By giving your all for God's service, living a life of self-sacrifice and surrendering your precious and valuable time, wealth, and possessions to live the life of Christ, the Righteousness of God, you are also investing towards the advancement of God's Kingdom, which comes with the Divine reward of eternity, graced with treasures attained through your selfless service, even as you endlessly proclaim the gospel of Salvation in Christ Jesus. This reward is definite, coming with the Blessed Assurance from the LORD, to all who are faithful until this, the end.
Moreover, without any reason for doubts, every one of our efforts, our dedication to live for Christ, and to fulfill the Father's will as faithful Christians, Holy to the LORD, as the chosen generation commissioned to advance God's Kingdom, will surely be rewarded, with treasures in Heaven solely for our inheritance, as Overcomers in Christ Jesus.

PRAYER: Thank you LORD, for our treasures are safe in your hands, and every one of our endless services towards bearing fruits worthy of your Kingdom, will surely be rewarded with eternity with Christ Jesus;

From Luke 12:33


You need not be afraid, rather you should always remain courageous and faithful to the end, that you may remain deserving of God's Kingdom, as joint Heirs with Christ who is Faithful and True, and His chosen generation; for, fear only distracts one's attention from fulfilling the purpose of his Divine Calling, while faith in Christ Jesus, produces courage and strength to overcome anything.
As Christians, even newly born-again, actively advancing God's Kingdom through the proclamation of the Gospel, we need to come to the realization that it's our Father's good pleasure for each of His little flock to remain citizens of His Heavenly Kingdom, through His Divine Grace and Love. Jesus gave His life, so we have no reason to fear nor be troubled, for the joy of the LORD is our strength, and the Holy Spirit is our Guide, which makes us more than conquerors, in Christ Jesus, who lives in us.
PRAYER: O' LORD, thank you for your Word in our lives, which strengthens our spirits, to remain free from fear, yet faithful and deserving of your good pleasure, as Heirs of your Kingdom, in Jesus' name, we pray;

From Luke 12:32


Nothing should be more important to us than seeking the Kingdom of God, for every redeemed soul seeking God's Kingdom as his or her own first priority, by working towards it with all faithfulness and true dedication to fulfill our all-knowing Father's will, by advancing His Kingdom through the proclamation of the Gospel, and bearing good fruits, will surely be rewarded, as Heirs of God's Kingdom, lacking nothing needed for spiritual growth, and we will never die, yet will always remain blessed with all the spiritual and physical necessities, to live for His glory.
So, we need not to be anxious mentally, nor consumed with worry about what we should eat or drink, rather we should always remain focused on and be well dedicated to fulfilling our purpose in life as Christians, called to advance God's Kingdom, by bearing fruits for His glory, in Christ Jesus, who lives in us.
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, Our Holy God, thank You for Your Word, Jesus Christ, and the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit, which gives us the strength to remain zealous to continue in the path of Righteousness, seeking God's Kingdom for the Salvation of souls, in Jesus'name;

From Luke 12:29:31


As faithful Christians, we are precious to the LORD, the True Vine-dresser, nurtured by His Word, Jesus Christ, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, to live for His glory as ambassadors of Christ and Heirs of His Kingdom. This makes us uniquely different from the sons of men, as Sons of God, living to fulfill the Father's will in Christ Jesus, the Righteousness of God; figuratively, our filthy clothes removed, this is the clean turban given to the high priest, and the breastplate worn by New Testament believers.
Furthermore, being brethren with Christ as born-again Children of God, we needn't relent in our faithfulness to the LORD; we should remain steadfast, declaring His Good News to all, for the Salvation of souls and the advancement of God's Kingdom, that His Divine Love and Glory may continue to reflect the presence of Jesus Christ, "the Light of the World," whom no power of darkness can withstand. As we grow brighter, many seeking for deliverance, restoration and breakthrough, might see the Omnipresent God, and be drawn to Him, in humility, for the Salvation of their souls, in Christ Jesus, whose Love is revealed through us, as fishers of men.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, Jesus Christ, for your presence in our lives has made us precious and uniquely different, free from all defilement, being Holy to the LORD, as vessels of His glory in the finished work of Christ Jesus;

From Luke 12:27


Always be at peace with yourself, but never fear nor be worried about that which you can't foresee or haven't achieved yet, for one's anxieties cause rapid heart beat, making him or her nervous system go into a different state, and most times sweating is caused, which leads to more lost and lesser or no gain of what is needed to be content with. No one can do more than what God has ordained and destined for him or her, even though some haven't realized their purpose yet; still, we need to remain calm, meditating on God's Word, while making life changing decisions, so that, as the Comforter and Divine Helper, the Holy Spirit may continue to direct us aright, revealing our purpose in life as well as our Divine Calling on Earth.
Moreover, no amount of worries for the following day, nor level of anxiety claimed, can bring a perfect change to any given situation, except by our first casting concerns consistently by prayers in communion with God, through the Holy Spirit available in Christ Jesus, who makes the Way where there seems to be no way.

PRAYER: Thank you Eternal Father, the God who never fails, for as we cast our smallest cares and most sinful burdens on to you in prayers, through the Holy Spirit, all our supplications are answered, in Jesus' name;

From Luke 12:25-26


Being born-again Children of God, we need not worry about what we would eat or drink any more than the birds who live in fruit trees, for both our physical and spiritual needs will surely be met in every season, without fail, because our God is The Great Provider, who never ceases to meet His own at the point of their needs, providing our heart's desires in great abundance, that we may never lack, yet have enough to share, in love with others. Because of the Lamb of God, we are of great value to our Heavenly Father, who will never allow us to go hungry nor thirst of that which we deserve as Heirs of His Kingdom, so we need not to worry nor be disturbed about our basic physical and spiritual needs; rather, as we keep holding on to our faith in Christ Jesus, whatever we need or ask in His name will surely be granted unto us, in due time.
Furthermore, our position as Heirs of God, and brethren with Christ Jesus, has given us direct access to the Father, being highly favored by Him, that we may give out to nations but not borrow, and also have enough compassion to share with the needy whom we discern are receptive, even as we have gratefully accepted the Grace to help others with their spiritual needs.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, Jesus; for, you've made us lack nothing, yet you always provide for all that we need, to meet our basic and spiritual needs, and to help others with theirs too, in Christ Jesus;

From Luke 12:24


You need not worry about your present circumstance, challenges and struggles in life, as a child of God, such as what you will eat, wear and possess, for one's life is valuable and precious to the LORD, who gave His firstborn Son for us; He will never again allow His own to suffer shame, disgrace, nor die of hunger. No matter what desert you are going through in life today, be hopeful, have faith in God, and He will surely turn your life around for your good, restoring all your lost glory, by making a way where there seems to be no way, and providing like nothing else, for all your spiritual needs, according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.
Therefore, let's hold fast to our faith in Christ Jesus, giving no room for doubt, fear and thoughts of backsliding, standing firm on the cornerstone once rejected; for the LORD is our God, and He has made the Heavens and the Earth, by His great power and outstretched arm, and there is nothing too hard for Him to do,  because He is the Way-maker, and miracle-working God whose Love never fails, yet establishes every one of His words, in due time.
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank you for granting us eternal peace and hope, as Sons and Daughters of God, bringing us to the realization that life in Christ Jesus is more important than earthly treasures, and you're Faithful to meet us at the point of our needs, in Jesus' name;

From Luke 12:22-23


Listening and meditating on the Word of God, Jesus Christ, helps us realize the Truth, set apart from facts and fiction, making everyone who...