Wednesday, January 31, 2024


Every true and faithful Christian, being an ambassador of Christ, commissioned to advance God's Kingdom among your people, hungers to find lost souls; as we are bringing them into the Body of Christ through the declaration of the Gospel and discipleship, we receive Divine satisfaction which nourishes our souls and Joy strengthens our spirits to live again, as fruitful branches in the True Vine (Matt. 28:19-20, Luke 19:10, John 15:5).
We even treasure God's Word more than the food that nourishes our flesh, for the Bread of Life keeps us sustained and equipped to do the Father's will - gratefully trusting in His Son unto holiness and loving one another - as the mindsets of men are being renewed to receive Jesus Christ as the Redeemer of souls by His Grace, who is also the Prince pioneering and perfecting our faith (1 Th. 5:18, 1 John 3:23, Heb. 10:10 & 12:2). 
PRAYER: Thank You, Heavenly Father, for nourishing my soul, and strengthening my spirit to live for Your Glory, which keeps me equipped to advance Your Kingdom - converting souls and discipling them to be of service in Your Vineyard that we would each remain safe for eternity, in Jesus' mighty name,

From John 4:34

Tuesday, January 30, 2024


In worshipping the LORD, our Heavenly Father and Creator of all things, we need to spend time daily abiding with His Word, the Revelation of Truth, alive in the Spirit - which declares the true existence of Him, as The Supernatural Bread and Supreme Being to bless and glorify (Matthew 6:11, Rev. 5:12). Communing with God, faithfully in the Spirit, reveals true worship, and keeps us in right-standing with Him, even as we do it with Love from the depth of our hearts, but not after man-made traditions and doctrines created through emotional manipulation, solely to proclaim justification of one's self-righteousness.
Therefore, hearts being gracefully circumcized in the Spirit, as Christians living by the Truth of God's Word, we shouldn't allow the traditions of worldly men to serve as a guide to worship God who is jealous for humble worshipers, because enforcement of legalistic bondage also brings about diversions from true worship (John 1:17, Phil. 3:3 & 8-9). Rather, we should always be free from the flesh to worship our Heavenly Father according to the teachings exemplified in Christ and His disciples, with everything good He has provided us, so that we may continuously dwell in His Holy presence, which gives peace to our souls for eternity (2 Cor. 3:17).
PRAYER: LORD, I bless Your Name, Christ Jesus, for bringing me to the realization of how worthy You Are, through Your Word, who unites me with You in the Spirit, forever! Please, keep me strengthened in Your Vineyard, to reach out to more souls and bring them to the realization of true worship,

From John 4:23-24

Monday, January 29, 2024


Worshipping the LORD rightly requires having the True knowledge of Him, through trusting in His Word and the testimonies of His awesome wonders as revealed by the Holy Spirit, so that we may humbly serve Him, repenting from our actions according to His will, in love, from the depths of our hearts. By so doing, we gracefully receive the Salvation of the LORD in Christ Jesus, born of a virgin.
Moreover, trying to worship God in ignorance, or perhaps based more on where we have always assembled, calling it the Church, or with pride in who we are descended from, gives room for deceptive practices initiated by the kingdom of darkness as false doctrines that are against Love to God and our neighbors.
Rather, we have the opportunity to remain grafted into the Root of Jesse to live with Jesus, the firstborn from the dead and branch that bears fruit (Isa. 11:1 & 10). So, let's endeavor to constantly meditate on God's Word, living by it as Sons of Peace, and the Divine presence of the Holy Spirit will grant us the Wisdom needed to understand Elohim, so that He alone may be glorified; for, "the main thing about Your Word is that it's Truth" (Psalms 119:160).
PRAYER: Thank you, LORD, Ever-loving Father, for the knowledge of Your Word, which gives me the right understanding of Your existence through the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit who abides in me as the Redeemed of the LORD, in Christ Jesus, the Savior of all peoples,

From John 4:20-22

Friday, January 26, 2024


Being thirsty for God's righteousness makes us seek and find the Truth in His Word, which surely brings eternal peace and Salvation to satisfy our souls, keeping us preserved in His Love, Grace, and Glory (Matthew 5:6). Even then, as we remain in communion with Him by meditating on His Word and through prayer, His Spirit fills us up to the fullest, so that we may remain divinely sustained as Overcomers, forever in His Kingdom (John 6:35).
Moreover, we are being gracefully revived and nourished by God's Word so that we may also share from the abundance of His Living Water, as we take the Gospel to the reach of all who are thirsty and in need of the Truth, so that they may also drink of Him with faith to live on, for "As the scripture says, ‘Streams of life-giving water will pour out from his side,’" as a vessel of God's glorious works (John 7:38).
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Jesus Christ, for Your Living Water flows over my soul, and Your Spirit remains in control of me; please also give me a discerning spirit to live for Your Glory, sharing the Good News of the Fountain of Living Water wherever I AM might send, because you experienced thirst without relief first, pouring out your life, that souls may drink from Your side and thirst no more, but well up into eternity,

From John 4:14

Thursday, January 25, 2024


The gift of God's Love, Jesus Christ's life given for the redemption of mankind, is sufficient for all, Him being the Fountain of Living Water which never runs dry (John 11:25-27). Yet, only when one humbly repents in response to His Love, even joining with Christ in accepting death to the flesh for the Joy set before us, will they receive His Living Water, the Holy Spirit which Divinely preserves souls for eternity (Zech. 13:1 & 14:8, John 7:37-38, Rev. 7:17).
While the promise of Living Water which flows from the Fountain of Life as its source, Divinely offers both spiritual and physical blessings, poured out gracefully as favors from the LORD upon His Faithfuls so that we may not lack, it is not forced; Worshipers remain sustained in the abundance of His Grace and Love received, now enriched to live for His Glory, both gently and powerfully sharing the Good News of Salvation, having gained the Helper, needed to walk upright and bear fruit that remains for God's Kingdom.
PRAYER: In Jesus' awesome name, thank you Eternal and Gracious Father, for opening my eyes with the offer of access to your very Spirit, keeping me preserved for Your Glory, filled with the Living Water springing forth from the Fountain of Life which never runs dry, yet strengthens me to actively share Your Love for the world, as I proclaim the Gospel with faith in Your Holy Name,

From John 4:10

Wednesday, January 24, 2024


It's crucial for everyone seeking total redemption from sin, death, and a complete breakthrough from the forces of darkness, to come to repentance, believing and obeying Jesus Christ, God's Word and only begotten Son; for through Him, Divine reconciliation with the Father is established, being the Salvation of the LORD offered to all mankind (John 3:16-17 & 14:6, Acts 4:12). Submitting to Him alone, we can be kept eternally free from condemnation and wrath, since we no longer live and walk in darkness, rather according to the will of the Spirit who abides in us, granting us, as Heirs of His Kingdom, eternal life (John 6:47, Romans 8:1).
Therefore, we should firmly hold onto our faith in He Who Is Faithful & True; for in Him, the righteousness of God is revealed to sinners snatched from hellfire (Jude 1:23). As we will humbly abide in Him and He in us, we will forever remain justified, as co-heirs with Christ (Romans 1:17)!
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Eternal and Gracious Father, for I am redeemed by faith in Your Word and only begotten Son, who paid the price for my sins, that I may never let go of your favor, but live for eternity in Your Kingdom, as the Redeemed of the LORD, in Christ Jesus, seeking for Your will to be done,

From John 3:36

Monday, January 22, 2024


Our Heavenly Father, the Great I Am That I Am, YAHWEH, has placed all things in the hands of Jesus Christ, making Him eternally in control over all principalities, powers, and authorities in Heaven and on Earth, "for in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead, bodily" (Mat. 28:18, Col. 2:9-10). Even so, "the Father loves the Son, and shows Him all things that He Himself does," that we may experience the wonders of His marvelous works, through His presence made manifest by the Holy Spirit who dwells in those who will receive Him (John 5:20).
Therefore, we all, as God's creations, are meant to be subjected under His Divine Authority, for all things have been placed under His feet as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, being the Redeemer of the World (Heb. 2:8, Rev. 17:14 & 19:16). So, let's remain humble and faithful in His service, submitting to fellow Believers, and we will truly live in the comfort of His Love, Grace, and Glory for eternity (Eph. 5:21).
PRAYER: Thank You, Heavenly Father and Omnipotent God, for Your Word in my life, keeps me in right-standing with You, graced with the Divine authority to live for Your Glory; even as I remain of service in Your Vineyard, please help me disciple souls for Your Kingdom, with the same Love You've given me, in Jesus' mighty name,

From John 3:35


The spoken and written words of God are revealed through His chosen vessels in whom His Spirit dwells, giving them the boldness to declare the Truth according to His Divine will. His Logos is like a seed of faith from which we may gain fruit bountifully, as generously as we sow into the hearts of all who receive the implanted Word, which spreads and grows through discipleship (2 Cor. 9:6, James 1:21). Having been sent by the LORD as His chosen generation - exalting His name as vessels of His glorious works, raised by Christ, the promised seed and prophetic Messiah - the Holy Spirit ministers through us, while we live to proclaim His Gospel to all nations (Deut. 18:18, 1 Peter 2:9).
Therefore, as we listen to God's vessels who are ministering in His name, we are also listening to the message of Jesus Christ, God's Word, and as we live by Wisdom from above, we will remain blessed in what we do, because a true Minister has no doctrine of his own, yet he acts and lives by faith in the teachings of Christ whom God sent (John 7:16). So, only the level of faith of the one ministering in Christ Jesus, needs to be evaluated, since, "God assigns a measure of faith," yet, "God gives the Spirit without measure," to minister in His name; for whoever He wills, He uses, speaking courageously, for His glory (Rom 12:3).
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, thank You, LORD, for the knowledge of Your Word, by whose authority I can ask for the gift of the Holy Spirit who repurposes me as a vessel of Your glorious works, ministering powerfully in Your name for the advancement of Your Kingdom and the Salvation of souls,

From John 3:34

Friday, January 19, 2024


Believing and receiving the testimony of God's Word, Jesus Christ, affirms the truthfulness of Elohim in our lives and confirms the fulfillment of His promise through Abraham (Genesis 12:3). This makes us Sons of Abraham - the Father of many nations - additionally, we become brethren with Jesus Christ, the promised seed; by faith, He was sent from God, who raised Him to life, we are deserving of eternal life, in relationship with Him (John 3:16, Gal. 3:6-9).
Furthermore, "he who believes in the Son of God has the witness in himself;" this is acquired because the Word became flesh for God's Salvation of souls in need, and to those who receive Him, the Holy Spirit reveals the deep things of God through His Wisdom which gives Believers the right understanding of Elohim, in whose image we are reborn to be fruitful, multiply and rule (John 1:3 & 14, 1 John 5:10 & 11, Gen. 1:27 & 28). So, let's continue testifying of the Truth in Christ Jesus, proclaiming His Good News to all, even as we live by it, so that we may gracefully be justified through faith in God's Word, who dwells in us, as Overcomers in Christ Jesus, our Lord and Savior (Romans 3:4 & 22).
PRAYER: Thank You LORD, Ever-Faithful and True God, for bringing me to the realization of Who You Are by faith in Your Word - Jesus Christ, in whom I live, testifying of Your great and marvelous works, bringing God's Salvation to all who might have tender hearts to believe in Your Holy Name,

From John 3:33

Thursday, January 18, 2024


Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, the Word of God, is above all, being the only one who came from Heaven, living as the Son of Man, to reveal God's Love, and ascended into Heaven as the Son of God, glorified by the Father (John 1:14 & 3:13). He was conceived by the Holy Spirit, unlike every other man who has been made from the dust, so that He might serve as, "the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the World" (Luke 1:34-35, John 1:29 & 8:23, 1 Cor. 15:47-49).
Therefore, God has also highly exalted Him, and given Him the name which is above every name, that at the mention of Jesus' name, every kneel should bow, confessing Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, even as "He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places," to rule over all principalities, power, might, and dominion, for eternity (Phil. 2:9-11, Matt. 28:18, Eph. 1:20-21). With this, we should never relent in being submissive to the LORD in Christ Jesus, by aiming to gain more souls, while we worship Him in truth and in Spirit, so that we may remain fruitful in God's Kingdom and deserving of His loving embrace on the Last Day.
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Jesus Christ, the Author and Finisher of our faith; I give You all the glory, honor, power, and majesty, for only You deserve all praise.
Blessed be Your Holy Name, forever and ever,

From John 3:31

Wednesday, January 17, 2024


The joy of every faithful and true Minister of the Good News is fulfilled as they continuously see all whom they're discipling moving closer to the LORD, in full submission to the arrival of Jesus Christ - the Bridegroom, whom they proclaim God sent into the world. It's also our Calling in Christ to seek lost souls to disciple, who are willing to put Jesus first, enticing them to be made presentable, as chaste and wise Virgins, to the one who paid for the redemption of all mankind to be made available (Matthew 25:1-4 & 28:19-20, 2 Cor. 11:2).
This is necessary, that we may continue to serve as vessels of His Divine will; advancing His Kingdom, which will never cease to exist, yet abides forever - so, "today, if you hear His voice, don't harden your hearts," for His Faithfuls have been granted a reason for eternal Joy, prevailing Justice, and Peace, hallelujah (Psalm 95:6-9)! Accordingly, we shouldn't relent in listening for His return, being committed to our Christ's calling, and we will remain deserving of the welcoming embrace of Jesus Christ, the Bridegroom, on the Last Day (Isaiah 9:7).
PRAYER: Thank you, LORD Jesus Christ, for calling me Friend, and choosing me to advance Your Kingdom, while I continuously disciple souls for Your glory, asking that all may humbly come to be graciously deserving of Your welcoming embrace, as Stewards and the true Bride-to-be, making much of Your Holy Name,

From John 3:29-30

Tuesday, January 16, 2024


Ministering in Jesus' name doesn't make anyone the Messiah, for no one can ever take the place of Christ; rather, we are only vessels chosen to reveal God's Love, as we follow the Way lived out by His Son. Even then, as faithful Ministers proclaiming the Good News of Salvation, we are called to make a straight route for His second coming, just as John the Baptist prepared the way for His arrival in the flesh (Malachi 3:1, Matthew 28:19-20, Mark 1:2, John 1:20, 23 & 27).
Therefore, we must not look upon any Minister as the Messiah; rather, we should understand that each part of the body is equally commissioned to declare the Gospel of Truth for Salvation so that, as a Bride is adorned for the Bridegroom, each heart may be prepared for His second coming. The calling of a true Minister requires his commitment to advancing God's Kingdom, and willingness to reach out to more hurting humans who are poor in the Spirit, encouraging them to change their mindsets to receive Jesus Christ as the one and only Redeemer of lives, that people we love may be well preserved for eternity in the Kingdom of Heaven.
PRAYER: In Jesus' gracious name, thank You, LORD, for making me useful in Your Vineyard, to get people prepared for Your second coming. Please, send more laborers for Harvest and strengthen me so that I may continue to disciple more souls, even as I remain preserved with enough of Your Spirit to reach eternity in Your Heavenly Kingdom,

From John 3:28

Monday, January 15, 2024


All that we are, own, or possess through inheritance naturally, the painful labor of our hands, or bearing as gifts, are from Heaven, given by the LORD, Himself, for our good and His glory. Lest we come to nothing by going on in mortal sin, disappointing God's desire for His Children, we need not be boastful of ourselves or our achievements, as His humble and faithful servants, Divinely favored to help others, while giving Him all the glory (2 Peter 3:9, 1 Cor. 4:7).
Furthermore, as we receive from our Heavenly Father, both spiritually and physically, we shouldn't resist others, but help with their needs, "as good Stewards of the manifold grace of God," doing everything "with the ability which God supplies, that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom belong the glory and the dominion forever and ever, amen" (1 Peter 4:10-11).
PRAYER: Thank You, Heavenly Father, in the most humble King Jesus' name, for Divine Grace to eat of the Tree of Life and Your blessings in my life, which keep me sustained and highly favored to reveal Your Love, sharing it from the abundance of all I receive from You, for without you I have nothing, including this Ministry. Please, never give me enough wealth that I question Who You Are, yet continue to provide for our finances, and the needs of the Church being built together in You,
Amen (Proverbs 30:5-9)

From John 3:27

Friday, January 12, 2024


We, the Righteous in Jesus, have come to abide in the pure Light. The Truth revealed in Christ, keeps us in right standing with God by faith, while He who lives in us, makes even branches which have been grafted in, fruitful in His Vineyard (John 15:4-5). This is made possible through God's Grace in our lives, which makes each of our efforts productive in advancing God's Kingdom, by the Holy Spirit dwelling with us (1 Cor. 15:10).
Our integrity is shown by the Light shining through us, revealing loving deeds clearly to all, so that the world may know who God is, testifying that we are consistently empowered as Christians to walk openly on the Highway of Holiness (Mat. 5:14-16, Isa. 35:8). So, let's keep on living honestly, which reveals God's Light in us, and by Grace, we will always live to advance the Kingdom of the one called Faithful and True - bearing fruit that remains, for His Glory.
PRAYER: In Jesus' glorious name, thank You, Heavenly Father, for Your Light leading me, which gracefully reveals the Truth that I have no power of my own; yet, I am strengthened to live for Christ! May I glorify Your Name, while I keep practicing that which is only possible with You in authority,

From John 3:21

Thursday, January 11, 2024


The Light of God, Jesus Christ, exposes the true nature of every man; for no matter how well an evil deed is being kept secret from others, the Truth always prevails, in due time, taking away every form of darkness and deceptive force positioned against that which is right before the LORD. As a result of his wandering away from the path of righteousness in Christ Jesus, walking contrary to the will of God, one may feel intimidated by the Truth, exposed in God's Light, and react hatefully; yet, when he meets Love and returns in repentance, He will be forgiven and healed by the LORD, our Merciful and Ever-Loving Father who never forsakes those who are humble to pray and seek Him (2 Chronicles 7:14, Job 24:13).
However, Children of Light "have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them," through Divine discernment and Christ's manifestation which subdues every power of the wicked coming against His Faithfuls (Ephesians 5:11-13). Even when, for merely shining in a dark world, we are hated, Jesus shared fellowship by going ahead and allowing Himself to be murdered for an excellent cause (John 15:18-19). So, we should always abide by the Truth - walking in the Light of God, which reveals our right standing with Him, as ambassadors of Christ, and every one of our endeavors will clear the way to bear more fruit that remains, for God's Kingdom.
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, our Gracious Father, for the example of Your Holy Son, keeping me humble to abide in the Light of Your Word, who has redeemed me from darkness so that I may remain a vessel of Your glorious work - revealing the Truth of the Gospel for the Salvation of souls in Christ Jesus,

From John 3:20

Wednesday, January 10, 2024


The presence of Jesus Christ, God's Word, is a Lamp everywhere we go, and a Light to our preordained path, which sustains us on Earth, with the grace to overcome every form of darkness in and around us as chosen vessels of the Light Who arrives right on time (Psalm 119:105, John 1:9). Jesus Christ, being the Light of God, gives life to all who believe in Him, even as He dwells in us - who once had not received mercy - being made beautiful vessels of His glory, subduing every power of darkness on Earth (John 1:4).
Moreover, the rejection of the True Light, Jesus Christ, creates a barrier to one's Divine Salvation, as a result of his unbelief; yet, full submission - in repentance from loveless, dead works - through trusting in Him, keeps us richly graced and protected with eternal Peace, which reveals our total freedom from sin, shame, and separation, as well as the kindness of God in giving His Son to raise up His masterpiece (John 1:10-11, Eph. 2:4-10). So, let's keep on testifying of His glorious presence in our lives to all watching, showing God's Love to each other, which attracts souls seeking His redeeming Grace, so that they may be drawn to the True Light, exchanging mourning for festive oil of gladness, and the Kingdom of God will continue advancing, in His Glory and Majesty (Isa. 61:3).
PRAYER: Thank You, Heavenly Father and Glorious LORD, for making me a vessel of Your Light, through Christ who lives in me, that I may never be condemned for my past dead works, but may I bring those Your Spirit jealously yearns for, to Your presence in Love, who would come out of darkness, yielding to the morning light, for the Salvation of their souls in Christ Jesus,

From John 3:19

Tuesday, January 9, 2024


We are redeemed from the condemnation mankind deserves, through faith in Christ Jesus, the Lamb of God whose sacrificial life's blood cleansed us from all sins, that we may be free from condemnation and shame, being justified to live for eternity with the Father (John 5:24).  While we continuously harken to the Faithful Word of God, His good and satisfying will never ceases to prevail in our lives; still, it keeps on manifesting through the Holy Spirit, who makes all whom we come across in life, to experience Christ in us, and as they believe and receive Him, eternity is sure - even as we who trust, will be raised up on the Last Day (Romans 12:2, John 6:40 & 58).
Furthermore, the teachings of the Messiah are written so that we may have the true knowledge of God's human life, and through having faith in His Name, we are gifted with eternal life. So, having gracefully been redeemed from death's claim, as Heirs of the Father, who walk not according to the flesh, yet abide in the Spirit for God's glory, we shouldn't relent in sharing the Good News with all who need it, for the Salvation of more souls (Romans 8:1).
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, thank You, LORD, for my hope is in You, and my faith rests on Your Word, who has redeemed me from shame and eternal condemnation. Blessed be Your Holy Name, for I'm safe in Your Hands; therefore, I ask the same simple faith to arise in the hearts of my loved ones, so we will always be together,

From John 3:18

Monday, January 8, 2024


The birth, lifetime, death, and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, were not meant to accuse, convict, nor prefer anyone above another, rather He came to deliver mankind from the world of sin, influenced by the devil (known as the father of lies); this, "we have seen and testify that the Father has sent His Son as Savior of the World." (Matthew 1:21, Luke 9:25, 1 John 4:14).
Therefore, as faithful Christians, we should avoid separating the people of this world from ourselves while declaring the Truth of Christ Jesus, who came to seek and save the lost; for, as the Good News of Salvation is ministered in love, hope is restored to the condemned, and souls are being redeemed by the same body and blood (Luke 19:10). This is necessary, for Love is the greatest gift given to mankind; when shared, it brings about progress to God's Kingdom, and our individual lives, as Children of God, united with the mind of Christ (1 Cor. 13:1-13, 1 John 3:1).
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, for offering the greatest Love of all, Jesus Christ who covers my sins and lives in me, that I may purpose to testify of Your goodness today - revealing Your compassion to humanity for the Salvation of souls, in Christ Jesus,

From John 3:17

Friday, January 5, 2024


Our Heavenly Father and Creator of all things, the Great I Am Who I Am - YHWH, manifested His glorious Love towards all, by sending His only begotten Son, God's Word who became flesh to conquer death, so that we might live by faith in and through Him, for eternity (John 1:14, 1 John 4:9-10). The revelation of God's Love in offering Christ Jesus, leads to the purification of our souls, sanctified bodies, and can renew our spirits, to become worthy of Him through receiving His precious blood, so that we may freely live for Christ, advancing His Kingdom by the testimony of our redemption (Rev. 1:5).
However, "God demonstrates His own love towards us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." He paid the redemption price with His perfect life, which reveals His rich mercy and perfect willingness to accept as friends, all who believe in Him for the Salvation of their souls, even as they confess Him as Lord, and repent from sins to obey Jesus' command (Rom. 5:8, Eph. 2:4, John 15:12-14).
PRAYER: In Jesus' gracious name, thank You LORD, Abba Father, for Your selfless Love has redeemed me without money, by Grace, through Your Word who lives in me (Isa. 52:3). By Your Spirit, please help me to see the people in the world with a compassionate heart, even as loving others shows the way You have loved me.
Blessed be Your Holy Name,

From John 3:16

Thursday, January 4, 2024


The resurrection of Jesus Christ by God, from being crucified for the sins of humanity, brought redemption to our souls, granting us Divine and supernatural healing, which completely revives our spirits to live for the source of life, as Heirs of the Kingdom (Acts 3:15-16). Having received Him as the Author and Finisher of our faith - and everything in between - when we are troubled or facing difficulty, by looking with unwavering faith unto Him alone, innocent yet cursed on that tree, a Divine resolution and breakthrough is provided in due time, without fail; for in Him who is Faithful, we are more than conquerors, in everything (Heb. 12:2, Deut. 21:23, 1 Peter 2:22-25, Rom 8:37)!
Therefore, let's never stop holding onto Christ faithfully, for He is the Word of God whose love never fails, yet abides forever, even as we serve Him in Truth and the Spirit (1 Cor 13:8). His Grace is sufficient for all, and as we remain steadfast and committed to His will by advancing His Kingdom, where we live and which we boldly proclaim in Jesus' name, we will never suffer shame.
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Jesus Christ, for You never fail, and as I remain focused on You in the wilderness, I have a blessed assurance of Your redeeming Grace and eternity with You; so in Your Merciful Name, please strengthen me to show the world that you are the Healer, so the paralyzed may be brought out of darkness, to reflect on Your Light and be purified, to continue testifying,

From John 3:14-15

Wednesday, January 3, 2024


Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, the only begotten of the Father - conceived by the Holy Spirit, within a virgin at the right time - is the only one who truly came out from Heaven, having chosen to lower Himself to dwell among men, for the redemption of mankind and Salvation from sin (1 Cor. 15:47). Even then, He is the first to ever ascend into Heaven - having conquered death at the time God appointed and broken the chains of sin gripping the sons of men in condemnation (1 Tim. 2:6). Yet, as we believe and receive the finished work of Jesus Christ, we are gloriously raised by His Grace and live with Him, united for eternity (Mat. 27:50-52, John 3:16, Rom. 6:5)!
Therefore, let's remain daily abiding in Him, that He may abide in us, by constantly meditating on His Word and teachings, guided by the Holy Spirit, for the right understanding of the Way to the Kingdom of Heaven where our treasures dwell, being Heirs of the Father, liable to receive all that we ask of Him for our good and God's Glory (John 15:7 & 1 John 3:21-24).
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, thank You, Gracious Heavenly LORD, for Your presence in my life through Your Word who revives my soul, so that I may remain alive in the Spirit to be like you in resurrection eternally, for Your Glory,

From John 3:13

Tuesday, January 2, 2024


Having faith in, and understanding God's Word - the Scriptures and teachings of Jesus Christ - requires us taking our minds off that which is of the world, in order to concentrate more on the Divine and eternal existence of Elohim, who is far beyond the reach of merely our physical mindset. We are each capable of holding intelligent conversations on doctrine, apologetics, and our role in the earthly religious practices of the Church, without rebellion, but choosing to harden the heart to faith in that which is unseen, limits understanding, even when someone comes to the same level to individually answer doubts, and this dulls eyes from experiencing the actual spiritual truth, which we need to know about our eternal inheritance, as God's Children.
Therefore, while meditating on God's Word, and listening to preachings and teachings of Ministers and servants of the LORD, we need to always be in the Spirit - ignoring distractions which may entertain earthly desires, and focusing more seriously on receiving the true understanding of the Scriptures, which reveal Elohim and His eternal existence, to all who are humble enough to receive Him in Christ Jesus (2 Tim. 4:4). This is essential as citizens of an Heavenly Kingdom, that we may be prepared to make known the reason for our hope, and stand ready as a Bride to meet Him when He comes a second time, to save those eagerly waiting (1 Peter 3:15 & Heb. 9:28).
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD Jesus, for the revelation of Your Word to a dark world, and the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit, which fills me with true understanding of the Kingdom where my treasure is stored, and hope rests, by faith in the One who came from Heaven to deal with my sin by taking it away in an act of love; may I be ready when You appear,

From John 3:12

Monday, January 1, 2024


Testifying of the Truth in Christ Jesus, which is our Christ's calling, reveals our true identity as His beloved ambassadors and Heirs of the Father, living to the fulfillment of His will on Earth, as it is in Heaven. Yet, not everyone received Jesus and the Father who sent Him, so they also may reject us as witnesses of the Truth. This is because of their unbelief in the Divine nature of Jesus the Messiah, who remains the same. Likewise, people may have hard hearts to the Divine message we bear at our own expense, disregarding the fact that we are not our own, but it's the Holy Spirit who helps us carry the cross for them and who speaks through us; for, that which we've been made to know and understand of Love and New Life, by the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit, we constantly bear witness to, for God's Salvation of souls (John 3:32, 1 Cor. 6:19).
However, the Truth has been delivered to us through the Gospel of Salvation by Christ Jesus, who knows and reveals the Father in Himself by the same Holy Spirit who lives in us (Matthew 11:27). So, even while our message is being ignored by some, we who had once not received loving-kindness, but have now obtained mercy, won't fail to live to the fulfillment of our Christ's calling, as His body; for we know we are not of this world, yet are identified as co-heirs with Christ, destined to be among the saints, as God's chosen generation, set apart as a Holy nation, to proclaim the praises of the One who called us into His marvelous Light (John 8:14, 1 Peter 2:9-10, Hosea 2:23).
PRAYER: Thank You, Heavenly Father, for granting us the grace to be able to testify of Your Truth in Christ Jesus, who lives in us and launches us into Your harvest field, so that souls may be revived to be of service and spirits renewed to likewise live for Your Glory; even as Your Kingdom keeps advancing, we ask for workers to be cast into Your sea so that all varieties of people fished for, would be captivated to fall at Your feet, Jesus, in Your mighty name,

From John 3:11


Times and seasons have never been in the hands of anyone except our Heavenly Father and the Creator of all things, who has placed these unde...