Always keep yourself readily prepared for the second coming of Christ, for no one knows the exact day and time when this will take place, not even Jesus Christ Himself, except God, the Father of all creation. This should be done with utmost dedication from the depth of our hearts, even as we remain determined to uphold our faith and Christ's Calling; bearing fruit that remains, and discipling souls for the advancement of God's Kingdom, that there may be more labourers in the LORD'S Vineyard, constantly harvesting and nurturing souls worthy of eternity, until we see the full reality of Christ Jesus.
Also, being Ministers, we shouldn't relent in prayers for ourselves, the new converts and all whom we are discipling, for the devil is restlessly moving to and fro, up and down, across the surface of the earth, conceiving seeds of deception and rebellion in the hearts of men, distracting many from their Divine Calling, because he knows he only has a limited time of existence, and this makes him desperately seek for souls to be condemned with him.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, for your Word keeps us readily prepared for Christ's coming, through the Holy Spirit, who leads and direct us aright as Ministers, for the Salvation of souls, in Christ Jesus;

From Luke 12:40


Being faithful Brides, and devoted Servants, who are watching and waiting patiently for the second coming of Christ, the Bridegroom and Master of the universe, whom every authority in Heaven and on Earth belongs to, we are Divinely blessed and highly favored to be in the Lord's Vineyard, harvesting abundantly, even as we are given seed to sow. Yet, only those who keep themselves prepared and ready to meet Him face to face, keeping communion with the Father, through the Holy Spirit, and steadfastly looking for the second coming of Jesus Christ, our Lord, without giving any room for doubts nor distractions, influenced by the devil and his agents, through the lusts and temporary pleasures of the flesh to weaken their spirits, diverting their souls from Christ's supreme Calling; rather, those keeping themselves as a living sacrifice for the LORD, and discipling souls for the advancement of God's Kingdom, will surely be worthy of Christ's service, to recline in God's Kingdom.
Moreover, it's not all those who start the race who win the trophy; rather, all who work as unto the Lord, holding fast to the end, will be deserving of the Crown of Glory, in Christ Jesus. So, let's endeavor to remain watchful and fervent in prayers, with true dedication, that we may be deserving of God's Kingdom, dwelling with the saints on the last day, as Heirs of the Father, in His Son, who lives forever.
PRAYER: Thank you, Heavenly Father, for making me a Laborer in your Vineyard, Strengthened to disciple souls for your Kingdom, even as I continue to wait patiently as a faithful servant, watching for the second coming of your Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord;

From Luke 12:37-38


We should always remain prepared for God's work, and the coming of Christ, by upholding our faith in Faithful Christ Jesus, in Righteousness, by Grace, and with the love of God and man, that the presence of the Holy Spirit in us, which serves as the Oil of Divine Wisdom and sustenance, will keep the Light of God burning in us, for the Salvation of souls, by the finished work of Christ Jesus, who first loved us as sinners, by laying down His Life. By allowing the Word of God, Jesus Christ, to be the lamp to our feet and the Light to our path, we will always remain guided in the path of Truth, and Righteousness, through the Holy Spirit who dwells in us.
So, let's always listen for that familiar knock, prepared as Brides waiting for the Bridegroom, and humble servants waiting for the Master, that we may never be caught unawares; for now is the time to serve the LORD, as we are alive in human form, Strengthened to do so, until the end.
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank you for the knowledge of your Word, Jesus Christ, and the Divine comfort of the Holy Spirit, coming alongside to fulfill our purpose in life, as fruit-bearing branches in the True Vine;

From Luke 12:35-36


Let your soul be for Christ, and your mind focus on fulfilling the Father's will, for as Christians, we are the body of Christ, Himself, who leads and directs us, through the Holy Spirit, who lives in us. Being assigned under the Divine Authority of our Lord and Savior, our souls should be more determined to continue bearing fruits worthy of Him, that we may remain worthy as Heirs, and good Stewards, deserving of His Heavenly treasures, prepared for Overcomers in Christ Jesus, for His glory.
Furthermore, every effort in life counts, yet by living for Christ, we are acquiring wealth of Heavenly value, which is safely stored by the LORD; and, as we continue to do so wholeheartedly, we will surely be counted worthy of receiving a store house, as co-heirs with Christ.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, Jesus Christ, for the Divine call of Salvation, which makes our hearts fixed on fulfilling the Father's will, that we may attain Heaven where our hearts and thoughts reside;

From Luke 12:34


By giving your all for God's service, living a life of self-sacrifice and surrendering your precious and valuable time, wealth, and possessions to live the life of Christ, the Righteousness of God, you are also investing towards the advancement of God's Kingdom, which comes with the Divine reward of eternity, graced with treasures attained through your selfless service, even as you endlessly proclaim the gospel of Salvation in Christ Jesus. This reward is definite, coming with the Blessed Assurance from the LORD, to all who are faithful until this, the end.
Moreover, without any reason for doubts, every one of our efforts, our dedication to live for Christ, and to fulfill the Father's will as faithful Christians, Holy to the LORD, as the chosen generation commissioned to advance God's Kingdom, will surely be rewarded, with treasures in Heaven solely for our inheritance, as Overcomers in Christ Jesus.

PRAYER: Thank you LORD, for our treasures are safe in your hands, and every one of our endless services towards bearing fruits worthy of your Kingdom, will surely be rewarded with eternity with Christ Jesus;

From Luke 12:33


You need not be afraid, rather you should always remain courageous and faithful to the end, that you may remain deserving of God's Kingdom, as joint Heirs with Christ who is Faithful and True, and His chosen generation; for, fear only distracts one's attention from fulfilling the purpose of his Divine Calling, while faith in Christ Jesus, produces courage and strength to overcome anything.
As Christians, even newly born-again, actively advancing God's Kingdom through the proclamation of the Gospel, we need to come to the realization that it's our Father's good pleasure for each of His little flock to remain citizens of His Heavenly Kingdom, through His Divine Grace and Love. Jesus gave His life, so we have no reason to fear nor be troubled, for the joy of the LORD is our strength, and the Holy Spirit is our Guide, which makes us more than conquerors, in Christ Jesus, who lives in us.
PRAYER: O' LORD, thank you for your Word in our lives, which strengthens our spirits, to remain free from fear, yet faithful and deserving of your good pleasure, as Heirs of your Kingdom, in Jesus' name, we pray;

From Luke 12:32


Nothing should be more important to us than seeking the Kingdom of God, for every redeemed soul seeking God's Kingdom as his or her own first priority, by working towards it with all faithfulness and true dedication to fulfill our all-knowing Father's will, by advancing His Kingdom through the proclamation of the Gospel, and bearing good fruits, will surely be rewarded, as Heirs of God's Kingdom, lacking nothing needed for spiritual growth, and we will never die, yet will always remain blessed with all the spiritual and physical necessities, to live for His glory.
So, we need not to be anxious mentally, nor consumed with worry about what we should eat or drink, rather we should always remain focused on and be well dedicated to fulfilling our purpose in life as Christians, called to advance God's Kingdom, by bearing fruits for His glory, in Christ Jesus, who lives in us.
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, Our Holy God, thank You for Your Word, Jesus Christ, and the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit, which gives us the strength to remain zealous to continue in the path of Righteousness, seeking God's Kingdom for the Salvation of souls, in Jesus'name;

From Luke 12:29:31


Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ is the Door open to all willing to enter and be part of the Kingdom by grace through faith so that we may ...