Thursday, February 8, 2024


The Glory of the LORD in the life of a faithful minister is mostly ignored by his close relations, family, and friends, who only see him as a fellow human being, having never embraced forgiveness; still, the Divine anointing of the Holy Spirit will never fail to lead him to the place of recognition, where he is received into the presence of those who are not acquainted with him, yet in need of God's redeeming Grace for their personal Salvation (Mark 6:4). One is being used as a vessel in the hands of God to reach out to all who hunger and thirst for Divine restoration, so that they may be set free from every captivity of the wicked and the bondage of sin, as they believe and receive His Word into their hearts.
Also, the Divine manifestation of the Holy Spirit in a minister's life makes even the high and mighty amongst men humbled - seeking God's intervention through His vessel, declaring His Word (John 3:2). So, as Ministers proclaiming the Gospel of Christ, we shouldn't be discouraged whenever the Word we prophecy seems to be ignored by our loved ones, or the Israelites are partially hardened, but keep praying for their Salvation in due time; for the LORD is in control, and He will surely send others to them and take us to a new place and position of Divine recognition, where His Gospel will be shared and His Spirit made manifest through us for the Salvation of souls near and far.
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Jesus Christ, for bringing me to the point of honor, even as You never stop lifting me higher, from grace to grace and from glory to greater glory. Please continue to lead me to soft hearts, so that I may be equipped to reach more souls - converting and discipling them from within Your Kingdom,

From John 4:44-45

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The sins of mankind separate them from the presence of the LORD and all who sincerely love Him, as a result of  an unrepentant nature igniti...