Wednesday, April 10, 2024


Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ is the only one who has seen and been with the Father, even before the beginning of all things, for the Father speaks and works through His Son and He lives in His Father (John 14:10, 1:1-2 & 18). Besides, all things are under His authority, both in Heaven and on Earth, for no one knows the Father better than the revelation of His Word, Jesus the Anointed One who declares God in human form to the World (Matt. 11:27, John 7:29).
Therefore, by our faith in His only begotten Son who revealed Love in the flesh, He has graciously granted us the source of Living Water and the blessed assurance of everlasting Life in the bosom of the Father (John 1:14, 3:16 & 4:14)
PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, thank You, LORD, Eternal King of Glory, for revealing Yourself through Your Son, Jesus Christ who declares and grants Your Salvation to all who receive Him by faith. Please, continue to empower me with the Divine Wisdom of the Holy Spirit to know the Truth and proclaim the Gospel of Christ for the understanding of men, so that many may be redeemed through simply believing in Your Word,

From 6:46-47

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