Jesus Christ is the Lamb of God by whom, all who believe and receive Him wholeheartedly, are cleansed as they forgive others, and their sins are taken as far away as East is from West; for He is the Salvation of the LORD, and the Redeemer of the Righteous in Christ (John 1:29, Luke 6:37, Psalm 103:12). So, as the loving proclamation of the Gospel testifies of His birth, lifetime, death, and resurrection - revealing Him as the Messiah of all mankind - humble hearts are brought out of hiding, but under a covering as white as wool, to repentance from dead works, as a result of the Divine knowledge of His presence, being the eternal Word of God - piercing into the hearts of men and changing their mindsets to look to the blood of the Lamb for the Salvation of souls.
Furthermore, receiving His spotless sacrifice by faith in God's Love, giving His only begotten Son, places Him as our first priority, far above every earthly relationship and endeavor (Matthew 4:19-22). Even then, being ambassadors of Christ, proclaiming His good will towards men, every person whom we make a student of Jesus, should also be dedicated to His service, while we pick up the cross to continuously disciple them to become fellow labourers in His Vineyard without reproach, nurtured through the Holy Spirit to bear fruits and advance God's Kingdom into eternity.
Jesus Christ is the Lamb of God by whom, all who believe and receive Him wholeheartedly, are cleansed as they forgive others, and their sins are taken as far away as East is from West; for He is the Salvation of the LORD, and the Redeemer of the Righteous in Christ (John 1:29, Luke 6:37, Psalm 103:12). So, as the loving proclamation of the Gospel testifies of His birth, lifetime, death, and resurrection - revealing Him as the Messiah of all mankind - humble hearts are brought out of hiding, but under a covering as white as wool, to repentance from dead works, as a result of the Divine knowledge of His presence, being the eternal Word of God - piercing into the hearts of men and changing their mindsets to look to the blood of the Lamb for the Salvation of souls.
Furthermore, receiving His spotless sacrifice by faith in God's Love, giving His only begotten Son, places Him as our first priority, far above every earthly relationship and endeavor (Matthew 4:19-22). Even then, being ambassadors of Christ, proclaiming His good will towards men, every person whom we make a student of Jesus, should also be dedicated to His service, while we pick up the cross to continuously disciple them to become fellow labourers in His Vineyard without reproach, nurtured through the Holy Spirit to bear fruits and advance God's Kingdom into eternity.

PRAYER: In Jesus' Holy Name, Eternal Father, thank You for your Word written in my heart, making me a vessel of Truth and Light, which attracts souls to Your Kingdom with Love, through the proclamation of the Gospel, in cleansing power;

From John 1:36-37


Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ - the revelation of God's Love in person - is preferred before any Minister, and should be honoured above every vessel ministering in His name; "for, in Him, all things consist," as the Word of God (John 1:1-3 & Colossians 1:17). Besides, our hope and faith should always rest on Christ's work alone; of whom we were called and baptized in His Name, not to idolize any "man of God," but see them as vessels of clay, used for God's glory.
Moreover, "He who comes from Heaven is above all," being the wholeness of God - full of Grace and Truth (John 3:31). So, we should always love and honor Him as our LORD and His Glory mustn't be shared or given to any earthen vessel because we are all vessels created to carry His glory, and as Jesus did not seek His own glory, it is not good for us to pursue praise of our own (Prov. 25:27 & Matt. 6).
PRAYER: Thank you, LORD, Jesus Christ, for my hope is in You, and my faith lies in no other but You. Even when I receive revelations through Your chosen vessels; You will forever remain my God and Messiah of my Soul!
Thank You for loving me always, and I drink deeply of Your Spirit, asking You to teach Your Church to love You above all while loving those we see around us, before night comes;

From John 1:26-27


We, the Righteousness of God in Christ Jesus and faithful Children of God, called as witnesses of the true Light, God's Word, are commissioned to proclaim the Salvation of the LORD - reaching out to the hearts of men, alerting their minds to the second coming of the Bridegroom, that more souls may come into repentance and be prepared, keeping their lamps burning as the Bride of the Faithful and True rider (2 Cor. 5:21, Malachi 3:1, Rev. 19:11). This makes us Voices of Salvation, chosen by Everlasting Father, to bear more fruits that remain for the advancement of the Kingdom of Heaven, discipling souls. However, this should be done in Love, that the hardened hearts of the sons of men may be broken off, softened as with water, and made receptive to the Salvation of God, through His Servants proclaiming Good News, that the essence of our Christ's calling may be fulfilled, "And the glory of the LORD will be revealed, and all people together will see it, for the mouth of YHWH has spoken," (Isaiah 40:3-5).
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, thank You Heavenly Father, for Your Divine presence in me through Your Word, Who made me a voice of Salvation - making known Your Love, as I disciple souls to prepare them for the second coming of Your Son, the Messiah of the World;

From John 1:23


Jesus Christ, the Word of God, declares Him; living as His true image and only begotten Son, the Revelation of God in the flesh has been made visible for mankind to experience His compassionate Love (John 1:14 & 3:16). Even then, no man has seen God, because He is Spirit; "nor does anyone know the Father, except the Son" who is in the bosom of the Father (Exodus 33:20 & Matthew 11:27).
Therefore, by receiving God's Word into our hearts, we are made a vessel of His glory, commissioned to declare the Truth in Love, while we abide in Him and He in us, that we may continuously bear fruits that remain in God's Kingdom, as His faithful ambassadors.
PRAYER: Thank you Heavenly Father, for the revelation of your Word in my life, which gives me a better understanding of your Divine and eternal existence, through the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit who abides in me - declaring your glory to all, for the advancement of Your Kingdom in Jesus' mighty name;

From John 1:18


The Revelation of God, Jesus Christ - Our Blessed Redeemer, brought forth Grace and Truth, "so that as sin reigned in death, even so grace might reign through righteousness to eternal life," with all who believe and receive Him as Lord and Saviour (John 1:14, Romans 5:21). Having been redeemed by grace, sin shall not have dominion over us; for we are no longer under legalism, but under God's Grace, which keeps us from the curse (Romans 6:14).
Moreover, eternity with the Father is rest assured, as we've been redeemed by His Grace in Christ Jesus; the Way, Truth, and Life. For, He bears witness of Truth; by His Grace, we are made free from sin and eternal condemnation to be victorious, in right relationship with the Source, and freely love others (John 8:32, 14:6 & 18:37).
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, thank you Gracious and Everloving Father, for establishing the New Covenant through Your Word, Jesus Christ, who reveals the Truth  of Your Divine and eternal Salvation for mankind in  Himself, making  me gracefully accepted into Your Kingdom - having received Him as my Lord and Savior,

From John 1:17


The fullness of God, Jesus Christ, revealing Truth, Love, and abundant Favor, fills everyone who accepts Him by faith, as we live in obedience to our Christ's calling - changing the mindsets of men to the realization of God's love which surpasses knowledge, that they may receive Him, and be satisfied with His fullness, who redeems souls from sin and eternal condemnation (Ephesians 1:23 & 3:19).
Moreover, "it pleases the Father that in Him all the fullness should dwell" and as we abide in Him and He in us, we will remain gracefully complete in Him who is the Head over all principalities and powers, making us more than conquerors, but also "His Delight is in Her" as a beautiful crown (Isa. 62 & Colossians 2:9-10).
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, thank You, Ever-loving and Gracious Father, for Your greatest gift in my life, through Your Word, who fills me up to remain Strengthened and complete as an Overcomer - gracefully endowed with the fullness of your Holy presence,

From John 1:16


The eternal existence of Jesus Christ has being, even before the creation of Heaven and Earth - for, "He is before all things, and in Him all things consist," being the source of all that is good, as the Word of God (John 1:1-3, Colossians 1:17). His incarnation as the Son of Man reveals our Heavenly Father's love, grace, and faithfulness to His own, that we may be redeemed from sin and condemnation by His death, timely burial, and resurrection, to abide at Peace in His presence, as Heirs of His Kingdom.
Therefore while it is day, we who remain should keep proclaiming the Good News of Salvation in Christ Jesus with true knowledge of God's Love, reaching out to all, and being faithful witnesses of the Light - bearing fruits that last for the LORD's glory. This is our Christ's-calling and identity as Sons and Daughters of God advancing our Father's Kingdom, which has no end.
PRAYER: Thank you Eternal Father, for calling and accepting me in Jesus' as a Witness of Your Word, identified to bear more fruits that remain for Your glory, while I continuously disciple souls for the Kingdom of Heaven;

From John 1:15


Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ is the Door open to all willing to enter and be part of the Kingdom by grace through faith so that we may ...