Tuesday, September 13, 2022


The words and ways of the righteous produces great impact as a result of the positive impression they give to all who listens, acknowledge and receive them into their hearts.
Also, the righteous are filled with divine wisdom which makes them unique as sons and daughters of God, living as vessels of His glory, proclaiming His gospel and declaring the truth to all, that many  may receive salvation in Christ Jesus.
Moreover, this is the purpose of our calling and existence as christians and chosen vessels ordained to advance and bear more fruits for God's kingdom.

PRAYER: Thank you LORD for the gift and wisdom of the Holy Spirit which makes us unique vessels of your divine will, chosen to advance your kingdom, by bearing more fruits for your glory which has been our purpose on earth as christians, living as ambassadors of Christ.
May your name be praised forevermore amen.

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As Christians, called by grace through faith in Christ Jesus, whose teachings transform a person and cleanse their soul as the gift is whole...