Wednesday, July 3, 2024


Every Christian Minister who is faithfully committed to His Calling in Christ Jesus, serving as a channel manifesting God's Grace, Love, Ability, and Anointing, has truly been empowered by the LORD in the Holy Spirit and no other; for the revelation of God's marvelous works through His chosen vessels, makes the identity of the Faithful known to all who have understanding, that God is with His people who are sent from Him (John 3:1-2, Matt. 1:22-23). Also, no man can stand firmly on His own, doing miracles that last forever, except he humbly submits himself to be useful in God's hands.
Although there might be disagreement among brethren about your Christ's Calling and Divine identity, even when the works of the LORD done through you show many that you are empowered by Him, you should never allow that to discourage you; for He who has formed and strengthened you will lead you to the end as a triumphant vessel of glory, ordained to show Love from God to all and advance His Kingdom on Earth, before returning to Him (John 9:16).

PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, Thank You, Heavenly Father, for Your presence in and with me, making me a beacon of Your glory, who is anointed to reach out to souls lacking the true knowledge of Your Word. Please, continue to keep me empowered to touch lives - converting and discipling many, as a faithful Child of God, commissioned to advance Your Kingdom,

From John 9:33

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The Word of God, Jesus Christ, never fails; for the same way He ascended into Heaven, received in a cloud, to be with "the Ancient of D...