All born of God in Christ Jesus, the begotten of the Father, have received the grace, as members of the Body of Christ and co-heirs with Him, to forgive, being channels of God's Love, chosen to pass along His endless mercy and show kindness to all who might trust in His Salvation alone (Rom. 9:15). Besides, we have received forgiveness by grace, through faith in Christ Jesus, who reveals the Father's Love so our Divine nature as Children of God with willingness to show mercy to all seeking forgiveness with a repentant heart, makes us worthy of Christ's Saving Grace, knowing that, only a forgiving heart deserves great forgiveness from the Author of Life (Matt. 6:14-15).
Moreover, we have the authority to bind and loose on Earth, as Heirs of the Father in Heaven who answers our prayers even before we ask, so we should always open our hearts for God's Peace and presence to dwell, by releasing those who are bound by guilt resulting from regret as they realize their wrongdoings against us, coming as remorseful souls with changing hearts, so that they may also experience the peace and joy we have in Christ who forgives everyone who truly thinks differently, and receives Him by faith (Matt. 16:19 & 18:18-20).

PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, thank You, Ever-Loving God and Gracious Father, for making me a channel of Your Love and Mercy on Earth and granting me the grace to be forgiven and set anyone free, since You died for me, born a sinner who didn't know how much I hurt You. Please help me to remain forgiving and compassionate to all as an ambassador of Christ, showing Grace to souls remorseful of their wrongdoings and willing to repent for the Salvation of more souls,

From John 20:23


The Breath of Jesus Christ, the Word of the LORD who is from the Father and One with Him, gives Life to the New Creation, born afresh of God in the Spirit, by faith (Gen. 2:7, 2 Cor. 5:17). There is a Divine assurance that all who receive the Breath of Christ become ready and eager for the outpouring of His Spirit upon all flesh, reborn in Christ Jesus to serve as the Temple of God, ministering in His Holy Name, rendering offerings of praise and Thanksgiving to our Heavenly Father through the ministration of the Holy Spirit alive in Believers of Christ (Joel 2:28-32, Acts 2:1-4, 1 Cor. 6:19 & 20).
So, with the Breath of Christ, we are destined for the promised Gift of the Holy Spirit with which to boldly spread the Gospel to the reach of all lacking the knowledge of eternal Salvation so that as many as receive the Word of God, which we proclaim, may become favored with the Breath of Christ, united through discipleship, making them ready for the true circumcision, of the Holy Spirit (Phil. 3:3).

PRAYER: Thank You, Lord Jesus Christ, blessed be Your Holy Name, for Your Breath has reanimated me in the greater Spirit of Holiness who lives in me now as an active part of the Temple of God, consecrated for Your service and adorned for Your glory on Earth. Please strengthen me as I continuously testify of Your Love, Grace, and Power - for the growth of Your advancing Kingdom,

From John 20:22


Everyone entrusted with the message of God is a vessel chosen to testify of the Lord Jesus, Commissioned through His Divine authority to: "make Disciples of all nations [...] teaching them to obey all I have commanded you (Matt. 28:18-20)." Our Heavenly Father sent His Salvation, sanctified for us, His Faithful Bride, so we may remain justified in Him through faith, even as Christ also sent us to every soul in need of His redeeming Grace and Divine restoration, for the growth of God's advancing Kingdom - fruit-bearing branches in the True Vine, destined to glorify His Name (John 17:18-19).
Therefore, being sent to make Disciples, we should endeavor to continuously share all we have received, by grace through faith in the Word of God, allowing the Holy Spirit to be our guide so that as many as are faithful to receive the Good News of Salvation, may also be prepared to go in peace as they willingly commit to the service of the LORD (2 Tim. 2:2).

PRAYER: Lord Jesus Christ, thank You for finding me worthy, through Your grace, to be sent by You to reach out to more souls lacking the knowledge of Salvation so that they may also become forever saved as they faithfully receive Your redeeming Word. Please help me to equip the delivered souls to accomplish their purpose, for the multiplication of more Laborers in Your Vineyard, according to Your will,

From John 20:21


Experiencing the Peace and fulfillment of God's Word in our lifetime as Followers of Christ, brings joy to our souls, gladdens our hearts, and strengthens our faith even more as we stay committed to bearing more fruits that remain for His advancing Kingdom. Witnessing the manifestation of God's Power, as partakers of His marvelous works and channels of His goodwill towards men, makes us privileged among our peers and favored to testify to the World of His awesomeness, which undoes the cause of our fears (Acts 1:3)!
Therefore, everyone who has experienced the goodness of the Holy Spirit's power in their lives and still is, needs to declare it, making it known to all who are weak in faith or merely  likewise become living testimonies of God's work on Earth, equipped through discipleship to joyfully advance His Kingdom as Joint-Heirs with Jesus Christ, gladly serving in His Vineyard (Rom. 1:1).

PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, I bless and glorify You, Father, for I am glad to experience the fulfillment of Your Word, prophesied for Your glory and my good, making me a living Witness of Your greatness! Please keep me focused on your sacrifice and bolster up the whole body as I remain determined to let the World know I'm serving the Living God who never fails but fulfills every one of His promises in due time,

John 20:19-20


Acknowledging the reality and presence of God in challenging times requires that every defensive or negative thought overshadowing the Truth, offered "on a silver platter," be turned away from, even if the facts imply the end (John 20:9). Sometimes, lamenting over barriers or reasoning with human understanding makes a man anxious and ignorant of the Truth right before him, yet by "casting your burdens on the LORD," who cares for the Faithful and humble in Spirit, you will surely recognize the Way that leads to breakthrough over all obstacles in your life and peace will return to your soul (Luke 24:15-17 & 31, 1 Pet. 5:7).
So, stay faithful anyway, never allowing difficult times to create confusion in your mind; for, "the LORD your God is with you," to keep you safe from harm. Hold on to your faith in Christ, and you will surely testify, giving thanks with a joyful heart, sooner than you think (Ps. 46:5-8, Zeph. 3:16 & 17).

PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Heavenly Father, for making me realize the Truth revealed by Your Word who brought Light and Life to my soul, keeping me away from the darkness which only blinds one's eyes from the Truth. Please keep me motivated and strengthened to reach out to all who are hindered from accepting the Truth so that as many as receive the Good News I proclaim, might receive the Truth, by faith in Jesus' Name.

From John 20:14-15


All born of God in Christ Jesus, the begotten of the Father, have received the grace, as members of the Body of Christ and co-heirs with Him...