Thursday, January 25, 2024


The gift of God's Love, Jesus Christ's life given for the redemption of mankind, is sufficient for all, Him being the Fountain of Living Water which never runs dry (John 11:25-27). Yet, only when one humbly repents in response to His Love, even joining with Christ in accepting death to the flesh for the Joy set before us, will they receive His Living Water, the Holy Spirit which Divinely preserves souls for eternity (Zech. 13:1 & 14:8, John 7:37-38, Rev. 7:17).
While the promise of Living Water which flows from the Fountain of Life as its source, Divinely offers both spiritual and physical blessings, poured out gracefully as favors from the LORD upon His Faithfuls so that we may not lack, it is not forced; Worshipers remain sustained in the abundance of His Grace and Love received, now enriched to live for His Glory, both gently and powerfully sharing the Good News of Salvation, having gained the Helper, needed to walk upright and bear fruit that remains for God's Kingdom.
PRAYER: In Jesus' awesome name, thank you Eternal and Gracious Father, for opening my eyes with the offer of access to your very Spirit, keeping me preserved for Your Glory, filled with the Living Water springing forth from the Fountain of Life which never runs dry, yet strengthens me to actively share Your Love for the world, as I proclaim the Gospel with faith in Your Holy Name,

From John 4:10

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As Christians, called by grace through faith in Christ Jesus, whose teachings transform a person and cleanse their soul as the gift is whole...