Monday, September 12, 2022


The divine grace of God is always with the righteous and faithful in heart, and His presence is ever within and around him as the Holy Spirit, which makes him to be filled with divine wisdom to overcome challenges in life.
Also, by His grace we are highly favored, being strengthened with the wisdom of the Holy Spirit which makes us to identify our purpose in life as christians, living for Christ on earth and bearing fruits for God's kingdom, through the knowledge of His Word in our lives as vessels of His glory, created to do His will on earth as it is in heaven.
So, let all who desires the divine grace of God submit themselves to His will by receiving Jesus Christ into their hearts as Lord and personal savior, and they will surely be blessed with His divine grace, filled with the wisdom of the Holy Spirit to live for His glory in Christ Jesus.

PRAYER: Dear LORD, thank you for your divine grace in our lives, through your Son Jesus Christ and the wisdom of the Holy Spirit, which makes us to identify our purpose in life and strengthened to do your will as vessels of your glory on earth.
LORD be thou glorified in Jesus name amen.

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As Christians, called by grace through faith in Christ Jesus, whose teachings transform a person and cleanse their soul as the gift is whole...