Wednesday, January 24, 2024


It's crucial for everyone seeking total redemption from sin, death, and a complete breakthrough from the forces of darkness, to come to repentance, believing and obeying Jesus Christ, God's Word and only begotten Son; for through Him, Divine reconciliation with the Father is established, being the Salvation of the LORD offered to all mankind (John 3:16-17 & 14:6, Acts 4:12). Submitting to Him alone, we can be kept eternally free from condemnation and wrath, since we no longer live and walk in darkness, rather according to the will of the Spirit who abides in us, granting us, as Heirs of His Kingdom, eternal life (John 6:47, Romans 8:1).
Therefore, we should firmly hold onto our faith in He Who Is Faithful & True; for in Him, the righteousness of God is revealed to sinners snatched from hellfire (Jude 1:23). As we will humbly abide in Him and He in us, we will forever remain justified, as co-heirs with Christ (Romans 1:17)!
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Eternal and Gracious Father, for I am redeemed by faith in Your Word and only begotten Son, who paid the price for my sins, that I may never let go of your favor, but live for eternity in Your Kingdom, as the Redeemed of the LORD, in Christ Jesus, seeking for Your will to be done,

From John 3:36

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As Christians, called by grace through faith in Christ Jesus, whose teachings transform a person and cleanse their soul as the gift is whole...