Wednesday, September 14, 2022


The responsibility of a true christian and faithful child of God is to do the will of God by living for Christ and walking in His righteousness alone, for through this we will be able to fullfil the Father's will as citizen of His heavenly kingdom on earth.
Also, by doing this Responsibilities we are fullfiling our purpose in life as christians, advancing God's kingdom, even as we continuously bear more fruits for His glory in Christ Jesus.
Therefore, do not relent in fullfiling your responsibilities as a christian because for this purpose you are called and made a new creation for His service as a born again child of God.

PRAYER: Thank you LORD, for the divine call of salvation which has made us vessels of your glory in Christ Jesus, chosen to proclaim your Word, that more souls may be redeemed through the gospel, identifying their purpose in life, even as they recieve Jesus Christ into their lives as Lord and savior.
May your name be glorified forevermore amen.

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As Christians, called by grace through faith in Christ Jesus, whose teachings transform a person and cleanse their soul as the gift is whole...