Our Divine values as faithful Christians, powerfully attract souls for Christ; revealing the Love and Light of God in us, to all who need Salvation, that they may experience the passion and compassion of Christ, who lives in us. This makes us necessary as salt to the world; seasoning and preserving the lives of men by discipling them through the path of righteousness, and bringing the knowledge of Salvation to their understanding, through the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit who abides in us, as vessels of God's glorious works.
Therefore, let's not be blown away, but hold fast to our Christ's Calling by living His love out, undiluted by culture, that we may continuously bring hope to the hopeless; even as we flavor lives with the proclamation of the Gospel, we are Strengthened by the Holy Spirit to live for God's glory, that our Christian values may remain eternally sustained by Grace, through Christ our Lord.
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, thank you, Heavenly Father, for assigning me as salt to the world; seasoning lives, for the Salvation of souls, even as you've been strengthening me through your Word, that I may never lose my value, yet remain sustained by Grace, to fulfill my purpose in life, everlasting;

From Luke 14:34-35


The lustful desire for wealth, possessions, power, and the temporary cares of life, may serve as a stumbling block to one's Salvation from their destruction. Forsaking all this, allows Christ to brings us closer to the Father, keeping us renewed in the Spirit, being justified by faith, even as the Holy Spirit testifies that we are Sons and Daughters of God; free from all defilement and established by grace, as brethren with Christ.
Although, we have forsaken treasures and comforts of this world, we will never lack; for all we've lost for Christ's sake, will surely be replaced with eternal joy, graced with heavenly treasures, even while we live on Earth as descendants of Abraham, through Christ, the promised seed. We will always remain blessed while we become a blessing to others, too. So, don't be worried about that which you've lost for Christ's sake, yet always be cheerful over that which you've gained as your inheritance, by faith in Christ Jesus, being an Heir of God's Kingdom, because God's Salvation is more valuable than any treasure on the surface of the Earth, and His Spirit comes with Power!
PRAYER: LORD, Jesus Christ, thank You for giving me the courage and will to forsake the vanities of this world, to focus only on my Christ's Calling, which comes with Divine rewards of eternal peace and sustenance, even on Earth, living as a vessel of your glorious works, in Jesus' Holy name;

From Luke 14:33


The true quality and nature of a faithful Disciple of Christ, is self-sacrificing; living not of one's own selfish desires, rather to fulfill the LORD'S will by taking on the life of Christ, even as he continuously proclaims the Good News of Salvation to all, bearing fruits that remain, for His glory. This unique quality and spiritually endowed nature advances God's Kingdom, even as it reveals who we are, being Christ's Disciples and ambassadors of God's Love, bearing the cross of Salvation for the redemption of souls.
Therefore, as faithful Christians, called to declare the Good News of Salvation through God's sacrifice, we should continue striving endlessly in love, with enduring hearts and compassionate spirits, forsaking complaining and overcoming every distraction that may stand in the way of our calling, as worthy Stewards and conquerors in Christ Jesus.
PRAYER: Heavenly LORD, and Wonderful Father, thank you for giving me the strength, through the Holy Spirit, to carry my cross and follow you in faith, with a dedicated heart and a devoted spirit, that more souls may be redeemed, for your glory, in Christ Jesus;

From Luke 14:27


A true Disciple of Christ needs to love Him above anything else; even more than his family and earthly relations. Having the mindset of Christ, being dead to the flesh but alive in the Spirit, we only live for God's glory. This can best be achieved as we endlessly love the LORD with our whole minds, hearts, souls, and might. Therefore, we overcome every temporarily pleasurable distraction of the flesh, to become focused anew on advancing God's Kingdom, in love, through Christ who lives in us as the source of our strength, made manifest through the Holy Spirit at work in our lives, which are each connected with many others.
Furthermore, following Jesus requires full submission and selfless service. Breaking any bondage of merely human blood holding us back, solely to uphold our Christ's Calling, disciples keep assembling and, in the Vine, bearing fruits that remain for the Salvation of souls, in Christ Jesus. So, let's avoid being distracted by merely earthly relationships, yet stay focused more on living the Way of Christ, even as we maintain proper relationships with friends and loved ones, so they may also be grafted into the same tree.
PRAYER: LORD Jesus, thank you for the glorious call of Salvation, and making me a disciple to live for your glory, being free from every distraction of the flesh, to only uphold Righteousness, in Your Holy name;

From Luke 14:26


The Divine invitation and call of Salvation is for all; yet, many who have received the knowledge of Salvation still reject the glorious call of diligent service. The Great Commission is to disciple souls for God's Kingdom; rather, the original family invited, keeps themselves busy with the lust for worldly treasures and positions, delighting in self-proclaimed righteousness, which is the source of the rejection of their Messiah's Calling.
Therefore, we should never reject any opportunity given to serve and commune with God, yet always remain prepared for God's service, because as faithful Christians, we are meant to serve the LORD with all of our hearts and might, even in and without season; for He is our Creator, and without Him we have no reason for existence as living creatures. Our sealed invitations to feast with Him on the last day, by faith, have almost completely been handed out I and they may never be taken away from us, being true Heirs of His Kingdom.
PRAYER: LORD Jesus, I give you all the glory for making me a Laborer in your Vineyard; graced with the invitation to serve in love, discipling souls for the Greatest Feast, that all may be ready to come on the last day; in your Holy name,

From Luke 14:23-24


By giving and feasting in love with the needy, and less privileged, there is a great assurance of a Divine reward from the LORD; for no man has seen God, yet whatever we do to the stranger and needy, from the depth of our hearts, we are also doing to our Savior, and Creator(Matthew 25:37-41). This reward is not just physical, or material alone, but also spiritually supernatural, which ensures our inheritance as Sons and Daughters of the ever loving and compassionate God.
Therefore, let's endeavor to give with cheerful hearts, and when we feast, it should be done in love; not neglecting the ones we most need to invite to the Kingdom, for the LORD sees and know all things, and He will surely reward us with His blessings and favor from the abundance of His grace and glory, in Christ Jesus.
PRAYER: In Christ Jesus, thank you LORD for giving us Joyful and compassionate hearts, willing to share yourself, giving from Your Spirit, for your glory, that we may attain the Divine reward of eternity;

From Luke 14:13-14


No matter where you find yourself, be it in a position of honor, disrespect, or authority over creation, you should always avoid seeking for self-recognition, unnecessary praise and promotion; instead, see yourself as having been given equal rights as others who are made in the very image of God. If you express His love in humility, as He formed us of dust, this will surely lead you to a greater position of honor and glory which lasts; by the blood of the Lamb, eventually being exalted above all who are arrogantly proud of themselves. 
Moreover, anyone who remains humble in the Spirit, will surely retain his or her honor, as a Child of God (Prov 29:23). So, let's avoid seeking for self-recognition and soaring in pity or praise from others, which only leads to a greater fall from the highest heights, yet as we continue to live on our knees before God and human-kind alike, acting in love; graced in true humility, we will always remain exalted, not by word only, but as ambassadors, positioned beside Jesus Christ, our LORD of Lords.
PRAYER: in Jesus' name, Heavenly Father, thank you for granting us humble hearts through the understanding of your Word, the Son of God, by the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit, who leads us through the crowds, to a position of greatness and glory, as citizens of Your Heavenly Kingdom;

From Luke 14:10-11


Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ is the Door open to all willing to enter and be part of the Kingdom by grace through faith so that we may ...