Being a Child of God, Minister, or Servant of God, you have no reason to seek praises from men.
When you are worshiping openly, or being praised as a result of the grace and anointing of God in you though, always continue to guard your heart against pride, realizing the fact that only God deserves all the praise, honor, adoration and blessing; you are only a vessel formed from clay in His hands, used for His glory on Earth.
Moreover, the praises of men might tickle the ears, but can't lift you higher spiritually, nor bring you closer to the LORD; for, it's only by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, through the free gift of the Holy Spirit, that we are being brought forth into the presence of Almighty God.
 PRAYER: Thank you LORD, Jesus Christ, for your love and grace has brought us this far.
Please, continue to guard our hearts against pride, that we may remain humble and submissive to your will, as your faithful Bride, worthy to abide in your presence, in Jesus Christ's name.


Avoid oppressing others intentionally, to get yourself temporary happiness, for it only exists for a little while.
For the LORD is a just God, who fights for the righteous, redeeming the justified from every oppression of the wicked, and longs to reward everyman according to his works.
Moreover, self-satisfaction at the expense of another human's suffering, is against the statutes of Christ, for Christ is loving and compassionate to all! He taught us the greatest Love is this; "that someone would lay down his life for his friends." Jesus did not relent in giving His life for all who believe Him to live, which makes the life of true Christians, one of living sacrificially for all.
 PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank you for your Word in our lives, which transforms us daily into the ready Bride of Christ, rejecting every form of selfish and self-satisfactory desires, that we may continue to live the life of self-sacrifice, only to live for your glory, as Sons of God.
Blessed be your Holy Name.


All wealth comes from our good Father, yet riches acquired on Earth are basically vanities and will definitely fade away with time.
This burden of cares keeps us from entering the Kingdom of Heaven, so we should avoid getting obsessed with attaining material goods and work towards true, divine treasures in Heaven, which last for eternity. Those who seek comfort and consolation in the short-term, neglect the fact that the wealth of this world is basically for the sustenance of the flesh, and not of the soul; they are easily obsessed with them, which makes them reject their Heavenly treasures for the robbery of earthly possession. 
 PRAYER: Dear LORD and Heavenly Father, thank you for your Word which reveals the Truth, helping us to retrace our steps to follow You, that we may always remain focused on attaining our eternal reward in Heaven, where our treasures are. We love You.
May your Name be glorified forevermore,


When you are being persecuted or challenged for the sake of your faith in Christ Jesus, you need not worry, but rejoice in the LORD, for such situations are trying periods which lead to victory. 
Christ has overcome it all, and you are an overcomer, in Christ Jesus.
 PRAYER: Thank you LORD, for the victories and breakthroughs you have granted us, through your Son Jesus Christ, whose death and resurrection have made us overcomers, over every effort of the wicked, and for gracing your own with eternity in your Heavenly Kingdom.


When you are rejected, hated or excluded by friends, loved ones or neighbours for the sake of your calling as a born-again child of God, you need not worry, but rejoice, for you are blessed as joint-heirs with Christ, graced with the assurance of eternal life with the Father in His Heavenly Kingdom above, and He will never forsake you.


As you remain faithfully dedicated to doing God's will by living in the statutes of Christ, resisting the negative influence of the devil, yet it seems you are lacking and faced with challenges too tough for you to handle alone, don't be discouraged, for your hope is in the LORD. He will never leave you nor forsake you, because He is Jehovah, the covenant-keeping God, and He will surely meet you at the point of your needs, in due time.
In Jesus Christ's name, amen.


The Kingdom of God is for all who humble themselves, acknowledging their spiritual poverty and the need for God's presence in their lives, which is shown through their faithfulness and zeal for His service.
Therefore, we need to always remain submissive to His will, even as we daily desire more of His presence in our lives, to be fit and worthy of His grace and glory, as brethren with Christ, being citizens of His Heavenly Kingdom on Earth.
 PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank you for meeting us at the point of our spiritual needs, through your Son, Jesus Christ, who redeemed and restored us to your presence, where there is an abundance of grace, with the assurance of eternity in your Kingdom, above.
Blessed be your Holy Name.


Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ is the Door open to all willing to enter and be part of the Kingdom by grace through faith so that we may ...