The Spirit of the LORD is on Divine Children and anointed vessels ministering in His name - declaring the Truth of His eternal Love and existence to mankind through words and actions coming from the depths of our hearts (Isa. 61:1-2). This is evident since we are one with Christ, God's Word and Son, who is also one with Him, making us vessels sent by Divine authority, graced to carry His Spirit on Earth (John 14:10).
Even when we are left alone by friends and loved ones to face the challenges that come with our Calling, the LORD will always be with His own to comfort, strengthen and lead us all the way. In Christ, He knows what the human condition is like and how fervently we desire to please Him - doing His will, as His faithful children, destined to bring the knowledge of the Gospel to all (Josh. 1:9, John 5:30 & 16:32, 1 Cor. 10:13).
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, thank You, LORD, Everlasting Father, for always being with me to make me complete through the presence of the Holy Spirit in me; keep me strengthened while fulfilling Your Divine mandate by gaining souls and discipling them, even as I remain preserved to finish the race for Your Kingdom,

From John 8:29


The Divine qualities of true Christians and faithful Children of God are manifested by His Spirit promised to all who diligently worship Him alone (Deut. 28:1-14). In fulfillment of God's Word, these unique characteristics rekindle the faith of those who initially question one's Heavenly Identity because of their unbelief, bringing people to the realization of the Truth in Christ Jesus declared lovingly for our personal Salvation and the growth of God's glorious Kingdom.
Also, having been brought close to learn from the LORD, by His Word and the indwelling gift of the Holy Spirit keeping us united with Christ who is one with the Father, we are graciously equipped to draw others to God through His Love, motivating mankind as a result of the Sword of the Spirit piercing through to expose souls, making them briefly become broken in the Spirit and gracing the faithful with clean hands and a contrite heart overflowing with the pure Gospel, abiding in the presence of the LORD (Ps. 24:3-4 & 51:17, John 5:19-20 & 12:32 & Heb. 4:12).
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD Jesus, for with You eternally by my side, keeping me Divinely inspired to live by the Spirit, now dead to my flesh, I am not alone. Please, continue to occupy and teach me so that every word proceeding from my mouth and sacrificial action taken will always declare Your pure Love and Word to the World,

From John 8:28


As ministering vessels of the Holy Spirit, who speak to the World and edify the Body of Christ for the Salvation of souls, we only proclaim that which the inspired Word of God reveals, being inspired exclusively to declare the Truth of God to men willing to welcome Him for the transformation of their mindsets (John 3:32 & 33). It is possible to do so with few details because we are not of our own but the hand-made instruments of our Heavenly Father, assigned to glorify His Holy name throughout the Earth so that those lacking the understanding of the LORD may come to know Him above all (John 7:28 & 29).
Furthermore, being in communion with the Spirit of God and called a friend of His Word, Jesus Christ, we are made wise to everything needed for spiritual development and also equipped to convert and disciple more souls so that His unchanging Love may be seen and felt through us - His commissioned, yet still fragile vessels (John 15:15).
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank You for making me a mouthpiece glorifying Your Holy Name while speaking the Truth to the World, able to bring many to the realization of Your existence as the only True God and Ever-Loving Father who accepts any who, in humility, repent and receive Jesus,

From John 8:26


Believing in and living for Jesus Christ, that I AM, and the only begotten of the Father - conceived by the Holy Spirit to dwell on Earth as the Son of Man for our personal Salvation - redeems us from sin and eternal condemnation which hinders an unrepentant soul from the Kingdom heritage meant for all created for God's pleasure and glory. This is essential so that we might please our Heavenly Father while we live to diligently worship Him in Truth and in the Spirit (Mark 16:16, John 3:16-18, Heb. 11:6).
Although our souls are answerable to the LORD and our spirits are destined to return to Him, our flesh is of the dust and it belongs to Earth. So, being in relationship with the one worthy to enter Heaven, the final and everlasting residence of the Saints, we should always remain faithful and never doubt God's unchanging Word, Love, and present Spirit, so that we may ever remain deserving of His Kingdom.
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Jesus Christ, for I am saved by the gift of Your precious blood, through faith in Your Righteousness, to dwell on Earth as a vessel of Your living Word, preserved by the Holy Spirit so that I may remain deserving of Your acceptance on the last day,

From John 8:21-24


Dedicating time to hear the Word of God is a great start; still, true knowledge of God the Father comes through the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit who walks with chosen children, granting the right understanding of our Creator. The Son leads us into a personal relationship with the Father whose Divine presence is felt as the Love received and experienced by His own who faithfully commit themselves to following Jesus' example.
Although, the LORD is Omnipresent, dwelling with each of His offspring at all times, knowing Him requires placing our trust in Christ Jesus who has always been one with the Father, as the Living Word made into human form for the Salvation of our souls as we receive Him by faith, wholeheartedly (John 1:3 & 14, 10:30, 14:7 & 1 John 5:1-4).
PRAYER: In the Name of Jesus, Gracious Father, thank You, for making me know You more each day as I live by Your Word and constantly meditate on it for my Spiritual development. By this, I'm drawn closer to You as the Holy Spirit freely received, communes with the Father and His Son, to live for Your glory,

From John 8:19


Elohim, the Creator of all things in Heaven and on Earth, is the only perfect Witness of all who serve Him, with clean hands and pure hearts, in Truth and in the Spirit; God knows the hidden thoughts and desires of all His Creations. Besides, the Divine presence of the LORD is always with those called His own, bearing witness with us as His chosen vessels ordained for the fulfillment of His goodwill on Earth.
While the Law declares that in a given situation the testimony of two or three witnesses is true, standing with the Truth declared in Love, makes us faithful witnesses of God's Word (Deut. 19:15). With this, our Heavenly Father graciously defends us through the Holy Spirit who advocates for us and bears witness that we are Heirs of the Father and ambassadors of Christ, destined to reveal the Truth to mankind (1 John 5:9).
PRAYER Thank You, All-Wise Father, for always being my Defender and Witness of the Truth which I have been set free to proclaim. Your presence in my life through the Word You sent and the Holy Spirit abiding in me, gives me peace, knowing that You are the perfect Witness whose testimony justifies the faithful in Christ Jesus.

From John 8:17-18


Faithful Christians never judge with the flesh but have the right if we need to, by the Spirit who is the true and perfect Judge because we are His Holy Temple through whom His Divine authority and presence are made manifest on Earth (1 Cor. 3:16 & 5:3-5). This makes every declaration proceeding from our mouths Divinely sealed by the LORD who is forever just, as we reveal the truth to all, so some will fear and honor Him (Ps. 25:14, Matt. 18:18).
Also, having been ordained to serve from positions of authority, functioning as unified vessels of God's goodwill, destined for the edification of the Church, we only affirm His Word through the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit, so that the LORD may be the one speaking in and through us and not fallen human nature; thus His Name may be exalted while we remain blessed as vessels sanctified in His Hands (Eph. 4:11-15).
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Jesus Christ, for uniting me with the Father through offering Your precious blood and the Holy Spirit who dwells in me. Please, continue sustaining me with Your Divine presence in my life so every word I affirm or declare as a vessel of Your authority, will be right from You and not my flesh, for building up the Church in Love,

From John 8:15-16


Every Christian Minister who is faithfully committed to His Calling in Christ Jesus, serving as a channel manifesting God's Grace, Love,...