Your love for God is shown first through your humble submission to live out His Divine-Will,  confessing Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior before all, through your Anointed character, honestly expressed with Truth pouring from the depth of your heart as the words of your mouth, declaring the good news of Salvation which you have received and then keep testifying of, by repenting of your sins and unforgiveness; by Grace, Love Himself makes you worthy of Divine Forgiveness and total restoration, through the blood of the Lamb.
Also, being forgiven by the LORD gives us a new Spirit, with the blessed assurance through believing our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, as beloved of the LORD to remain redeemed, restored, and quickened for God's purpose; advancing His Kingdom through our Christ, calling through laughter and weeping with those who weep, as vessels of His glory.
PRAYER: Dear LORD and merciful Father YHWH, thank you for your love shown to all through sending your Son Jesus Christ, for in Him we attain divine mercy and forgiveness,which restores many by faith, into your Heavenly Kingdom, as brethren with Him.


Being truly remorseful of your sins is a sign of acknowledging your guilt, after hearing the truth from the Word of God, and letting the Holy Spirit convict towards correction. Yet, your willingness to repent and recieve Jesus Christ as your Lord and personal Savior leads you to His divine forgiveness and total remittance of sins' grip, also able to offer restoration, as Sons of God.
Though your faith in Him is necessary for your personal Salvation, having been remorseful of your sins keeps you filled with Love and the determination to never go back to your past life of sinful deeds against God and His creation, humbly focused on attaining the divine reward of eternity, as Friends in the Kingdom of God, as a born-again Child of God, redeemed for His presence and glory.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD for Your Salvation in Christ Jesus, which made us sad for our sins yet gently restored us to your side, removing the shame of separation through your Divine grace and mercy, being Strengthened by the Holy Spirit, with heartfelt determination to continue walking away from the flesh polluted by sin, ever repenting to You, and remaining focused on attaining eternity as Children of God.


Though Divine Wisdom is the fruit of the Spirit, giving to all who are faithful and submissive to the will of God, only her fruits produced from a true and faithful Christian, living in the Righteousness of God can testify of him who is gifted with her.
As a result of her not being accepted by the sons of men, who rely on carnal knowledge to satisfy their lust, feeling comfortable with the deception of the devil, to live for the temporal happiness that worldly possession gives.
Therefore, always endeavor to seek Divine Wisdom from the LORD through His Word, embracing her wholeheartedly, and you will always remain vindicated as vessels of God.
PRAYER: Heavenly Father and Omniscience God who knows all things, yet you blessed us with the knowledge of your existence and good works, through your Word Jesus Christ, graced with the Divine Wisdom of the Holy Spirit to remain vindicated and justified by faith as Sons of God.


Having been baptized as Christians, we are cleansed through faith, from the sins of the flesh and made alive in the Spirit, as Sons of God, Strengthened to declare the Word of God, Jesus Christ, firstborn from the dead, before all mankind.
Also, by proclaiming the gospel of Salvation through our character and the words of our mouths, we are declaring the Righteousness of God for the redemption of sinful souls, and restoration of lives into the body of Christ, which is the purpose of our divine calling; being fruitful branches that bear fruits for His glory, to advance God's Kingdom.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, for cleansing and purifying us in the blood of the Lamb, Jesus Christ, Strengthened through the Holy Spirit, to declare your Righteousness to all, as living testimonies of your redeeming grace, for the Salvation of souls.


The fame and greatness of a man achieved through his good works does not make him greater than the saints in Heaven, who keep remaining faithful to Christ Jesus.
Though, he may be honored and respected by men, or praised for his good works, yet the end justifies the means; for all who work steadfastly to the end will be worthy of the crown of glory, being counted among the saints as overcomers in Christ Jesus, who said our work is to believe in the One sent from our Father in Heaven.
So, always remain humble and faithfully dedicated to your calling and never relent in your service as God's chosen vessel, called for His glory, that His divine purpose for your life may be fulfilled, as a citizen of His Heavenly Kingdom above, worthy of His Blood.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, for the divine call of Salvation and the Great Commission to proclaim the gospel, minister to all in Christ Jesus, Strengthened through the Holy Spirit to remain willing and capable to work to the end, as worthy citizens of your Heavenly Kingdom above.


Just as John the Baptist prepared the way for Christ's ministry, as Christians, we are called to a role, each lovingly chosen and destined by grace to prepare the Way for His second coming by living for Him and advancing His Kingdom. Through bearing the fruit of righteousness, there will be more Christians filled with the Spirit of Holiness to continue gathering more souls for His glory.
This is the purpose of our existence as the body of Christ, so let's endeavor to remain persistent in prayers, asking tirelessly for the redemption of souls. We continue seeking for lost sheep by preaching and taking the gospel to their doorsteps, knocking at the doors of their hearts, that they may have the full knowledge of Salvation, and the will of the Father might be done through us, as ambassadors of Christ, with nets filled to the bursting.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, for granting us the grace to be your vessels, living for Christ, spreading the goodness of Salvation, and working faithfully with all dedication to gain more souls, even as we strive to attain eternity among the saints in your Heavenly Kingdom above.


The Gospel, Word of God is Christ Himself; the Way, the Truth and the Life, and all who receive Him, remain and abide by the Truth and never get offended by God's Word.
Moreover, the Truth is the only way through faith in Christ Jesus, leading to Salvation, and eternity with the Father, in His Heavenly Kingdom above.
So, as Christians we should never get offended by the Word of God, rather, recieve it wholeheartedly, no matter the circumstance, for the truth gives light to every situation and provides a way out of every difficulty in life.

PRAYER: Thank you Heavenly Father, for revealing the Truth, through your Son Jesus Christ; the Way, the Truth and the Life, for by Him our hope is restored.


Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ is the Door open to all willing to enter and be part of the Kingdom by grace through faith so that we may ...