There is no man born of a woman, who has ever seen God in His glory and majesty, except Jesus Christ the only begotten Son and image of God, who came from Heaven for the Salvation of men. He is the only one who reveals, through the Holy Spirit, the deep things of God to all who are obediently submissive to His Word and Divine will.
Therefore, as Christians, willing to know more about God, we need to be more spiritually devoted to our Calling, by constantly meditating on God's Word, affirming it daily, that the Holy Spirit may continue to give us a better understanding of the Father, through His exact likeness, Jesus Christ His Son and the Bride whom, being guided willingly, is receiving the revelation.
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank you for the revelation of your Word, Jesus Christ, who declares your presence in our lives, and brings your Kingdom through the Holy Spirit, which gives us hope as we hold on steadfastly to our faith in Christ Jesus your Son,


Our full submission to the will of God in the most humble example, Christ Jesus, brings us closer to the Father, through the free gift of His Holy Spirit; for, He is pleased to reveal His Divine Truth to we who desire a lifetime of unwrapping His Living Word, which gives light to all who confess they dwell in darkness, asking for their stone-tablet hearts to be rolled away by the Son, who by laying His life down, has authority to pick it up again. Only they who, having the fear of God, will humble themselves and faithfully hide His Word in their hearts, are blessed with the Grace to receive the revelation of Truth in Christ Jesus, for; "The secret of the LORD is with those who fear Him, and He will teach them His covenant."
Moreover, Divine Truth will always remain hidden from the from those who are too arrogant to seek, and proud of their short lives, thinking they are wise in their own understanding; yet the Holy Spirit will continue daily to reveal the deep things our hearts long to understand maturely, as we ask God through His Son Jesus Christ, to all who are found fully in communion with Him, as the Father wills.

PRAYER: LORD, the Omniscient God, thank you for revealing the truth of your Kingdom and Salvation in Christ Jesus to us, through your Word, by the Holy Spirit, who dwells in the heart of the humble and faithful, in Christ Jesus,

from Luke 10:21


We can control our excitement and must avoid feeling proud of our achievement as Ministers; blessed and highly favored through the Holy Spirit, by the grace of God in Christ Jesus, to help others with their spiritual needs, even as the forces of darkness are being subdued by the authority of Christ in us, for we are only vessels of God, assigned to fulfill the Father's will, in order to advance His Kingdom. While we remain in the body of Christ, we actually should rejoice because, by faith in Christ Jesus and our desire to live for Him in the glory of the Father, as born again Children of God, has made us citizens of God's Kingdom, written in the Book of Life.
Nevertheless, we should always give glory to the Holy Spirit living inside, and be focused on maintaining a relationship with our Father, even as we walk in the righteousness of Christ to fulfill the Father's will, that we may remain worthy of Him, as brethren with Christ.
PRAYER: LORD, thank You for accepting us as vessels of your Divine will, assigned to live for your glory, and graced with Eternal Life, the blessed assurance in Christ Jesus,


Every Child of God and faithful Christian, called and chosen to proclaim the Gospel of Salvation in Christ Jesus, ordained and assigned to declare the Goodnews of God's Kingdom to all nations, for the Salvation of souls, has been given the power and authority to subdue the forces of darkness and powers of wickedness, that they may always stand triumphantly victorious over the deceptive ways of the devil. Moreover, this Divine authority also serves as a shield of protection. Thereby, faithful Christians, living the life of Christ, walking in His righteousness alone, are able to fulfill the Father's will by advancing God's Kingdom, even as we break barriers, overcome mountains, cross over valleys, and go through seas and oceans to reach more souls, in order to bear more fruits for God's glory, without being hurt, despite experiencing compassion for those pained by venomous attacks.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, for granting us the grace, power and authority to overcome in Christ Jesus,


Though satan was defeated on the Cross at Calvary, and his power has been made powerless before us, Sons and Daughters of God, as we willingly move out into the fields, declaring the Kingdom reign of Christ to all nations, breaking barriers to reach all who are lacking the knowledge of Salvation in Christ Jesus, healing the sick, and setting the captives free, we are making him fall further into the pit of hell, being even more subdued and made nothing; demons are losing their control over the sons of men as people are being set free from the captivity of sin and eternal condemnation.
So, let's not relent in humbly seeking for the lost souls; by raising those who are dead in the Spirit, healing all who are sick by the power of the Holy Spirit, and preaching to them that are lacking and in need of the knowledge of Salvation in Christ Jesus, they will be nourished by the Bread of Life, being Strengthened by the Fountain of Life, that they may no longer hunger and thirst for righteousness, yet be refreshed, for the glory of God, as citizens of the Heavenly Kingdom, separated from satan's grip, as light separated from fleeing darkness, subdued for God's glory, in Christ Jesus.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, for victory over sin and death You granted unto us, despite the fall of satan, and for the Salvation of our souls, which makes us more than conquerors in Christ Jesus,


The grace given to us as Sons and Daughters of God, favored with the Great Commission to preach, as we declare the Goodnews of Salvation to all, has made us untouchable to the dieties of darkness and feared by forces of wickedness. The Holy Spirit makes even demonic powers and spirits subjected or submissive to obeying us; being chosen vessels of God, ordained for His glory and assigned to do the will of our Father, through Christ who lives in us.
Also, as we are being Strengthened by the Holy Spirit to live for Christ, revealing His love, even as we live compassionately with all who we come across in life, the Light of God, Jesus Christ Himself, will be seen in us, and the glory of the Father of our faith will serve as a protective shield upon us, that no harm would befall us, because we received the Anointing of God, still precious in His eyes.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, Jesus Christ, the Rock of Ages; for all authority belongs to you, and by Your Grace, we have been given the authority to declare the Goodnews of Salvation, being Strengthened by the Holy Spirit, which makes even demons to be subject to Christ in us, revealing your presence which can never be challenged, yet remains the highest authority in Heaven and on Earth.
May your Name be glorified forevermore,


Everyone who listens to the Word of God, Jesus Christ, and receives Him through His vessels (sent to proclaim His Divine presence, love, and authority as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, the Messiah, and Alpha and Omega of the whole universe,) has also received into their lives, the Great I Am That I Am: YAHWEH, the Father of all creation. Christ is in the Father, and the Father is in Him; this gives us the understanding, through the Gospel, and the Wisdom of Holy Spirit, that He and the Father are One.
So, let's always embrace any with the mind of Christ, who come in the name of the LORD, and never relent in receiving them from the depths of our hearts; for as we listen to them, we are also receiving the Divine presence of God in our lives, homes and families, who purifies our souls and keeps us established on the Rock, where there is eternal and unconditional love, peace and joy.
PRAYER: Dear LORD, Jesus Christ, thank you for coming into our lives, for your presence has restored us into the citizenship of your Kingdom, being refreshed daily through the gospel and companionship of the Holy Spirit, to live for your glory, in Christ Jesus,


Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ is the Door open to all willing to enter and be part of the Kingdom by grace through faith so that we may ...