Thursday, February 15, 2024


Having been saved by Grace through the Blood of the Lamb, Jesus Christ, our Blessed Redeemer, we become free to refrain from going back to sinful acts which only sever man from God, sanctified so that the Divine Grace of the LORD may abide with us for eternity (Romans 6 & 8:1). This keeps us away from the accuser of brethren - the devil, who strives day and night to bring the Sons of Men confusion and condemnation before the LORD; yet, as Christ arises on our behalf with mercy, every manipulative effort of the vessels of wickedness brings forth shame and destruction to themselves (John 8:3-11).
However, returning to obey sin, consciously or deliberately, allows the devil to attack in full force because the Holy Spirit is grieved and His vessel is made helplessly empty, giving room for all that has been rebuked - more unclean spirits to return, so one is taken captive and destroyed (Matthew 12:43-45). So, let's remain separated from iniquity, joined with Jesus from the bottom of our hearts, and we will always be blessed, dwelling in the abundance of God's Grace, Mercy, and Divine protection, forever worshipping with the Saints.
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Jesus Christ, our Blessed Redeemer, for Your holy presence in my life has liberated me from sin, keeping me safe from falling away to eternal condemnation, that I may stand spotless to testify of Your goodness, as the Redeemed of the LORD, living consecrated for Your service, in faith,

From John 5:14

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The sins of mankind separate them from the presence of the LORD and all who sincerely love Him, as a result of  an unrepentant nature igniti...