Tuesday, October 31, 2023


The Divine presence of Christ in us through the Holy Spirit, who testifies that we are Sons and Daughters of God, opens our understanding, that we may know the True God, who gives eternal life through the knowledge of His Word, written on the tablets of our hearts (1 John 5:20). This brings us closer to the LORD, as Heirs of the Father - graced with Divine Wisdom to disciple others along the path of righteousness, for the Salvation of souls, in Christ Jesus.
Therefore, let's remain abiding in God's Word, and we will never lack the Divine Wisdom of the Holy Spirit, which opens our understanding - revealing the deep things of God needed to live brightly for His glory, in Christ Jesus.
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, thank you Heavenly Father, for the knowledge of Your Word which reveals the Truth and the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit which gives me a Divine understand of my Christ's identity as Your chosen vessel - called to proclaim the Gospel in Your Holy Name;

From Luke 24:45

Monday, October 30, 2023


The Life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ fulfills the Law, Prophets, and Psalms, even as He establishes the New Covenant, graced with love, for God's Salvation of everyone who believes and receives Him into their hearts, by faith. Also, the testimony of Christ's resurrection gives every repentant soul who confesses Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, the power to remain united with Him, as co-heirs of God's Kingdom.
Therefore, let's move on from the fading glory of the Old Covenant Moses engraved, which brought death to the disobedient, with greater glory; embracing the New Covenant in Christ Jesus, who graciously brings eternal life to all, so that His love in us, which attracts souls solely for His Kingdom, may be revealed as a Light to all who dwell in darkness - paving the way to Salvation for the redemption of more souls, to the glory of Christ Jesus.
PRAYER: Thank you, LORD, for the fulfillment of Your Word in my life, which makes me fruitful in Your Kingdom, as I proclaim the Gospel for Your Salvation of souls, in Christ Jesus;

From Luke 24:44

Friday, October 27, 2023


We should always hold fast to our faith in Christ Jesus, and give no room for doubts, or worries; for He is always with us, and the manifestation of the Holy Spirit testifies - even as our souls acknowledge His Divine presence in our lives through Brothers and Sisters. So, one mustn't allow fear based on the past, to cause him to drift away from God's presence; rather, he should faithfully abide in Him - through His Word, Jesus Christ, experiencing His love and unchanging grace, that the deception of the devil, who stimulates shame and fear in the hearts of men, may remain subdued by one's unwavering faith in Christ Jesus.
Moreover, as we abide in Christ, and He in us - being in communion with the Holy Spirit, we will never lose the comfort of His glorious presence. Rather, we will remain bold to faithfully advance His Kingdom, because we are gracefully blessed to be united with Him, as the Redeemed of the LORD.
PRAYER: Thank you Heavenly Father, for you are always with me and the comfort of your Word strengthens my faith and uplifts my spirit, to live for Your glory, in Christ Jesus Your Son;

From Luke 24:38-39

Thursday, October 26, 2023


The Divine presence Christ in our lives; restores our souls, and uplifts our spirits - revealing the Love of God to all for the Salvation of souls. Even then, it terrifies unbelievers, and all who are weak in faith; because they have never really experience God's Divine peace, which keeps our hope and faith alive as Heirs of the Father in Christ Jesus.
Furthermore, as we are experiencing God's peace in Christ Jesus - the Prince of Peace, through the comfort of the Holy Spirit in our lives, we are also gracefully blessed with the Divine assurance of eternity with the Father, while we live to the fulfilment of our Christ's Calling - bearing fruits that remains for the advancement of God's Kingdom.
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, thank you LORD, Wonder-working Father, for Your Divine presence in my life, through Christ who lives in me - grants me the supernatural experience of the wonders of Your Love as brethren with Him;

From Luke 24:36-37

Tuesday, October 24, 2023


God's Word, the Bread of Life - Jesus Christ, is a Lamp to our feet and a Light to our path - revealing the Truth to all who are fed by Him (Psalm 119:105). He opens our spiritual eyes, even as we abide in Him and He in us; to the realization of His glorious Word - written in the tablets of our hearts, that we may ever remain fruit bearing branches in the True Vine - advancing God's (John 15:4).
Also, the Divine presence of the Holy Spirit in us; gives us the Wisdom needed to acknowledge His eternal presence in our lives, that we may remain gracefully comforted as Heirs of the Father in Christ Jesus.
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, thank you LORD, Ominipresent Father, for you've never left me nor forsake me; rather your presence in my life has kept me comforted in Your bossom, in Your Holy Name,

From Luke 24:30-31

Monday, October 23, 2023


The omnipresence of God in Christ Jesus,  is ever with us His Faithfuls, who worship Him in truth and in the Spirit - meditating and affirming His glorious Word; even as we live by it. This is certain, for "the eyes of the LORD are on the Righteous and His ears are attentive to their cry" (Psalm 34:15).
Furthermore,  as we remain united in Christ Jesus, His Divine presence abides with us, as the Good Shepherd who never forsake His own; yet, He protects and direct His flocks, that they may not go astray, but remain in a right standing with God.(Matthew 18:20, John 10:11).
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, Ominipresent Father, for you are always with me, through the Holy Spirit who abides in me  - revealing Your Divine presence in Christ Jesus;

From Luke 24:14-16

Friday, October 20, 2023


The wondrous works of God, ever before us, His Faithfuls who believe and trust in Him, remain marvelous in our eyes. This is because they are beyond our comprehension and far above our imaginations - even as we remain in communion with Him in the Spirit (Psalm 118:23).
Moreover, the ways of the LORD, as well as His thoughts, are far above our human understanding; yet, being gracefully gifted with the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit,  through Christ who lives in us, we are being blessed with the revelation of the deep things of God, which we need to know, as His Beloved Sons and Daughters (1 Cor. 2:10). This gives us the boldness to declare the Gospel of Christ, bearing fruits that remain, while we continuously advance His Kingdom, for the Salvation of souls.

 PRAYER: In Jesus' name,  LORD, thank you for Your marvelous works in my life, and the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit, which gives me a better understanding of Your Divine purpose for my life, even as I uphold my Christ's Calling.
Blessed be Your Holy Name;

 From Luke 24:11-12

Thursday, October 19, 2023


Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and Messiah of all mankind, can never be held captive - not even by death; for He Himself brought to life all living creatures, being the Word of God (John 1:1-4). He only died for our redemption; that we all who believe in Him - receiving Him into our hearts as our Lord and Savior, may become dead to the flesh; which is easily influenced by the devil, and be raised with Him in the Spirit, as Overcomers, triumphing over every deception and obstructive force of the wicked one.
However, He was delivered into the hands of men - who persecuted and crucified Him; yet, He was raised that we might behold the Salvation of the LORD, as His Redeemed and chosen generation - proclaiming the Good News of Salvation for the advancement of God's Kingdom (Exodus 14:13, 1Peter 2:9).
PRAYER: Thank you Heavenly Father, for I am raised with Christ, to declare Your Salvation; as the Redeemed of the LORD, commissioned to advance your Kingdom - bearing fruits for Your glory in Christ Jesus,

From Luke 24:6

Wednesday, October 18, 2023


The Righteousness of God, Jesus Christ, who lives in us, makes even strangers testify of God's surpassing glory, which is being revealed as we continuously live in the light of Christ, proclaiming His Gospel compassionately, for the Salvation of souls.
Although, we may be facing persecution while doing so, our enduring hearts and faithful Spirit keeps us Strengthened; we do not grow weary while doing good things prepared for us, for in due season, we will reap a Divine reward from the LORD, diligence giving rise to irresistible testimonies from the mouths of all who mocked us (Galatians 6:9). Walking with the Word, the Kingdom of God is advancing, while He is being glorified in us by the power of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 1:24).

PRAYER: Dear LORD, Jesus Christ, thank You for making me a vessel of Your glory - revealing Your unconditional love, which makes even unbelievers begin to testify of Your greatness in my new life; in Your Holy Name,

From Luke 23:47

Tuesday, October 17, 2023


No matter the condition or situation we find ourselves in life, we should always remain committed as a living sacrifice solely to the LORD, from the depth of our hearts, with all our strength and might. This is necessary, for our lives and timely existence on the surface of the Earth are due to His unconditional love and grace over us, as our Creator and Heavenly Father.
Although trials may arise, challenging our faith and identity in Christ, as we live to the fulfillment of Christ's Calling and purpose for our lives, we will never lose our eternal inheritance, as Heirs of the Father.
PRAYER:​ In Jesus' name, LORD, thank You, for my spirit lies in Your hands, even as I remain committed to Your service - having been redeemed by Your Word;

From Luke 23:46

Monday, October 16, 2023


All who truly repent from the depth of their hearts, confessing Jesus Christ, as  Lord and Savior - the Redeemer of every repentant soul; has been gracefully blessed with the Divine Assurance of God's forgiveness, and acceptance into His Heavenly Kingdom; where the saints are dwelling. So; as Christians, dwelling in the body of Christ - the Church, and the congregation of the saints, we have the Divine Assurance of eternity in God's Kingdom as co-heirs with Christ.
Therefore, let's not relent in sharing the Good News of Salvation to all, even as we endlessly bear more fruits for God's Kingdom; bringing souls to the realization of their Christ's identity, and the importance of living to the fulfilment of their Christ's Calling, that they may come into repentance - receiving Jesus Christ, into their hearts, while we disciple them for the advancement of God's Kingdom.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, Jesus Christ, for granting me the Divine assurance of eternity in Your Kingdom; where the saints are dwelling in the comfort of Your glorious presence,

From Luke 23:42-43

Friday, October 13, 2023


We should always remain forgiving to all, as Heirs of the Father and Brethren with Christ, for forgiveness is a Divine gift from the LORD, which expresses His unconditional love - revealed through His Son, Jesus Christ, who lives in us. Even when our love is being repaid with betrayal, theft, and false accusations, we should not relent in praying for the Salvation of those who trespass against us, while we make the Word of God known to them, before his return (Psalm 109:4, Matthew 5:44).
We Christians admitted our sins and have been greatly forgiven, now receiving mercy, where once we had not received mercy. Whenever we face persecution, we should continue to love greatly - realizing that tribulation is from the kingdom of darkness, so the one being influenced to oppress us may be acting out of ignorance. To overcome evil with good; we the righteousness of God in Christ, need to always pray for their forgiveness and total redemption, and for those who make confessions, even as we never fail to forgive them for their trespasses against us (2 Cor. 5:21, James 5:16).
PRAYER: In righteous Jesus' name, thank you, LORD, Ever-loving Father, for Your Divine presence in my life, which grants me the grace to be forgiven as I forgive all who trespass against me; even as I pray for Your Divine Mercy on their behalf,

From Luke 23:34

Thursday, October 12, 2023


As faithful Christians living in the righteousness of God our ransom, Jesus Christ, we will always remain vindicated over every accusation of the wicked, coming from the kingdom of darkness; even as we endlessly proclaim His Gospel for the Salvation of souls from the Grave. This is established by the precious blood of the Lamb of God, which cleanses us from all our guilt and stains, as He is without a single spot deserving of death (1 John 1:7-9).
Therefore, we should always remain faithful and courageous, even in trials; for, every accusation formed against us, and brought before a Judge, only to hinder the fulfillment of our Christ's Calling, or divert our attention from the actualization of our Christ's identity, will definitely be overruled for God's glory, in Jesus' name!
PRAYER: Dear LORD, our Blessed Redeemer - the Vindicator of the Righteous, thank you, for I am safe in Your hands, and every accusation of the wicked is termed null and void, in Jesus' Name;

From Luke 23:14-15

Wednesday, October 11, 2023


One's desire to meet a vessel of God, ministering in Christ Jesus, shouldn't be only to satisfy his curiosity. Rather, it should be for the Divine experience of God's presence, revealed through His Ordained and chosen vessel, whose identity in Christ Jesus is made known by the glorious works of the LORD in his life, even as he lives anew, to the fulfillment of his Christ's Calling.
This is necessary, for many desire the show of a miracle more than the testimony of its Divine impact on their lives spiritually. Selfish pride in the flesh, and a fat heart which God sees, keep them far away from the LORD, even while they dwell amidst the congregation of His people.
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, thank you Heavenly Father, for making me overcome the lust of the flesh, with the fervent desire to be in Your presence, even as You strengthen me with the will of the Spirit, to live for Your glory, in Your Holy Name;

From Luke 23:8

Tuesday, October 10, 2023


Just as the Holy Spirit testified before and after the birth of Jesus Christ; that He is the Son of God - the only begotten of the Father, Jesus' Himself never fail to affirm that He is the Son of God whenever He is asked of His Divine identity (Matthew 3:16, Mark 14:62, Luke 1:35). Also, He is the revelation of God's Word, who was from the beginning with the Father; by whom all things were created - being the Light and Life of men. He "became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth " (John 1:1-4,9&14).
Therefore, receiving Him into our hearts; faithfully for who He is, makes us deserving of His sonship and Divine inheritance,. Still, as we continue living the life of Christ, proclaiming the Gospel of Salvation, even as we bear more fruits for His glory, we will never lose our Christ identify as Brethren with Him.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, Jesus Christ, the Author and Finisher of our faith; for You are my Salvation, and my redemption omes from You alone. 
Blessed be Your Holy name,

From Luke 22:70

Monday, October 9, 2023


Every Christian should know where he is going; where he will spend his eternity, and be focused on it at all times. Though, knowing this and living to attain it comes with trials; yet, as our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, focused on His destiny and not on His pain or suffering - we should endeavor to do the same; because we've been empowered by the Holy Spirit to do so (John 3:5, Acts 2).
Also, as we remain focused on our Divine destination to be united with the saints in Heaven; revealing our Christ identify to the world, even as we endlessly bear more fruits for God's Kingdom, we will surely be received up into Heaven by Jesus Christ the Author and Finisher of our faith, on the last day.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, for I am destined to be with the saints in Heaven, as I remain dedicated and focused on my Christ's Calling - bearing fruits that remains for Your glory in Christ Jesus,

From Luke 22:69

Friday, October 6, 2023


Even as the Holy Spirit testifies that we are Heirs of the Father, living the life of Christ on Earth - proclaiming His Gospel for the advancement of God's Kingdom; still, those who are moved by evil motives; being engulfed in the lust of the flesh and the deception of the devil, will always overlook the Divine truth, only to seek for ways to dispose the vessels of Light (Luke 20:5-7). Yet, "the LORD redeems the souls of His servants, and none of those who trust in Him shall be condemned" ( Psalm 34:22).
Furthermore, as we've received the Word of God by faith, abiding in Him, we will always remain vessels of His glorious Light; having been redeemed from the forces of darkness - revealing the Truth to all, that others may know the Truth and be set free as we are in Christ Jesus (John 8:31-32).
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, for the gift of the Holy Spirit; who reveals who I am in Christ Jesus, my Blessed Redeemer,

From Luke 22:67-68

Thursday, October 5, 2023


Everyone who truly repent from the depth of their hearts; shows signs of remorse - regreting their sinful and wrongful deeds, while they humble themselves to be deserving of Divine forgiveness. This makes them worthy of God's Mercy and redeeming Grace, needed for the Salvation of their souls.
However, being remorseful of sinful acts and wrongful thoughts; reveals one's readiness and total submission to his Christ's Calling, while he makes himself useful in the LORD'S Vineyard - bearing fruits that remains for God's Kingdom. So, let's never stop proclaiming the Gospel; reaching more souls and touching lives with the Good News of Salvation, that more souls may come into repentance - being remorseful of their sins, and receive Jesus Christ into their hearts, for the redemption of their souls.
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, thank you LORD, Merciful Father, for Your redeeming Grace and unconditional Love, which keeps me preserved in Your presence - being remorseful of my wrong deeds, and focused on living the life of Christ; bearing fruits that remains for the advancement of Your Kingdom,

From Luke 22:54-62

Wednesday, October 4, 2023


The life of every faithful Christian is graced with the love of God, which restores peace to our souls; as we remain in communion with the Holy Spirit, through Christ who lives in us. Even so, there are times where challenges arise - coming from the kingdom of darkness, with the intention of obstructing the fulfilment of God's Word, and Divine purpose for our lives; yet, as we remain steadfast to our Christ's Calling, every of their efforts will turn out to be a steping stone towards a greater glory in our lives.
However, while going through challenging and trouble times; you shouldn't relent in praying for the fulfilment of God's Divine will and purpose for your life, because you have been reborn into the body of Christ, for this reason; that you may continue to triumph over every snare of the wicked one - proving to him that He that is in you is greater than him (Luke 22:42, John 12:24).
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank you for your redeeming Grace, and Divine protection; even in trying times, for this makes me trimphantly victorious, as an Overcomer in Christ Jesus;

From Luke 22:53

Tuesday, October 3, 2023


God's Kingdom never promotes physical violence; rather, it encourages patience and peaceful co-existence, because it's not of this world. Although, it's existing on the surface of the Earth as the church; still, it is established in love for the unity of brethren in the Body of Christ, which pleases the LORD (Psalm 133:1).
Therefore, as Heirs of the Father, we should always remain Peacemakers, no matter the situation we find ourselves; discouraging physical violence as ambassadors of Christ, graced with enduring heart's - placing our challenges before the LORD in prayers, for vengeance belongs to Him, and we will ever remain triumphantly victorious; over the rulers of darkness and spiritual host of wickedness in Jesus' name (Psalm 94:1, Matthew 5:9, Ephesians 6:12).
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, Jesus Christ - the Prince of Peace; for your presence in my life, as made me an ambassadors of Peace, being graced with an enduring Spirit to overcome every violence - influenced by the kingdom of darkness, with Your unconditional love dwelling in my heart,

From Luke 22:49-51

Monday, October 2, 2023


The betrayal of a loved one only manifest what had been lurking in his heart - exposing his true nature and pretense towards another. Though, he might have been showing false love; yet, it's only for selfish reasons, which ends up hurting others who truly love him.
Furthermore, every betrayal usually comes as a wolf in sheep clothing; seeing another as a prey to feast on - having been influenced by the devil, through his selfish desires for lustful gain. So, let's strengthen our faith in God through His Word, which reveals His Truth and Love, compassionately to all, that our hearts may not fail; whenever we are being betrayed because "faithful are the words of friend but the kiss of an enemy are deceitful (Proverbs 27:6).
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, thank you Heavenly Father, for the grace and strength to overcome, through Your Word and the manifestation of the Holy Spirit who lives in me,

From Luke 22:48.


The Word of God, Jesus Christ, never fails; for the same way He ascended into Heaven, received in a cloud, to be with "the Ancient of D...