Word so that we may also share from the abundance of His Living Water, as we take the Gospel to the reach of all who are thirsty and in need of the Truth, so that they may also drink of Him with faith to live on, for "As the scripture says, ‘Streams of life-giving water will pour out from his side,’" as a vessel of God's glorious works (John 7:38).
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Jesus Christ, for Your Living Water flows over my soul, and Your Spirit remains in control of me; please also give me a discerning spirit to live for Your Glory, sharing the Good News of the Fountain of Living Water wherever I AM might send, because you experienced thirst without relief first, pouring out your life, that souls may drink from Your side and thirst no more, but well up into eternity,

From John 4:14

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As Christians, called by grace through faith in Christ Jesus, whose teachings transform a person and cleanse their soul as the gift is whole...