Friday, February 16, 2024


Elohim, our God and the Creator of all things, works for our good in the Messiah Yeshua, protecting and preserving us as vessels of His glory, through whom His purposes are accomplished. Although He took rest on the first Sabbath day, from the work of creation, beautiful at its completion, He never ceases to work amongst men who are at rest from their own works, yet alive with Christ, and uses every one of His own creations to bring about the redemption of souls through the declaration of His Love and Word, made manifest by the Holy Spirit in our lives (Genesis 2:2 & Hebrews 4:4). He is still working, even now, to reveal the reason for which the world was created, through us, His vessels, consecrated to receive His Love and introduce Immanuel, so that men may rightly offer to worship Him, in Truth and in Spirit (John 4:23). As we take the pleasant yoke to learn from Him, upholding our Christ's calling by converting souls and discipling them, bringing the knowledge of God's Word to the reach of all in need of Salvation, we remain functional vessels of the Holy Spirit, commissioned to glorify the Father, doing His will on Earth as it is in Heaven; for the LORD is working in us and through us for His beloved Son Jesus' advancing Kingdom (Matt. 11:29).
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, thank You Heavenly Father, for making me a vessel of Your Divine will, identified as I walk in the Spirit - to share the testimony of the Kingdom with every nation, for the Salvation of many still lacking the true knowledge of Elohim in Christ Jesus, our Lord; may I find satisfaction that there is no better task nor reward than to enjoy Yourself and share Your Grace,

From John 5:17

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