Saying we love God and our neighbors as ourselves  matters; even so, to acquire treasures in Heaven as an Heir of the Father, you no longer need to be possessive over worldly treasures, for they are basically vanities which fade away with time. Though wealth acquired through hard work may be beneficial for a comfortable living as a mortal, yet to attain eternal life in Heaven as Sons and Daughters of God, we need to overcome the lust for excess, riches and power of our own, focusing on our Christ's Calling, as vessels of honor.
Greed for Earthly treasure is the root of all evil. Material things are only useful for God's Kingdom, when we share with others - willingly, from the depth of our hearts, giving them the experience of Our Father's Love, which reveals Christ in us, who offered even His body to be broken for many, as the Bread of Life. With this, our treasures in Heaven are being built up, safely kept by the LORD, and our inheritance as Brethren with Christ, is rest-assured.

PRAYER: LORD, Jesus Christ, thank you for the knowledge of your Word, through the Holy Spirit, who guides us to give to the poor, that we may acquire more treasures in Heaven, and focus on following You;

From Luke 18:22


Only The Great I Am That I Am, is eternally good. God is always ready to hear, forgive and heal all who are humble, and willing to repent, because He is our merciful Father (2 Chronicles 7:14). He made known His statutes through His anointed vessels, commissioned that they may disciple others to also become fruitful branches in the True Vine, as they are welcomed by Jesus Christ, into His glorious presence. 
Furthermore, the LORD is good, for His mercy endures forever, and everything He has done, that which He's doing, and many more wonders He's still going to do, are all for our good, that we, His faithful Children, may continue to experience our Father's Love, which can never be compared with anything else in Heaven, nor on Earth. So, let's not relent in our faithfulness to the LORD, and we will remain vessels of His good works, complete at the day of Jesus Christ.
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, LORD, I give you all the glory, for you are good, and there is no one to be compared with you. May your name be praised, forevermore;

From Luke 18:19


God's Kingdom is only for the faithful and humble in heart, who willingly receives Him like a helpless child, through the testimony of His Word, Jesus Christ, whom one openly confesses as His Lord and Savior, before all. This reveals one's submission to the Father's will and readiness to live as Christ's ambassador on Earth.
Furthermore, this makes us fruitful branches for God's Kingdom, eternally connected with the True Vine, even as we remain living testimonies of His glorious Word, Jesus Christ, who has drunk fully of the Father's cup. He poured out His love through the Holy Spirit, living in us.
PRAYER: Thank you Heavenly Father, because the testimony of your Word has broken my pride and humbled my Spirit, for the Salvation of my soul, in Christ Jesus;

From Luke 18:17


Being deserving of God's Kingdom, requires not only our faithfulness and dedication, but also includes humility - expressed in love, compassionately, asking for His presence, from the depth of our hearts. Once, we were children who are dependent upon others to take them away from the flame and into Church, and without God's Salvation touching every aspect of our lives, we would still be lost.
We should never look down on anyone, as only Jesus' sacrifice makes humankind worthy to enter into God's presence, because we have received Good News to share, according to the audience, with anyone it's sent to next, of what He has done for the world, and ourselves. Wisdom comes by seeking God with faith, and not education, because knowledge puffs up. May we let go of anything personally that would cause a hindrance to others, but build up each one upon the solid Rock.
Humbling ourselves as little Children, brings us closer to the LORD, revealing our true submission to His Divine will and purpose for our lives; because, only a faithful Servant can truly serve his Master with dedication and honesty.
However, this is possible when you have the Love of the Father in you, made manifest through the Holy Spirit, who reveals our identity as Christ's ambassadors, destined to advance God's Kingdom with: Love and sincerity, from the depth of our hearts, to the glory of the Father, in Christ Jesus.
PRAYER: O' LORD, I come before you in humility, to worship you in Truth and in the Spirit, that your Divine purpose in my life may remain established, for your glory, in Christ Jesus;

From Luke 18:16


No matter the position of authority, grace, and anointing in which you find yourself, remain humble beside the flawless Lamb, and never look down or defame another, as a result of your achievements, because the LORD resists the proud and gives more grace to the humble (James 4:6). Though, His grace is sufficient for all, one's arrogance, pride, and self-exaltation brings him down spiritually, so with time, one is humbled by Almighty God, or their sin is revealed for all to see its consequence, the death of His Son, or the unbeliever.
Also, while praying, as Christians, we need not to declare self-righteousness; rather we should remain humble, realizing that our righteousness is in Christ Jesus, and no other. This makes our prayers and supplications to the LORD, which are His will, gracefully answered, in due time.
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank you for making me realize how essential humility is to my Christ's Calling, through the Divine knowledge of your Word, in most merciful Christ Jesus;

From Luke 18:10-14


Vengeance is of the LORD; even so, He hears the cries and attends to the supplications of His Faithfuls (Psalm 34:15, 94:1). He meets us at the point of our needs, by subduing every force and persecuting power standing against us, pummeling them before our very eyes.
His vengeance is sure as the clothes we put on; though it may take some time to be experienced physically, it won't be long. He never fails to vindicate the righteous in Christ Jesus, eliminating the life of the wicked, and engulfing us with His glorious shield of Light! This overcomes every form of darkness obstructing His own from moving forward into the place of Joy, Peace, and Glory, where His saints dwell.
Therefore, let's endeavor to persevere in times of trials and tribulations, found always holding onto our faith - for we are Overcomers, destined to triumph, already washed in the blood of Christ Jesus, who is coming quickly.
PRAYER: LORD, I give you all the glory, for vengeance is yours, and with you, I am an overcomer in Christ Jesus,

From Luke 18:7-8


As Christians and faithful Children of God, we should always pray, with or without season, placing our supplications before God in the Spirit; for we commune with Him through prayers (Ephesians 6:18). Also, by faith in Christ, prayer is a Divine key which opens or closes any door standing between a man and his breakthrough in life, relieving him from every challenge withholding him from the fulfilment of God's promises in his life.
Moreover, a praying Christian is seen by the kingdom of darkness as a powerful Child of God; filled with His glorious Light, constantly communing with the LORD, that even the forces of the wicked know him as God's Anointed, who cannot be harmed. So, let's remain fervent in prayers; constantly communing with the Father, that all our needs may be met, in due time.
PRAYER: In Christ Jesus, Heavenly Father, thank You for the grace and opportunity to commune with you in prayers; placing our supplications before you, that all our needs are being met, according to your riches in glory,

From Luke 18:1


Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ is the Door open to all willing to enter and be part of the Kingdom by grace through faith so that we may ...