Wednesday, October 2, 2024


We are blessed by God and highly favored as followers of Jesus Christ, for He is the Bridegroom who never forsakes His Bride. He has gone to prepare a place in His Divine abode so we may be comfortably secured together, which gives us time to make ready for Him when He returns to take home all of His faithful Bride, well adorned and worthy of His Love so freely given and received through faith. Until then, we should remain at peace within ourselves and peacemakers in the world, being graced with the Comforter who keeps preserved for the King of Kings, every Christian knowing fully well that the Prince of Peace will surely return from Heaven to take us - by surprise and in due time - home, where we belong with Him (Acts 1:9-11).
Moreover, as we are kept endlessly united following Christ, faithful in His vineyard - daily advancing God's Kingdom, harvesting souls as fruits that remain, for His glory - we will stay honored by our Heavenly Father, who has granted every Believer a place forever, as co-heirs with His only begotten Son: the skilled carpenter and Bridegroom of victorious souls in the Kingdom (John 12:26, Luke 10:1 & 2). The Lord's second-coming will be not only for the living; also, those who are asleep but died with Christ in service to the LORD, will be caught up together in a cloud to Yahshua in the air, always existing with Him as Overcomers, in the Spirit (1 Thess. 4:17).

PRAYER: Thank You, Lord Jesus Christ, for the Divine assurance that You're coming again - strengthening me with your love, as a Believer living for Your glory. Please, help me reach out to ripe souls as I make Your presence known to the world and testify of Your return, before You receive a Holy Bride to Yourself - so that people may humbly come to receive You today, through the Gospel which I proclaim in Your Holy Name,

From John 14:3

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The Word of God, Jesus Christ, never fails; for the same way He ascended into Heaven, received in a cloud, to be with "the Ancient of D...