Monday, February 24, 2025


Every growing Christian starts as an infant born of God, then gets washed and Divinely circumcised to stay separate from the influence of sin brought upon human flesh by the deception of the devil and his agents on the surface of the Earth; new disciples are protected by the shield of God's Love, Grace, and Anointing, in their spiritual innocence, so that as they go along the path of Truth in an immature state, they won't fall away from their true identity and Divine destiny. As we become committed to knowing God more, even if it means a brief time of sorrow and suffering, we stay ready to please the LORD and bring glory to Jesus through constant meditation on the Cross Christ carried; we have received the Comforter who allows us to be girded up with Wisdom to understand the Truth, which we seek to immerse ourselves in and abide by, to remain armed as Good Soldiers of Christ, wrestling against every deception brought by the Father of Lies (Jhn. 8:44, Romans 8:17-18, Eph. 6:11-13, 2 Tim. 2:3-4).
Moreover, only when we gird ourselves with the knowledge of God's Word, which reveals the Truth as Jesus being the only Way that leads to our Heavenly Father, will we be able to receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit in Christ Jesus, who carries us all through the narrow path of Life, to grow into maturity as Sons and Daughters of God, glorifying Him on Earth during mockery, persecution and cursing from those God plans to curse, even as we bless them on Earth, before we finally follow our Savior Home, into eternal glory (Gen. 12:3, Mtt. 5:44 & 48, Jhn. 13:36 & 14:6).

PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, thank You, LORD, Heavenly Father, for suffering for and with me and keeping me girded by the Truth, Your everlasting Word, as your disciple, growing in faith through the guidance of the Holy Spirit who warns me ahead of time and gives me the Wisdom to understand why I'm mistreated in this life, and to become mature for the advancement of Your Eternal Kingdom, bearing fruit with and without season. May some of those who hate me receive this unconditional love and change before their mortal life is over, in Your Holy Name,

From John 21:18-19

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The Word of God, Jesus Christ, never fails; for the same way He ascended into Heaven, received in a cloud, to be with "the Ancient of D...