Monday, February 12, 2024


Believing the Word of God over doubts or fears, makes our petitions and prayers answered according to His will for us in Christ (Phil. 4:6). We mustn't assume that being in agreement with His anointed vessel, in the presence of His consecrated Temple, or sharing burdens with a favored saint, certifies our prayer has been answered; rather, we should realize that the LORD our Creator who cares, is Omnipresent, so distance can never serve as an hindrance to the prayers of His Faithfuls, nor does shame separate us, for Jesus has come down and His mercy and grace are great towards each Believer (Heb. 4:14-16).
Further, our Heavenly Father, the Great I Am That I Am, YHWH, whom we are serving through Christ who lives in us, always sees "the righteous, and His ears are open to their cry (Psalm 34:15)." So, even as we remain satisfied and steadfastly committed to our Christ's calling - advancing God's Kingdom by going forth, filled with the Good News of Salvation - He will never leave us nor forsake us, and He will always harken to the voice of our supplication, in due time (Deut 31:6 & Heb. 13:5).
PRAYER: Thank You,  Ever-faithful God, for You're always there when I call; indeed, You are my "very present help in trouble," keeping me safe in Your hands as an Overcomer (Ps. 46). Please keep me able to grow my faith in Your Son, so that I may never stop experiencing Your awesome wonders, being a vessel of Your glorious works, in Jesus' marvelous name,

From John 4:49-51

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The sins of mankind separate them from the presence of the LORD and all who sincerely love Him, as a result of  an unrepentant nature igniti...