Though every sin invites punishment, causing divine separation between man and God (Mark 15:34); not being in communion with the Holy Spirit (Isaiah 59:2) leads to spiritual death as a result of one falling short of God's glory (Romans 3:23, 6:23.) Men may realize where they might have fallen, and in faith, must come into repentance before it's too late. Punishment may come in the form of calamities in order to rebuke or reprimand anyone who sinned, yet has no remorse or will of repentance, even so,  not every calamity is a sign of God's punishment for pervasive sin.
Therefore, we mustn't suppose every calamity to be the wrath or judgement of God for one's sins, for it could be a test of faith, causing us to give thanks for life's blessings; rather we should continue to faithfully live a repentant life, in the Way of Christ Jesus, being free from guilt and defilement, that we may remain triumphantly victorious over every trial or temptation we come across in life, as "more than conquerors," in Christ Jesus.
PRAYER: Thank you, LORD, for granting us the grace, through faith in mighty Christ Jesus, to overcome sin; being free from your wrath, and Strengthened by the Holy Spirit to remain triumphantly victorious over every tribulation, forever together with Your Son;

From Luke 13:2-5


Always endeavor to live peaceably with all, and never relent in reconciling with anyone whom you've offended, before it's too late, that you may be found innocent before God and men. Also, you shouldn't be hasty in taking your case before a worldly judge nor start any argument, but extend favor, that you might not be found guilty before the law (Proverbs 25:8). Jesus didn't fight with any human, but while we were still sinners, gave His life up.
Moreover, living generously with one another, and making the effort now, brings about progress, as a result of the bond of love and unity. So, let's endeavor to encourage peaceful co-existence among ourselves, for it's always pleasant when brethren dwell together in unity (Psalm 133:1-3).
PRAYER: Dear LORD, Jehovah shalom; the God of peace, thank you for the Spirit of reconciliation, by which our ears are restored through hearing your Word, Jesus Christ, in the stillness, this day, that we may continue to live peaceably with all in Jesus' Holy name, forever;

From Luke 12:56-57


The nature of hypocrites is basically to take on the character of the Accuser, to condemn others of that which they know within their hearts that they are primarily guilty of; for they proclaim self-righteousness in public, yet they are not pure in heart, and their hands are defiled with dirt accumulated through their deceptive ways. Though they never fail to point an accusing finger at others, with more fingers pointing back, pretending their wrong deeds are kept hidden in their secret closet; like a skeleton, they will surely be exposed in short time, "for there is nothing covered that will not be revealed." (Luke 12:2)
We each know what is right and evil; yet, deceived, liars and cowards chose to accommodate that which is unholy only for their selfish, short-term gain, of fear and pride. So, let's not be actors for a changing audience, rather we ourselves should be fired up to make the difficult changes now, and continue embracing and proving the Truth of God's Word, by living humbly repentant, in Faithful and True, that we may remain abounding in His Grace, Love and Mercy, even as we remain in rightstanding with God, in Christ Jesus.
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank you for Your Son who brings us the Spirit of discernment, that we may not only know right from wrong, but also be Holy, as we embrace the Truth of the Gospel; not being hypocrites, yet living wisely by faith, for the Salvation of our souls, in Christ Jesus;

From Luke 12:56-57


The lack of understanding and misinterpretation of the Gospel of Christ, leading to disagreement, causing division among men, even in the Church, is as a result of many who only seek to obey different traditions and doctrines in order to justify themselves, simply trying to satisfy their feelings, to proclaim self-righteousness before all. Yet living by these religious traditions of men, one can not be justified by works of the law, but by faith in perfect, innocent Christ Jesus (Galatians 2:16).
Furthermore, the acceptance of man-made doctrines, religious traditions, and sinners who selfishly call themselves believers, by some neglecting the teachings of the gospel in Christ Jesus, is the source of many divisions amongst family members, friends, and also in the Church; from here, deceivers need to be cast out and no longer associated with, even if no longer allowing evil deeds in the body leads to the creation of different denominations, having different standards of worship.
So, let's come together in great unity as Christians, only embracing the teachings of Christ in common, as the New Covenant, established in love for the Salvation of repentant souls, in Christ Jesus, the Righteousness of God, seeking wisdom through our communion with the Holy Spirit, for a Divine understanding of the Gospel, that souls may be discipled rightly, for the Vineyard service, when its rightful owner returns.
PRAYER: LORD, thank you for the revelation of the Gospel in Christ Jesus, through the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit, which gives us Divine understanding to live the life of Christ, being separated from all evil, for your glory in Christ Jesus;

From Luke 12:51-53


The Word of God, Jesus Christ, and the Gospel of Salvation, causes great distress in the hearts of all who reject it when proclaimed or brought to their attention, since it's the Truth, and the only Way to have true fellowship with the Father, in righteousness, through the Holy Spirit. After the persecution, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Fire of the Gospel was lit first, by the descending of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles, then on all who receive Christ into their hearts, remaining faithful to their Christ's Calling, converting souls, and discipling them, even as they continue to bear fruits that remain in Christ Jesus.
Moreover, the great Fire ignites confusion in the kingdom of darkness, which makes the inhabitants powerless and restless, because of the power and Divine authority which the Gospel possesses, being manifest upon every faithful and true believer of Christ, as a Light, armored against the kingdom of darkness, even while we remain empowered to live the life of Christ, as His true ambassadors, and Heirs of the Father.
PRAYER: Thank you, Jesus Christ, for igniting the fire of the Gospel, through your death and resurrection, after which you bestowed us with the gift of the Holy Spirit, which serves as the Divine Oil to keep the fire burning, even as we continue to declare the Goodnews to all, with boldness in Your Holy and Mighty name;

From Luke 12:49-50


Receiving the Spirit of Truth in faith, and working as the will of God instructs, from the depths of the heart, makes one justified and worthy of Righteousness in Christ Jesus. Yet, those who reject Wisdom, acting stubbornly against the Truth, even though they know it within their hearts, but don't confess in the open, are only deceiving themselves; for, "to him who knows to do good and not do it, to him it is sin." Living in the Way of Truth gives freedom, for it sets a man at liberty from spiritual, physical, and emotional bondage, which renders peace to his soul.
Furthermore, anyone who claims to be a Child of God, but does not give room for Truth in his or her life, is only declaring him or herself unfaithful before the LORD; for, "Are we to continue in sin that grace may abound? Absolutely not!" Love, Grace, and Mercy always come with the Truth, for if a man rejects any mortal, as a result of pride, selfishness, or greed, he is declaring himself unworthy of God's mercy. So, now is the right time to repent of all that we know is evil and wrong, with broken hearts before Jesus, to go into the presence of the Holy God, and to focus on the Truth, abiding in it faithfully, that God's mercy may over-cloud His judgement in your new life, as a repentant soul, redeemed by Grace in Christ Jesus.
PRAYER: Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for the opportunity to repent through the gift of knowing Your glorious Word. Merciful LORD, please help all who are willing to receive the Truth, Jesus Christ, as Lord and Savior, attain mercy this day, through the Grace in Jesus;

From Luke 12:47-48


As faithful Children of God, we need to be properly preserved for our LORD and Master, Jesus Christ, by the same Holy Spirit, constantly meditating and affirming His Word from within our hearts, taking the Gospel to the reach of all, who are equally in need of God's Salvation, teaching them to observe and uphold the Love of God, and to express it to others too; that our souls may remain refreshed, and our spirits Strengthened for His service, which is our Christ-Calling and purpose in life, keeping watch, even as we are being nourished by the Holy Spirit within us, serving as the Oil of His Divine Grace and Authority, to keep us fit for the Master's embrace.
Moreover, Christ's second coming results with a reward, to give to each and everyone charge over the Kingdom, according to his or her deeds; for, the Righteous in Christ Jesus, will surely be honored with eternal life, as an Overcomer and faithful Steward, deserving of the Crown of Glory, being Heir of the Father. So, let's never relent in our faithfulness to the LORD, for the end justifies the means.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, Jesus Christ, for the hope and assurance of a Divine reward to all, who are faithful to the end. Please, let our will and desire for your service continue to remain Strengthened and refreshed, for your glory, that we may remain deserving of your eternal rewards, in Jesus' mighty name;

From Luke 12:43-44


Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ is the Door open to all willing to enter and be part of the Kingdom by grace through faith so that we may ...