The sole essence of God's voice declaring His Word made visible by the manifestation of His awesome wonders, is to bolster the faith of all who are weak and revive many who are dead to the Spirit, as they acknowledge Him by faith in Christ Jesus, the Savior of the World. The Voice of the LORD, written in the Bible and understood in the Spirit as His Word made flesh, is powerful to redeem all who faithfully receive Him, proclaim judgment to oppressors of the Righteous in Christ Jesus, and open the eyes of all who are blind to the Truth, so that they may turn from darkness to Light and from the powers of satan to God, receiving forgiveness of sins which separate, also gifted with an eternal inheritance as Heirs of the Father in Heaven (John 1:14, Acts 26:18).
Moreover, by the Word of the LORD, declared as the Voice of the Spirit affirmed in hearts and the words of our mouths, we are graced with the Divine authority to overcome anything - trampling upon every force and pushing aside any power trying to hurt us - for with our eyes, we as Sons and Daughters of God will continue to see the downfall of the wicked, while; at the same time, "our names are written in Heaven (Luke 10:18-20)."

PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Ever-Loving Father, for the revelation of Your Word and Spirit in me, heard as the Voice of Salvation and seen as the manifestation of Your awesome wonders in my life. Please, keep me strengthened, ever closer as I continuously listen to and declare Your Word - wrestling against the forces of darkness and casting down the power of wickedness - so that I may ultimately triumph due to the victory won by Christ Jesus, Your Son;

From John 12:30-31


Being channels of God's mighty works, courageously declaring His Word, and revealing His Love to all without discrimination, His Name will forever be glorified in the lives of Believers of Jesus, even as we remain faithfully committed to the advancement of His marvelous Kingdom. The LORD's presence in and around His disciples makes us honored among men, identifying us as vessels ministering in His Holy Spirit so that the humble may hear and again glorify His Name (Matt. 17:5).
Moreover, by living a life of self-sacrifice, solely for the LORD - to honor and glorify Him while we as Christians endlessly bear fruits that remain, for His advancing Kingdom - we should always realize God Himself has exalted His Name, in a unique Way - through His chosen treasure (Ps. 135:4-6). Now that we live as ambassadors of Heaven and Heirs of the Father on Earth, we are free to minister in His Name, empowered with the Holy Spirit as we continuously share the knowledge of Him through His everlasting Word, reaching out to all ignorant of the Truth with God's Salvation whom we follow. With this, we remain elevated in Jesus Christ, whose Name we are identified and called by, which eternally remains above every other name (Phil. 2:9-11).
PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, Thank You, LORD, YHWH, for glorifying Your Name, Your Salvation, in my life, making me an Overcomer - triumphing over the work of satan and forces of wickedness, to live in Your Love as a channel of Your Light to the World. Please, keep me strengthened by Your Word and comforted with Your Spirit so that Your Majestic Name will forever remain glorified in my life, for the world to see the King of Kings,

From John 12:28-29


It's natural to be troubled as a Son of Man when faced with challenges, yet to overcome every hurdle in our way, we should always endeavor to place our life on the altar and our plight as a supplication before the LORD, realizing that He is the only one who truly saves, for He understands our situation and hears the cry of Believers - delivering us from all affliction and shame endured, for His Name's sake (Ps. 34:15 & 19). Our Heavenly Father's presence in our lives keeps us protected from falling without being able to get up, being our glory and the One who lifts our head, the source of our strength, Shepherd and Shield who defends and comforts us as we faithfully work by His righteousness alone, to please Him (Prov. 24:16, Ps. 3:3, 23:1-2 & 27:1).
Moreover, we should realize that trials and temptations refine a man to a state of purity for greater glory beyond the moment of anguish. So do not let your heart be troubled in tribulation; rather be watchful, always pray as the Spirit also prays in our weakness, and the will of our Heavenly Father will remain established in our lives, revealing our Divine identity as Sons and Daughters of God on Earth for a time such as this (Job 23:10, Matt. 26:38-39, John 14:1, Eph. 6:18)

PRAYER: Thank You, Heavenly Father, for making me an Overcomer in Christ Jesus, Your Son and the everlasting Word. Please, keep me eternally preserved and sustained, compassionate as I walk through every challenge that comes my way, so that I may always come out victoriously refined in Your glory and strength, according to your will, living to the fulfillment of Your Word in Jesus,

From John 12:27


Serving God in the Way of Christ Jesus, with all our strength and might, in Truth and in the Spirit, ensures the Divine reward of eternal life, graced with the honor of being Heirs of the Father in Heaven and one with the most highly esteemed Christ. This close relationship is the desire of our loving Messiah which will surely be fulfilled as He is the Word of God who never fails; yet, what He does remains established forever, so that we may behold His glory as triumphant vessels of honor deserving of the Father's pride as we follow humbly after Christ, putting others above ourselves, and venerating Him through our every thought, attitude and action (Is. 55:11, John 17:24, Phil. 2:1-3).
Moreover, to faithfully serve the LORD, we need to focus on HIs example to function with a life of self-sacrifice, overcoming and denying every desire other than to attend to all He values, lingering as distractions from our Christ's Calling, so that we may remain Divinely strengthened in the Spirit to carry the cross of Salvation to the finish-line, bearing more fruits that stay thriving for God's growing Kingdom, as fruitful branches in the True Vine, worthy of honor by the Vine Dresser (Matt. 16:24, John 15:4-5).

PRAYER: Thank You, Heavenly Father, for granting me the knowledge of Your Word which opens my eyes to the Truth and keeps me well equipped in the Spirit to carry the cross and follow You, denying every distraction opposing my Calling, on the Way. Please, continue to guide me as a lamp to my feet and a light to my path so that I may walk to the finish line and remain deserving of the honor of being a vessel championed with Christ Jesus, Your Son;

From John 12:26


Giving up worldliness, becoming dead to the lust of the flesh, and surrendering ourselves to God's service in repentance with a new commitment to the advancement of His Kingdom keeps every Christian alive in the Spirit, graced with the Divine assurance to share, of life everlasting, in the bosom of the LORD (Matt. 10:39, Rom. 14:8-9) We've been called in Christ Jesus to seek first the Kingdom and His righteousness, not worry about the future but be hopeful of eternity as we sow the Word of God in the hearts of people with love - giving of our time, effort and treasure for the sake of converting and discipling them to go and likewise bear more fruits that remain, for the LORD'S glory (Matt. 6:33-34).
Moreover, it may seem humanly difficult to give up the instinct to survive or impossible to lower oneself enough for the multitudes, without trust in God; still, being determined to live for Christ as ambassadors of Heaven on Earth, we will remain strengthened by the Spirit who gives life and the Word who has the true life which sustains us forever (John 1:4 & 6:63).

PRAYER: Thank You, Heavenly Father, for making me willing to become dead to the flesh and alive in the Spirit to live for Your glory. Please keep me fruitful in Your service as I endlessly share the Good News of Salvation to all, so that many who are dead to the Spirit may spring up from a life mercifully poured out, to live for Your glory in Christ Jesus,

From John 12:24-25


Those seen as members of the true Church are glorified in Christ Jesus, who redeemed the World so those who come seeking real relationship, can find the Way to live in His righteousness as Heirs of the Father, graciously preserved for God's Kingdom. Although we sometimes face challenges of persecution from the kingdom of darkness and forces of wickedness trying to hinder the revelation of the LORD's glory in our lives, as long as we remain faithful and submissive to the Word of God, His glory will surely be revealed at the right time for the World to see and testify that we are serving the Living God who guides us to rebuke what is wrong in ways that shows nothing more than the beautiful plan He laid out (Matt. 26:45, Acts 3:13, Eph. 5:11).
So, being channels of God's glorious works, manifesting His presence to all who are ignorant of His awesome existence, we are glorifying Him, even as He uplifts us to positions of honor, no matter what it looks like or how it may feel, so that others may see and testify that God exhorts His own, for His glory (John 13:32).
PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, thank You, Heaven Father, for placing me in a position of grace and glory in Christ Jesus, Your Son, to live and testify of Your greatness to all men. Please, keep me revitalized as a channel of Your glorious works on Earth, radiating Your Kingdom come and bearing fruits that remain for Your glory, through the declaration of Your Word, which is the same forever,

From John 12:23


As channels of God's marvelous and miraculous works, witnessed and acknowledged by people around the world, we are destined to remain surrounded by crowds who hear of the Power and believe in the Authority of the LORD, made manifest by the Holy Spirit's lead in our lives. This brings souls to repentance as they realize the Divine presence of YHWH, within and around all who are called, chosen, and anointed for His glory and the advancement of His Kingdom, because none can undo the effect of a true miracle on resurrected lives (John 12:10-11).
Therefore, we should remain faithful ambassadors of Christ, assigned to always reveal the Love of the Father, as the Temple of the Holy Spirit, ministering the Gospel of Salvation compassionately and consistently, to transform lives and convert souls, so that the new members may also seek to meet, receive Christ and be set free to worship Him.

PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Jesus Christ, for making me a Witness of Your Word and revelation of Your awesome wonders on Earth. Please, keep me focused completely on living to the fulfillment of Your glory, even as You keep me surrounded by many other followers being converted and discipled for Your advancing Kingdom,

From John 12:17-21


Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ is the Door open to all willing to enter and be part of the Kingdom by grace through faith so that we may ...