Monday, June 24, 2024


As humans who have eaten of the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, every situation we go through only needs the presence of Christ to make things come out better so that the Name of the LORD may be glorified by the revelation of His marvelous works in the lives of the ones He chooses, having taken on and erased all the shame to personally overcome everything that His own are suffering (Gen. 2:17, Rom. 8:28, John 11:4, Isa. 54:4).
Even when people are conceived in sin, their present circumstances may not have resulted from the errors of themselves nor run in their bloodline, for there is a time for everything under Heaven (Deut. 7:9, Ecc. 3:1-8). Therefore, welcoming the Messiah and Word of God, Jesus Christ into your life, makes you a living vessel carrying His glorious works in your heart which are testified of by the many who get to witness the experience revealing His awesome wonders in your life.
PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, thank You, my awesome Heavenly Father, for Your presence in my family's life has justified us through faith in the Son, to be safe from the Accuser of the Brethren, with an assuring hope of Divine restoration and total breakthrough out of the power of darkness; may we also be like channels of Your glory through which lives are recreated and restored to right-relationship with our Creator,

From John 9:1-3

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The Word of God, Jesus Christ, never fails; for the same way He ascended into Heaven, received in a cloud, to be with "the Ancient of D...