Friday, February 9, 2024


Right from the days when Jesus Christ lived as the Son of Man on the surface of the Earth, until today, some will never believe unless they see another miracle, experiencing it themselves; for the faith of many is leaning on the visible world, which keeps them in an uncertain state when going through trials, forgetting the fact that True Christians "walk by faith, not by sight (John 6:29-36 & 20:29, Romans 10:17).
However, many in churches today, desire signs and wonders as proof of God's presence in the life of His anointed vessels, chosen to oversee them, ignoring the truth which says: "what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal" (1 Cor. 1:22-25, 2 Cor. 4:16-18). This might make them fall easily into the deception of the lawless one who seems to work signs and wonders with the powers of satan, to divert their attention from the path of Truth and Righteousness in Christ Jesus; the only supreme King of Kings, who "does whatever He pleases (Psalm 115:2-3)." 
PRAYER: Thank you, LORD, Heavenly Father, for making me focus beyond knowledge which puffs up, signs which could be faked, or what you can do now for me - which keeps me strengthened in the Spirit, as I constantly pray and meditate on Your Word, Who revitalizes my soul with Life and Love, that I may reach out to those whose faith is built on visible facts, with testimony and new wonders of Who You Are, bringing them to the realization of true faith, as I keep on discipling them in Jesus' Name,

From John 4:48

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