Every Christian Minister who is faithfully committed to His Calling in Christ Jesus, serving as a channel manifesting God's Grace, Love, Ability, and Anointing, has truly been empowered by the LORD in the Holy Spirit and no other; for the revelation of God's marvelous works through His chosen vessels, makes the identity of the Faithful known to all who have understanding, that God is with His people who are sent from Him (John 3:1-2, Matt. 1:22-23). Also, no man can stand firmly on His own, doing miracles that last forever, except he humbly submits himself to be useful in God's hands.
Although there might be disagreement among brethren about your Christ's Calling and Divine identity, even when the works of the LORD done through you show many that you are empowered by Him, you should never allow that to discourage you; for He who has formed and strengthened you will lead you to the end as a triumphant vessel of glory, ordained to show Love from God to all and advance His Kingdom on Earth, before returning to Him (John 9:16).

PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, Thank You, Heavenly Father, for Your presence in and with me, making me a beacon of Your glory, who is anointed to reach out to souls lacking the true knowledge of Your Word. Please, continue to keep me empowered to touch lives - converting and discipling many, as a faithful Child of God, commissioned to advance Your Kingdom,

From John 9:33


The LORD, God our Heavenly Father never forsakes His own who faithfully and diligently worship Him from the depth of their hearts; for His eyes are always upon all who are submissive to His will in Christ, harkening to the voice of their supplications (Ps. 34:15 & 56:9). Nevertheless, He resists those who intentionally reject His Son, making themselves enemies of the righteous-in-heart, as a result of pride over-clouding their thoughts towards the knowledge of the Gospel of Truth (Job 35:12, Ps. 18:39-42, Prov. 1:28-30 & 15:29).
Moreover, turning away from God's Word makes one's prayer an abomination, instead of a pleasing aroma rising to the LORD (Ps. 141:1-2). So, let's remain committed to our Christ Calling in full submission to the will of our Heavenly Father in Christ, trusting in Him alone and being reborn as His flock, raised for the growth of His advancing Kingdom so that each of our specific supplications brought before Him may always be answered in due time (Prov. 28:9.

PRAYER: Thank You, Holy LORD, Jesus Christ, for washing me with Your precious blood which has set me free from the bondage of sin so my hands may be clean and my heart purified to make room for God's presence to live with me forever (Ps. 24:3-4). Please, generously choose to keep me strengthened in the Spirit so that I may ever remain deserving of your loving attention to the voice of my supplications,

From John 9:31


It's always right to give our Heavenly Father all the glory for every one of His benefits and attributes because He is the Only miracle-working God who makes shortcomings in the lives of all who trust in Him become perfect yet will judge the wicked in due time, subduing every force of darkness as we receive His Word - who restores Light and hope to our lives (1 Peter 5:10). Still, we shouldn't relent in overlooking perceived wrongs against us while showing appreciation to vessels made in the image of God, in whom His Spirit dwells, manifesting His Grace, Love, and Power, for the Salvation of souls; by this, the LORD, Himself who lives in them, is glorified (Rom. 2:1-11).
Although Christians acknowledge that all power and authority belong to God in Christ Jesus, our Heavenly Father channels His anointed children who have been chosen for His advancing Kingdom and recommissioned to reveal Himself to the World so that many may realize the Truth of His Salvation as they experience His awesome wonders.

PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, thank You, Heavenly Father, for Your presence in my life has Divinely restored me to testify of Your marvelous works. Please, keep me from falling for fear or offending others with anything other than the Good News, but continue to use me for Your glory as I endlessly proclaim Your Truth for the redemption of more souls,

From John 9:24-25


Every Christian Minister who is faithfully committed to His Calling in Christ Jesus, serving as a channel manifesting God's Grace, Love,...