Faith in Jesus Christ as the only begotten Son of God and the Savior of our souls keeps Christians graciously redeemed even when we face persecution in life, having been rejected by neighbors and loved ones; God especially reveals Him to outsiders (2 Tim. 3:12). Deliverance will be attained when one listens to obey, with continuous meditation on the spoken Word of God (Rhema) fulfilled and made flesh in Jesus Christ who is offered for the Salvation of men who confess He is the living LORD (John 1:14, Rom. 10:9-10 & 14).
Moreover, the sons of men may think they need to meet with Christ to believe in Him. So, as Christians, we should make them realize that the revelation of God's Word spoken by His chosen vessels, written in tablets, scrolls, books and blogs inspired by the Holy Spirit and acted upon, is the Son, Messiah and Bridegroom given with Love by our Heavenly Father;
as they willingly receive Him by faith, without fear of being persecuted or cast out of eternal homes, they will surely be accepted by the LORD as Heirs of His Kingdom (John 4:25-26, Mark 10:29-30).

PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, for making Yourself known through Your Son who brought Light to my life, reviving my body, soul, and spirit to live for Your glory. Please, keep me strengthened with Joy in Your presence to bear more fruits that remain so that as many as hear the Gospel which I proclaim may faithfully receive it and be among those who have a reason to begin worshipping in Jesus' name.

From John 9:35-38

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Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ is the Door open to all willing to enter and be part of the Kingdom by grace through faith so that we may ...