As Christians, we need to focus more on strengthening our faith in the One True God through constant prayer and daily meditate on His Word, the Bread and Fountain of Life, affirming it daily, even as it nourishes we citizens of God's Kingdom, to keep us sustained through the Holy Spirit. The Word of God deserves to be loved with the full strength of everybody; it's also the Sword of the Spirit which defeats the forces of darkness and powers of wickedness, yet strengthens our souls to remain fit and equipped to do the Father's will, for the Salvation of souls, only by Christ Jesus.
Many things pull and press us to lose stability on His Righteousness, thinking this world could be fixed other ways, if we were more busy doing the will of our flesh; so, we should not relent in spending time with the Word of God, developing our faith in His Son above any others, and asking for God-given Wisdom and Spiritual gifts, used together with Brothers and Sisters across the planet, that we may continue to stand strong, victoriously equipped and fit as conquerors in Christ Jesus who first loved us by laying down His Life for a friend.
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank you for keeping our minds focused on doing your will, and our souls nourished by your Word, Jesus Christ, to live for your glory, which is being physically expressed though our character and Way of life, in Christ Jesus

From Luke 10:41-42


The true character and qualities of a Child of God and faithful Christian, are known through one's compassionate behavior towards another, acting in love, even as one allows mercy to overcloud his thoughts towards all who offend him. Also, whenever he sees a neighbor in pain, troubled, or in a state of confusion, he not only prays in Jesus' name, but willingly renders help to the best of his ability, from the depth of his heart, because the love of the Father is in him, and he can never see his fellow man in pain and feel at ease.
Therefore, we should always endeavor to show the love of God in us to all, expressing it compassionately, and sharing without discrimination, that the Divine presence of Christ, through the Holy Spirit in us, may be seen by all, touching lives for the Salvation of souls, by Christ Jesus.
PRAYER: LORD, Ever-loving Father, thank you for showing your love through sending your Son, Jesus Christ, willing to accept all who are ready to receive Him; by living for Him we will show your love to all the world, for the Salvation of souls, in Jesus' name,

From Luke 10:36-37


This is the greatest and highest Commandment; that we should love the LORD our God with all our hearts, with all our souls, with all our strength, and with all our minds, which is also our full-being, created by God. Likewise, we should also love our neighbors as ourselves; with this we express the love of the Father in Christ Jesus, to even our enemies, through our character and way of life. This quality is a major requirement needed to advance God's Kingdom as vessels of His Divine will, Commissioned to preach the Gospel, heal the sick, and set the captives free, which can only be done with the power of love indwelling one.
Therefore, we need to never relent in expressing the love of the Father in us to all, though it may look differently, discriminating against no one; for with our integrity and manners, we can also bear fruits for God's glory, advancing His Kingdom through great love, changing lives forever, which is the will of the Holy Father.
May it be done through we on Earth, as it is in Heaven.
PRAYER: Thank you Ever-loving Father, for your love has been greatly expressed by the life, death, and resurection of your only begotten Son, whose presence in us through the Holy Spirit, has made us living vessels of your Divine will, saved to live for your glory; sharing your unconditional love with all, in Christ Jesus,

From Luke 10:27


Being faithful Christians and true Disciples of Christ, we are blessed to feel and experience Christ through the Gospel and the Divine manifestation of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Though, the first Twelve Apostles and Disciples of Christ had personal experiences with Him, many Old Testament Prophets looked forward to the fulfilment of the Old Covenant, which in their absence, later was satisfied by Christ Himself; even so, we are highly favored to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, which keeps us equipped to live for Christ, as His true ambassadors.
We are especially blessed because we believe Him, even without setting eyes on the flesh descended from King David's. When a verse is shared, unlike other quotes we may see digitally, hear in oral form, or touch on a page held by one who perceives there is more to understand, the power to change lives is present as the Holy Spirit gives new perception of The Word, bringing it to life in a willing vessel, open just enough for Love to enter at the perfect time for the One True God to Save.
So, let's not relent in using this graceful privilege given to us, to live victoriously for our Forever Friend Jesus, that we may continue to advance God's Kingdom, even as we bear more fruits, by gaining more souls for His glory, in the face of Christ.
PRAYER: LORD, Blessed Redeemer, thank you for the grace given us, to sense your Divine presence within and around us, through identifying your Son, Jesus Christ, by the manifestation of the Holy Spirit, which keeps us safe as citizens of your Heavenly Kingdom, in Jesus' name,

From Luke 10:23-24


There is no man born of a woman, who has ever seen God in His glory and majesty, except Jesus Christ the only begotten Son and image of God, who came from Heaven for the Salvation of men. He is the only one who reveals, through the Holy Spirit, the deep things of God to all who are obediently submissive to His Word and Divine will.
Therefore, as Christians, willing to know more about God, we need to be more spiritually devoted to our Calling, by constantly meditating on God's Word, affirming it daily, that the Holy Spirit may continue to give us a better understanding of the Father, through His exact likeness, Jesus Christ His Son and the Bride whom, being guided willingly, is receiving the revelation.
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank you for the revelation of your Word, Jesus Christ, who declares your presence in our lives, and brings your Kingdom through the Holy Spirit, which gives us hope as we hold on steadfastly to our faith in Christ Jesus your Son,


Our full submission to the will of God in the most humble example, Christ Jesus, brings us closer to the Father, through the free gift of His Holy Spirit; for, He is pleased to reveal His Divine Truth to we who desire a lifetime of unwrapping His Living Word, which gives light to all who confess they dwell in darkness, asking for their stone-tablet hearts to be rolled away by the Son, who by laying His life down, has authority to pick it up again. Only they who, having the fear of God, will humble themselves and faithfully hide His Word in their hearts, are blessed with the Grace to receive the revelation of Truth in Christ Jesus, for; "The secret of the LORD is with those who fear Him, and He will teach them His covenant."
Moreover, Divine Truth will always remain hidden from the from those who are too arrogant to seek, and proud of their short lives, thinking they are wise in their own understanding; yet the Holy Spirit will continue daily to reveal the deep things our hearts long to understand maturely, as we ask God through His Son Jesus Christ, to all who are found fully in communion with Him, as the Father wills.

PRAYER: LORD, the Omniscient God, thank you for revealing the truth of your Kingdom and Salvation in Christ Jesus to us, through your Word, by the Holy Spirit, who dwells in the heart of the humble and faithful, in Christ Jesus,

from Luke 10:21


We can control our excitement and must avoid feeling proud of our achievement as Ministers; blessed and highly favored through the Holy Spirit, by the grace of God in Christ Jesus, to help others with their spiritual needs, even as the forces of darkness are being subdued by the authority of Christ in us, for we are only vessels of God, assigned to fulfill the Father's will, in order to advance His Kingdom. While we remain in the body of Christ, we actually should rejoice because, by faith in Christ Jesus and our desire to live for Him in the glory of the Father, as born again Children of God, has made us citizens of God's Kingdom, written in the Book of Life.
Nevertheless, we should always give glory to the Holy Spirit living inside, and be focused on maintaining a relationship with our Father, even as we walk in the righteousness of Christ to fulfill the Father's will, that we may remain worthy of Him, as brethren with Christ.
PRAYER: LORD, thank You for accepting us as vessels of your Divine will, assigned to live for your glory, and graced with Eternal Life, the blessed assurance in Christ Jesus,


Every Christian Minister who is faithfully committed to His Calling in Christ Jesus, serving as a channel manifesting God's Grace, Love,...