Wednesday, November 30, 2022


Though our faith in Christ Jesus, as born-again Christians is pleasing to God, who delights in drawing closer to us, our sincere actions, graced with the love of the Father, reveal our true identity as Sons of God.
With this proof, souls are awakened to the effectiveness of His redeeming grace, and the divine presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives. As His goodwill flows through our bodies, the temples of the Spirit of Holiness, living as Christ and advancing God's Kingdom, through testimonies of the good news changing our lives, which are also experienced by those who come in contact with us, over time, those seeking will be restored to God's Salvation.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, for making us vessels of your divine will and living testimonies of your good works, dedicated to living for Christ, for the purpose of advancing your Kingdom.
Blessed be your Holy Name.

Tuesday, November 29, 2022


The divine presence of the LORD through the manifestation of the Holy Spirit in your life as a Faithful and True Christian, causes great fear and worry in the hearts of all who are far away from Him.
Yet, this makes some who realize the importance and effectiveness of God over your life, to come repenting with full submission to His will as best, seeking His face for divine and total restoration, making one a true Child of God, and a vessel of His glory also commissioned to advance His Kingdom, and do greater things.
PRAYER: Dear LORD and Omnipresent Father, who abides in us as living vessels of His glory, identified through the Holy Spirit and the love of Christ in us, which makes us uniquely different from the sons of men, as Sons of God destined to live for Christ, doing your will by advancing your Kingdom;
May your Name be glorified forevermore.

Monday, November 28, 2022


Our God is a Compassionate LORD and a Loving Father, who harkens to all who come before His presence in humility, casting their burdens and supplications before Him, for He feels our pains and understands our situations.
Though we need pity and conviction when appropriate, He will never allow His own to suffer shame. Yet, He will always restore all who call upon Him truly and spiritually, to the position of grace and glory with our Living God, where there is divine peace and unstoppable joy to shine forth.
PRAYER: Dear LORD and Compassionate Father, thank you for your divine presence in our lives through your Son, Jesus Christ, and the comfort of the Holy Spirit, which reveals your Love and protects us from the efforts of the wicked to cause shame or pain, keeping us safe in your presence, where there is eternal joy and freedom.
Glory, honor, and adoration be unto your Name.

Friday, November 25, 2022


Our faith in God's Word; Jesus Christ, the Savior and Redeemer of all who believe in Him, and work according to His statutes, has made us Mountain-movers, through His divine grace and authority, that whatever we ask in His Name is granted unto us, as a result of our unwavering-faith in God's precious Word.
So, let not your heart be troubled, yet always remain faithful, working in the Spirit, and, "whatever you ask you will receive, seek you will find, knock and keep knocking, and it will be opened," that the name of the LORD may be glorified.
PRAYER: Dear LORD and Heavenly Father, thank you for your presence in our lives through your Son, Jesus Christ, and the manifestation of the Holy Spirit, which makes us closer to you by faith in Christ Jesus.

Thursday, November 24, 2022


"God has allotted to each a measure of faith."
Your faith in Christ Jesus needs to be nurtured constantly through meditation on the Word of God, Jesus Christ, anchored in the Solid and Eternal-Rock of ages. No matter how tough the temptation from the evil one, nor how enticing the forces of one's darkest desires become, you will always remain triumphantly victorious as an Overcomer, cleaving with Lord Yeshua as the True Messiah.
When tested, you can also be established through your faithfulness in God, by keeping obedience to His Word, and serving Him steadfastly in Truth and Spirit, resulting in the defeat of Satan ruling your life, due to the Grace and power of God in you, to resist and tread on the head of snakes.
PRAYER: Dear LORD and Ever-lasting Father, thank you for the Source of our faith, your Son, Jesus Christ; for in Him alone, we are more than conquerors, graced with the strength to withstand and overcome every effort of the wicked.
Blessed be your Holy Name.

Wednesday, November 23, 2022


Man's fruits; character and the produce of everyman's actions, which come as a result of the thoughts of his heart, reveal who he is, in the presence of God.
Although, our actions may be different from the thoughts of our hearts, "out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks," which entails that; no matter how hard you try to hide your true nature or character in life, it will surely be exposed in due time.
Therefore, endeavor to always check yourself, amend your ways, and repent where needed, so that, your true nature as a born-again Child of God, may be revealed through your honest lifestyle.
 PRAYER: Thank you, LORD, for making us fruit-bearing branches in the True-Vine, redeemed to live for your glory in Christ Jesus, and graciously restored to advance your Kingdom.
May your Name be glorified, forevermore.

Tuesday, November 22, 2022


Avoid finding faults with others, for it makes you ignorant of your serious sins; as a result, attention is diverted from seeking the Light which will expose everything.
Also, by being the student, and not always the teacher, you acquire more understanding, for a teacher gives out knowledge while a humble student gains more Wisdom, when they keep it and do not sell Truth.
So, as Christians, let's avoid accusing others to concentrate more on our Calling, so that we may always remain, not blaspheming but quickened by the Spirit, a living example of Christ to all, for by our manners we draw others closer, or drive them away from Him because action speaks louder than voice. 
PRAYER: Merciful Father, thank You for Your Word in our lives, which makes us realize where we might have fallen, to make amends, and return in repentance, for your Divine restoration.
Blessed be your Holy Name.

Monday, November 21, 2022


No man or creation which ever existed, is now, nor will ever exist, can be greater than Jesus Christ, the Great-Teacher and the only begotten of God.
Yet, as true and faithful Christians, we are required to be like Him; as Sons of God, we go sharing the knowledge of the gospel with all, and living for Christ, by working according to His statutes, that the will of God and the purpose of our calling as born-again Christians and heirs of the Father be established, for the advancement of God's Kingdom, and the fulfillment of His good-will on Earth.
 PRAYER: Dear LORD and gracious Father, thank you for accepting us as your own, in the body of Christ, and granting us the grace to live for Your Son as brethren, doing your Divine will, by advancing your Kingdom and bearing more fruits for your Glory, in Christ Jesus.

Friday, November 18, 2022


Once, all children of Adam were hiding, condemned after disobedience. He and his wife, were offered a covering.
As the Lamb of God is believed upon, we should be loving and never relent in compassionately offering Grace to everyone who we are sent to. Every action that comes from our hearts, reveals who we are; new, in Christ Jesus.
By judging, condemning, or refusing to greatly forgive others, you are only creating boundaries that can obstruct your communion with the Holy Spirit; so, endeavor to avoid holding onto accusations, so that you may not grieve Him, yet remain in right standing with God; worthy to be in His bright presence.
 PRAYER: Merciful and Ever-loving Father, thank you for giving us loving and compassionate hearts, filled with the desire to willingly live for your glory; judging no one unfairly, yet showing love to all, which makes us worthy to come before your presence through the divine grace of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
May your Name forevermore be glorified.

Thursday, November 17, 2022


As true Christians, our character must remain uniquely different from the sons of men; this is because of having received with thanksgiving of Jesus' invisible Spirit, yet seen by all as favored Sons of God, doing the will of our Holy Father, glorifying Him, from the depths of our hearts, not striving for the praises of men, that we may receive a divine reward; being named worthy to dwell among the saints, as citizens of His Heavenly Kingdom.
Moreover, this is done by loving God and manifesting mercy to all, neglecting no one; for, the LORD brings rain and sunshine to both the just and unjust, wicked and righteous.
So, as we show loving-kindness to all, we are portraying the true nature of the Sons of God.
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank you for making us worthy as Christians through your Son, Jesus Christ, to live for your glory, even as we portray the true nature of Christ, by likewise being loving, compassionate, and merciful to all.
O LORD, be Thou exalted, forevermore.

Wednesday, November 16, 2022


Endeavor to always be fair in your words and actions towards others, that you may live a life worthy of Christ, by offending no one, yet living peacefully with all; for, "with what measure you mete, it will be measured to you," and everyone will surely receive the reward of their actions, in due time.
The LORD is a just God who shows great mercy to all, yet renders judgment against the lazy, who reluctantly refuses to repent, but instead constantly practices acts of wickedness.
 PRAYER: Thank you LORD, for your divine presence in our lives as Christians, unique in character and words of the mouth, from the depth of the heart, which makes us capable of advancing your Kingdom, even as we live for your glory.

Tuesday, November 15, 2022


Always be Joyous, and never relent in giving to all who ask from you, when today, you have extra to share with them.
Also, you need not worry about those who, once the situation is brought to light, refuse to return that which they've taken from you forcibly or deceitfully because a cheerful giver never lacks; yet, those who embezzle his goods or take advantage of His goodwill will surely pay for their deceptive acts, someday.
The LORD is a just God, who rewards every man according to his works; J'rah, LORD God who sees hearts believing in His Son who took on sin, for us to have Right-standing before our Holy Father.
PRAYER: LORD, Jesus Christ, thank you for your love and compassion towards all, and the grace given to us as Christians, to share with others out of the abundance of your love, favor, and provisions, which makes us remain graciously blessed as Sons of Abraham who was promised Isaac.
May your name be glorified forevermore.

Monday, November 14, 2022


The love you show to those who oppress you, even in difficult times, reveals the presence of God in your life and the unique character of a true Christian.
Therefore, you should always be patient, enduring challenges by tolerating and overcoming them through the love of the Father in you. This way, anyone still used by the devil to oppress you, might feel the divine touch of God's love and resist the destructive influence of the devil on his life, which leads to the advancement of God's Kingdom.
 PRAYER: Dear LORD, thank you for the love shown to all though your Son Jesus Christ, who obediently gave His life for all, even when He was being persecuted and oppressed by the sons of men; He still fulfilled the Father's will in love.
Blessed be your Holy Name.

Friday, November 11, 2022


The love of the Father has uniquely endowed us with forgiving hearts and enduring spirits, as true Christians, having no grudge against another. Yet, it's our calling and divine responsibility to pray for all who oppress us, even in the midst of pain, that the LORD may forgive, touch and make them tender to realize where they might have fallen, and tender to receive Christ into their lives, for the Salvation of their souls.
Moreover, cursing them is not an option, but as you show them love, even through pain, this either allows room for God's curse on those who curse you, or the Light in you might make them realize their mistakes later in life, which will definitely lead these people to God's Salvation before taking a last breath.
PRAYER: Dear LORD and ever loving Father, thank you for your presence in our lives, through your Son Jesus Christ, and the manifestation of the Holy Spirit, which has made us with uniquely forgiving hearts and enduring spirits, to live without carrying a grudge towards another of His children.
Yeshuah, may your Name be praised, forevermore.

Thursday, November 10, 2022


As true Christians, we have the love of the Father in us, which doesn't discriminate, yet is expressed to all, even to those who see us as enemies.
"God is love," and by showing love to others, you are revealing His presence in you, which leads to the advancement of God's Kingdom, because love attracts, but hatred repels people to distance from each other. (No matter how weak you were, bonded with unity, there is new strength in Christ. Where even two come into agreement, praying in Jesus' name, all things are now possible; by listening to the Word in a deaf world, we are demonstrating His character to the most broken.

 PRAYER: Thank you LORD, Jesus Christ, for your presence in our lives, which reveals the love of the Father in us, disfavoring none,
Yet embracing all who come to Him in true repentance.
May your Name be praised forevermore.

Wednesday, November 9, 2022


Being a Child of God, Minister, or Servant of God, you have no reason to seek praises from men.
When you are worshiping openly, or being praised as a result of the grace and anointing of God in you though, always continue to guard your heart against pride, realizing the fact that only God deserves all the praise, honor, adoration and blessing; you are only a vessel formed from clay in His hands, used for His glory on Earth.
Moreover, the praises of men might tickle the ears, but can't lift you higher spiritually, nor bring you closer to the LORD; for, it's only by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, through the free gift of the Holy Spirit, that we are being brought forth into the presence of Almighty God.
 PRAYER: Thank you LORD, Jesus Christ, for your love and grace has brought us this far.
Please, continue to guard our hearts against pride, that we may remain humble and submissive to your will, as your faithful Bride, worthy to abide in your presence, in Jesus Christ's name.

Tuesday, November 8, 2022


Avoid oppressing others intentionally, to get yourself temporary happiness, for it only exists for a little while.
For the LORD is a just God, who fights for the righteous, redeeming the justified from every oppression of the wicked, and longs to reward everyman according to his works.
Moreover, self-satisfaction at the expense of another human's suffering, is against the statutes of Christ, for Christ is loving and compassionate to all! He taught us the greatest Love is this; "that someone would lay down his life for his friends." Jesus did not relent in giving His life for all who believe Him to live, which makes the life of true Christians, one of living sacrificially for all.
 PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank you for your Word in our lives, which transforms us daily into the ready Bride of Christ, rejecting every form of selfish and self-satisfactory desires, that we may continue to live the life of self-sacrifice, only to live for your glory, as Sons of God.
Blessed be your Holy Name.

Monday, November 7, 2022


All wealth comes from our good Father, yet riches acquired on Earth are basically vanities and will definitely fade away with time.
This burden of cares keeps us from entering the Kingdom of Heaven, so we should avoid getting obsessed with attaining material goods and work towards true, divine treasures in Heaven, which last for eternity. Those who seek comfort and consolation in the short-term, neglect the fact that the wealth of this world is basically for the sustenance of the flesh, and not of the soul; they are easily obsessed with them, which makes them reject their Heavenly treasures for the robbery of earthly possession. 
 PRAYER: Dear LORD and Heavenly Father, thank you for your Word which reveals the Truth, helping us to retrace our steps to follow You, that we may always remain focused on attaining our eternal reward in Heaven, where our treasures are. We love You.
May your Name be glorified forevermore,

Friday, November 4, 2022


When you are being persecuted or challenged for the sake of your faith in Christ Jesus, you need not worry, but rejoice in the LORD, for such situations are trying periods which lead to victory. 
Christ has overcome it all, and you are an overcomer, in Christ Jesus.
 PRAYER: Thank you LORD, for the victories and breakthroughs you have granted us, through your Son Jesus Christ, whose death and resurrection have made us overcomers, over every effort of the wicked, and for gracing your own with eternity in your Heavenly Kingdom.

Thursday, November 3, 2022


When you are rejected, hated or excluded by friends, loved ones or neighbours for the sake of your calling as a born-again child of God, you need not worry, but rejoice, for you are blessed as joint-heirs with Christ, graced with the assurance of eternal life with the Father in His Heavenly Kingdom above, and He will never forsake you.

Wednesday, November 2, 2022


As you remain faithfully dedicated to doing God's will by living in the statutes of Christ, resisting the negative influence of the devil, yet it seems you are lacking and faced with challenges too tough for you to handle alone, don't be discouraged, for your hope is in the LORD. He will never leave you nor forsake you, because He is Jehovah, the covenant-keeping God, and He will surely meet you at the point of your needs, in due time.
In Jesus Christ's name, amen.

Tuesday, November 1, 2022


The Kingdom of God is for all who humble themselves, acknowledging their spiritual poverty and the need for God's presence in their lives, which is shown through their faithfulness and zeal for His service.
Therefore, we need to always remain submissive to His will, even as we daily desire more of His presence in our lives, to be fit and worthy of His grace and glory, as brethren with Christ, being citizens of His Heavenly Kingdom on Earth.
 PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank you for meeting us at the point of our spiritual needs, through your Son, Jesus Christ, who redeemed and restored us to your presence, where there is an abundance of grace, with the assurance of eternity in your Kingdom, above.
Blessed be your Holy Name.


The Word of God, Jesus Christ, never fails; for the same way He ascended into Heaven, received in a cloud, to be with "the Ancient of D...