Showing posts with label Faith. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Faith. Show all posts


By the Word of the LORD, Jesus Christ, the Heavens and the Earth were made, as well as all their inhabitants therein, and by the breath of His mouth, life was given to humankind, that we may live for His glory (Psalms 33:6 & 9). He is before all things, and in Him, all things cohere together; for by Him, all things were created, both visible and invisible - whether thrones, dominions, principalities, or powers, because He is the source of all existence (Colossians 1:16-17).
Therefore, let's hold on to our faith in Christ Jesus, by whom all things were created, that we may receive the Divine revelation of His glorious works, as we love, and live for His glory through the Holy Spirit, as co-heirs with Christ.
PRAYER: In Jesus' mighty Name, thank You LORD, for making me a living soul, gracefully commissioned to declare Your everlasting existence, and testify of Your exceeding greatness to all - reaching souls and changing lives, solely for the advancement of Your Kingdom, in Your Holy Name;

From John 1:3


Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, the image and Son of God, has ever been in and with Elohim, as the Word of God from the beginning of creation (Genesis 1:1). His existence was first declared by Moses, using the plural form of the Hebrew word  Elohim, to identify God creating both Heaven and Earth, and in the creation of mankind of which is written, "then God said, let "Us" make man in our image [...] male and female," which is the image of God the Almighty Father sending His seed into the world, who is Christ, whose side contains the Bride, sent quickened by His Spirit (Genesis 1:26-27).
Furthermore, Christ's Divine existence is eternally united with God, and our faith in Him brings us closer to the Father, even as we remain steadfast in His service - bearing fruits that remain for His glory, as Heirs of God's Kingdom.
PRAYER: Thank you, LORD, Jesus Christ, the Author and Finisher of our faith, for Your presence in my life makes me complete - being eternally filled with God's Love in Christ Jesus;

From John 1:2


The eternal existence of Jesus Christ, the Word of God, has being before the beginning of Heaven or Earth's creation; "and in Him all things consist," as all creations flow from the Living Source who really holds all things we see and hear, together (Genesis 1:1, Colossians 1:17-20). Besides, Jesus' identity is in the Father and the Father expresses Himself in the Word, which makes Him One with the Father as God, the great I Am that I Am (John 8:58 & 14:11).
Furthermore, Jesus Christ, being the Revelation of Elohim, in whose very image and likeness we've been made, became flesh, revealing God's abundant grace and the Truth, that we may behold the riches of His glory - having been redeemed by His precious blood (John 1:14, Revelation 12:11). Also, God's presence in our lives through His Word, Jesus Christ, has given us a Divine understanding, that we may intimately know Him who is True, even as we abide in Him who gives Eternal Life; so, we can accurately preach the Word to all people, being Heirs of His Kingdom (1 John 5:20).
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, thank you, LORD, Eternal and Gracious Father, for Your presence in my life through Your Word, which reveals the Truth and expresses Your Love, that I may remain blessed with the Divine understanding of Your Grace in my life;

From John 1:1


Having been promised the gift of the Holy Spirit, by our Heavenly Father, as faithful Christians, chosen and called to openly live out the teachings of Christ, being ambassadors of God's Kingdom on Earth, we should endeavor to abide in Him, that His power may remain active in us, through the manifestation of the Holy Spirit, which confirms Jesus is Faithful and True (Luke 11:13 & John 14:13).
Furthermore, the fulfillment of His Promise, accompanied by the same signs, affirms our communion with Him in the Spirit, and reveals His presence from above, enveloping us as Christians in the natural, which brings forth Divine blessings and abundant favor, that we may not lack; yet, have enough to share with others for God's glory.
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, thank you, LORD, for the revelation of Your Word - who remains the Lamp to my feet, and the Light to my path, that I may always remain preserved and deserving of the comfort of the Holy Spirit in me; which affirms the fulfillment of Your Love and promise in my life with power, available to others.

From Luke 24:49


We should always hold fast to our faith in Christ Jesus, and give no room for doubts, or worries; for He is always with us, and the manifestation of the Holy Spirit testifies - even as our souls acknowledge His Divine presence in our lives through Brothers and Sisters. So, one mustn't allow fear based on the past, to cause him to drift away from God's presence; rather, he should faithfully abide in Him - through His Word, Jesus Christ, experiencing His love and unchanging grace, that the deception of the devil, who stimulates shame and fear in the hearts of men, may remain subdued by one's unwavering faith in Christ Jesus.
Moreover, as we abide in Christ, and He in us - being in communion with the Holy Spirit, we will never lose the comfort of His glorious presence. Rather, we will remain bold to faithfully advance His Kingdom, because we are gracefully blessed to be united with Him, as the Redeemed of the LORD.
PRAYER: Thank you Heavenly Father, for you are always with me and the comfort of your Word strengthens my faith and uplifts my spirit, to live for Your glory, in Christ Jesus Your Son;

From Luke 24:38-39


The wondrous works of God, ever before us, His Faithfuls who believe and trust in Him, remain marvelous in our eyes. This is because they are beyond our comprehension and far above our imaginations - even as we remain in communion with Him in the Spirit (Psalm 118:23).
Moreover, the ways of the LORD, as well as His thoughts, are far above our human understanding; yet, being gracefully gifted with the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit,  through Christ who lives in us, we are being blessed with the revelation of the deep things of God, which we need to know, as His Beloved Sons and Daughters (1 Cor. 2:10). This gives us the boldness to declare the Gospel of Christ, bearing fruits that remain, while we continuously advance His Kingdom, for the Salvation of souls.

 PRAYER: In Jesus' name,  LORD, thank you for Your marvelous works in my life, and the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit, which gives me a better understanding of Your Divine purpose for my life, even as I uphold my Christ's Calling.
Blessed be Your Holy Name;

 From Luke 24:11-12


Just as the Holy Spirit testified before and after the birth of Jesus Christ; that He is the Son of God - the only begotten of the Father, Jesus' Himself never fail to affirm that He is the Son of God whenever He is asked of His Divine identity (Matthew 3:16, Mark 14:62, Luke 1:35). Also, He is the revelation of God's Word, who was from the beginning with the Father; by whom all things were created - being the Light and Life of men. He "became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth " (John 1:1-4,9&14).
Therefore, receiving Him into our hearts; faithfully for who He is, makes us deserving of His sonship and Divine inheritance,. Still, as we continue living the life of Christ, proclaiming the Gospel of Salvation, even as we bear more fruits for His glory, we will never lose our Christ identify as Brethren with Him.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, Jesus Christ, the Author and Finisher of our faith; for You are my Salvation, and my redemption omes from You alone. 
Blessed be Your Holy name,

From Luke 22:70


Even as the Holy Spirit testifies that we are Heirs of the Father, living the life of Christ on Earth - proclaiming His Gospel for the advancement of God's Kingdom; still, those who are moved by evil motives; being engulfed in the lust of the flesh and the deception of the devil, will always overlook the Divine truth, only to seek for ways to dispose the vessels of Light (Luke 20:5-7). Yet, "the LORD redeems the souls of His servants, and none of those who trust in Him shall be condemned" ( Psalm 34:22).
Furthermore, as we've received the Word of God by faith, abiding in Him, we will always remain vessels of His glorious Light; having been redeemed from the forces of darkness - revealing the Truth to all, that others may know the Truth and be set free as we are in Christ Jesus (John 8:31-32).
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, for the gift of the Holy Spirit; who reveals who I am in Christ Jesus, my Blessed Redeemer,

From Luke 22:67-68


The life of every faithful Christian is graced with the love of God, which restores peace to our souls; as we remain in communion with the Holy Spirit, through Christ who lives in us. Even so, there are times where challenges arise - coming from the kingdom of darkness, with the intention of obstructing the fulfilment of God's Word, and Divine purpose for our lives; yet, as we remain steadfast to our Christ's Calling, every of their efforts will turn out to be a steping stone towards a greater glory in our lives.
However, while going through challenging and trouble times; you shouldn't relent in praying for the fulfilment of God's Divine will and purpose for your life, because you have been reborn into the body of Christ, for this reason; that you may continue to triumph over every snare of the wicked one - proving to him that He that is in you is greater than him (Luke 22:42, John 12:24).
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank you for your redeeming Grace, and Divine protection; even in trying times, for this makes me trimphantly victorious, as an Overcomer in Christ Jesus;

From Luke 22:53


As we remain faithful to our Christ's calling, with the fevent desire to live for Christ; fulfilling the purpose of our existence as His chosen generation - commissioned to declare the Good News of Salvation to all; we will never lack, both spiritually and physically, all that we need to advance God's Kingdom. "The - LORD - Will - Provide" for He is Jehovah jireh, the One who supply the needs of His Faithfuls, according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus (Genesis 22:14, Philippians 4:19).
Furthermore, as we relentlessly seek first God's Kingdom and His righteousness; all that we need to live for His glory in Christ Jesus, will be provided for us in great abundance, in due time. So, we need not to worry about tomorrow, "for tomorrow will worry about it's own things. Sofficient for the day is it's own trouble" (Matthew 6:33-34).
PRAYER: Dear LORD, Jehovah Jireh, thank you for always harkening to the voice of my supplication, and attending to to my needs; according to Your riches in glory, by Christ Jesus;

From Luke 22:35


Being betrayed by familiar friends in whom we trust and dine with; as they raise up their heels against us - all for the sake of our Christ's Calling, is only a trial that leads to Divine upliftment as we triumph over them all (Psalm 41:9). So, let's count it all joy whenever we go through such trying times; knowing that the testing of our faith produces patience, and we will be greatly rewarded by the LORD, as those who work steadfastly to the end, even while being persecuted for Christ's sake (Matthew 5:12, James 1:2-3).
Although, every unrepentant betrayer may be heading towards condemnation; yet all who humble themselves, and seek the face of the LORD, in repentance, will surely receive His Divine Mercy and Restoring Grace, which redeems all in Christ Jesus.
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, thank you LORD, for you are a shield for me, my glory and the One who lifts up my head; amidst every betrayal, I stand victorious in Your Holy name (Psalm 3:3)

From Luke 22: 21-22


Jesus Christ; is our all, being our Lord and Savior - the Redeemer of our souls. So, we need to always live in remembrance of  Him, in true dedication with a steadfast Spirit, even as we keep His Word in the tables of our hearts, and share it as a testimony to all for the Salvation of souls.
Moreover, as we remain in unity, dwelling in the Body of Christ, and communing with the Father, we shouldn't relent in sharing God's Word - the Bread of Life, with one another that our souls may remain refreshed and our spirits uplifted to glorified the LORD always, even as we continuously advance His Kingdom as ambassadors of Christ.
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, thank you LORD, for the Bread of Life, which refreshes my soul and strengthens my spirit, to remain in communion with Him, even as I declare your Good News to all,

From Luke 22:19


The Great I Am That I Am, YAHWEH, our Creator, is eternal, and His Word never fails. Although the Heavens vanish away like smoke, the Earth grows old like a garment and its inhabitants quickly cease living on it, God's Word abides forever, Faithful and True (Isaiah 40:8, 51:6).
Moreover, the signs of the end of the age are already taking place; visible to the eyes and audible to our ears, some are going through a series of events, which only testifies that we are in the last times. So, let's remain faithfully committed to our Christ's Calling - seeking lost souls, and discipling them for the advancement of God's Kingdom, as vessels of His glorious Word, Who lives forever.
PRAYER: Thank you in Christ Jesus, Heavenly Father, for making me a vessel of Your glorious Word, which brings Salvation to all who believe. May I be quick to listen,

From Luke 21:32-33


Always remain spiritually vigilant so that you may not be deceived by false teachers and hypocritical clergymen, who only seek praise and honor from people, through their pretentious service to God. They make their works known in public, only for worldly exaltation, while behind closed doors, they are devourers; deceiving the weak and helpless temporarily, for selfish gains.
Therefore, let's not relent in constantly meditating on God's Word, allowing the Holy Spirit to be our guide, and we will never be deceived; for, we are armed by His Divine Word to completely conquer every deception, through Christ who lives in us, the light of the world.
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank you for the knowledge of your Word, interpreted by the Holy Ghost, that we may not be deceived by the presence of enemies, yet abide in the Truth, in Christ Jesus;

From Luke 20:46-47


Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, is the only begotten Son of God; conceived by the Holy Spirit, who declares Him the Son of the Father, graced with Power and Authority. Even so, He is physically the Son of King David; born according to the flesh for the redemption of everyone who believes in Him - through His death and resurrection (Romans 1:3).
Moreover, David called Him Lord, because no mere Son of Man can redeem his brother from sin which was passed down from biological ancestors, nor give a ransom for his soul, except Jesus, the one and only Messiah, who came from Heaven (Psalm 49:7).
PRAYER: Thank You, my Lord Jesus Christ, for the redemption of my soul; for, your presence in my life sustains me, as the redeemed of the LORD, equipped to remain fruitful for God's Kingdom, by the same Holy Spirit,

From Luke 20:41-44


The LORD, our Creator, is the God of the living and not of the dead, for the dead can not praise Him! Our service to He who is the Source of abundant life, requires us to stay alive; though dead to the flesh, yet in the Spirit, we are quickened to glorify our Heavenly Father, no matter what comes. He keeps the Book of Life, filled with personal names of those saved from the second death.
Moreover, the flesh has a limited time to live, before it returns to the dust, where it belongs. Still, it accommodates the soul, being strengthened by the Spirit to function according to the will of the LORD; we serve as His Creations - living as ambassadors of Christ who loves us, declaring His Good News to all. Even so, after the corruption of the body, the soul who is eternal, along with the Spirit, will return to our Creator.
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, Dear LORD, my Creator, thank you for making me a vessel consecrated for your service - forever glorifying Your name, as a living testimony of Your marvelous works,

From Luke 20:37-38


In the resurrection, after being transfigured from humans into heirs of God, dwelling in Heaven with the LORD - justified by faith in Christ Jesus, there is no provision for marriage amongst souls. Since, Saints become superior to Angels, having triumphed over tribulations on Earth, we will forever be comfortable in the glorious companionship of our Heavenly Father.
Although, marriage is instituted by God for reproduction, companionship on Earth, as well as revealing the unity of Jesus with His Church, even so, it's not needed in Heaven, where eternal life abides, and no death exists. Procreation was established for the continuous existence of man on the surface of the Earth, while in Heaven God sustains all.
PRAYER: Thank You Lord, Jesus Christ, for in You, my eternity with the Father is established, being Strengthened by the Holy Spirit, to overcome mortality by Grace,

From Luke 20:34-36


By falling in full submission at the feet of Jesus Christ, the Chief Cornerstone, living by His Word, graven in the Tablets of our hearts, we become broken spiritually and, shattered on the outside, given new hearts, and never condemned, because we are in Christ Jesus (Rom 8:1).
Moreover, by refusing to fall in humility at the cross of Jesus - as a result of pride, arrogance, and selfishness - a man inflicts God's judgment upon himself. So, let's continue on the path of Righteousness in Christ Jesus, resting on the Bedrock as the source of our strength, and we will never be scattered under a headstone, but always be Divinely favored - dwelling in His Love, Grace, and Mercy.
PRAYER: LORD, Jesus Christ, the Chief Cornerstone, thank you for being the source of my strength, for your presence refines me daily to remain fit for God's Kingdom, in your Holy name,

From Luke 20:18


The Author and Finisher of our faith, Jesus Christ is the Chief Cornerstone, rejected by many who are called, yet all who receive Him, worshipping in Truth and in the Spirit, will ever abide in the comfort of His love - being lifted by grace to the position of glory, as Heirs of the Father.
Although, the world is rejecting us based on appearances, let's continue holding on to Christ who washes hearts, and we will never stumble nor be put to shame, as chosen bricks joined to the Headstone for the growth of the Church - advancing God's Kingdom, in Christ Jesus.
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, thank You for making me as a brick joined to the Chief Cornerstone, even as I remain a part of Your body, to advance Your Kingdom,

From Luke 20:17


We all need to remain persistent as God is, in knocking for our hearts to open, while seeking, and asking for Divine favor and breakthrough; that, by Jesus who stopped death to command believers be brought near the King of Kings, our supplications may ascend into the presence of the LORD, where the prayers of the saints are wafting, fragrant for Divine delight and intervention. Even when His Will is visualized in our hearts, by faith in Christ Jesus, trustworthy affirmations help bring it into realization for all to see and testify of the goodness of the LORD, in our lives.
Although challenges to the immediate revelation of Good News, and people everywhere praising in Truth, may arise from the likes of pride, trying to divert our attention from persistently seeking the face of Jesus above all - who has called us, while still sinners, into His light - we shouldn't allow ourselves to be discouraged into silence; for our Heavenly Father always harkens to the humble, who seek Him, persistently.
PRAYER: Thank you, LORD Jesus Christ, for always being there when I call, attending to the voice of my persistent supplications, and meeting all my needs, in due time,

From Luke 18:38-43


Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ is the Door open to all willing to enter and be part of the Kingdom by grace through faith so that we may ...