Acknowledging that we are not of this world but of God in Christ Jesus, by trusting and submitting to our Lord and Savior, makes Christians, born of the Spirit, to stay deserving of favorable positions in the house of the Father of lights and graced with the hope of an eternal place to dwell which will be ready for us after having lived to the fulfillment of our Christ's calling: bearing fruits that remain, for the growth of God's Kingdom, advancing as we declare the Good News of Salvation to all (Heb. 11:13-16). Besides, the abode of the saints who have successfully finished their work on Earth, to the glory of the LORD, is being prepared by the Son of God to keep His Bride in His bosom, secure from the wicked so that we whose works have put the Devil to shame may dwell, forgiven forever, for His pleasure, to praise and glorify Him continuously as triumphant souls, on the Last Day (Col. 2:13 & 15, Rev. 21:7 & 8).
Therefore, as Heirs of the Kingdom of Heaven prepared for all who are faithful and steadfast to the end, from the creation of the World, we need to stay focused on our Creator, placing our hearts where our treasures dwell, to remain highly favored by the King of Kings who always had us in mind and will welcome us, His Faithfuls, to the only everlasting home and inheritance developed for true Believers in Christ Jesus, even before we were born (Matt. 25:34 & 6:20 & 21).

PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Heavenly Father, for creating a place for me and my loved ones to dwell after life on Earth, carefully prepared by Your everlasting Word, who keeps me comforted as I join the saints who glorify You for eternity. Please, help me to reach more souls for Heaven through discipleship so that many will be worthy of Your welcome embrace on the Last Day, in Jesus' Name,

From John 14:2

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Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ is the Door open to all willing to enter and be part of the Kingdom by grace through faith so that we may ...