Wednesday, July 31, 2024


Our faith in Jesus the Son of God, who is one with the Father, conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of a virgin, keeps us as Christians or Messianic Jews, redeemed from the grave by grace and favored by the LORD to rise, so whatever we ask, in His Name, will be permitted, even at the Throne of Mercy and Judgment (Dt. 30:15-20, Matt. 7:7-8 & 18:18). Still, our faith must be worked out through actions that declare our love to God and man, for this to be actualized; because "faith without works is dead," and our Heavenly Father always attends to the voices of all who faithfully worship Him in the Spirit and Truth (Ps. 34:15, John 9:31, Ja. 2:17).
So, let's remain committed to our Christ's calling, faithfully converting and discipling souls for God's glory as we remain exemplary ambassadors of Christ our Lord, to all. By carrying the cross and bearing fruits for His advancing Kingdom, as Heirs of the Father, born again of the Spirit, we will always have our requests granted in Wisdom (Luke 14:27).
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Heavenly Father, for Divine authority over death, present in Your Bride, given through the Holy Spirit, so as I ask, the Truth is granted to Your favored ones, who remain available to meet face to face. Please, keep me guided in the Spirit that I may humbly seek to hear Your Word, doing rightly as long as I'm alive and endure evil, for others to be blessed and receive Comfort today, according to Your will in the Lord, Jesus (Heb. 12:14-15).

From John 11:20-23

Tuesday, July 30, 2024


Now is the Day in which we need to walk, overcoming every trial along the way to eternal rest, peace, and comfort; for our life on the surface of the Earth only lasts for a little while (Ecc. 3:2, John 12:35). Besides, the Great Harvest of souls is near; hence, we endeavor to live to the fulfillment of our Christ's Calling without fear, bearing more fruits that remain for the Lord's coming, being fruitful branches in the True Vine, commissioned for advancing God's Kingdom over which Christ and those who are faithful until the end will return to reign (John 9:4, Rev. 20:4-6).
Also, having the God-shaped-hole in our hearts filled with His Love and given the ability to work all the day long in the Holy Spirit, as Christians, we dwell with the Light of God, Jesus Christ, who illuminates all who receive Him wholeheartedly to the Truth and keeps us out of the kingdom of darkness so that we, as Heirs of the Father, may not stumble into sin but reflect the brightness of the Son of God.

PRAYER: Thank You LORD, Glorious Father, for Your Divine presence in my life keeps me in the Light - separated from darkness and living in the fulfillment of Your Word, as a channel of Your glorious works to the World today, through Christ who lives in me. Please, lead me to many who need Your Light, equipping me both spiritually and physically to declare Your Salvation, so that those You've sent disciples to have the choice to be redeemed as they receive Your Spirit to live in the light of Your Word, by faith in Christ Jesus;

From John 11:9-10

Monday, July 29, 2024


Everyone goes through trials and temptations such as sicknesses, pain, lack, or other difficulties in life, at times, so that we can turn to the LORD and He may be glorified as we triumphantly overcome in Christ Jesus who lives in Believers (Ps. 108:13, Ecc. 3:1-8, 1 Cor. 15:57). So, let's remain courageous through every testing circumstance, holding onto our faith in the Word of God who never fails; for we've overcome all the efforts of the devil and his agents by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony - being unafraid of death, yet hopeful in the LORD who is mercifully present to help and gives life in abundance to all who choose to stay faithful to Him (Jos. 21:45, Is. 41:13, 55:11, Rev. 12:11).
Therefore, we should be patient in tribulation, never stop praying, always rejoice in the hope of a better tomorrow and eternity with the Father, and we shall never be subdued; rather, we will always stand upright, crowned as victorious in Christ Jesus who lives in every Believer, to the glory of God (Rom. 8:28-30, 9:22-23 & 12:12, James 1:12).

PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, thank You, LORD, Heavenly Father, for Your Word has come right on time and made me whole, redeemed from every sickness and pain, even as You fight my battles, making me an Overcomer in Your Mighty Name. Please, keep me motivated to always glorify Your Holy Name as a living testimony of Your love and awesome works on Earth,

From John 11:4

Friday, July 26, 2024


As channels of God's Grace, Power, and Anointing, declaring His Authority and revealing His Love to mankind, we should always endeavor to live an exemplary life that glorifies God for many to testify of (John 1:29 & 36). This is a life of self-sacrifice, solely to the LORD, which keeps every Christian in fellowship with one another yet separated from the sinful nature of the world, as ambassadors of Christ and Heirs of the Father, living on Earth.
Also, our Christ's Calling and new identity need to be testified of by all who come in contact with us, so that souls may be transformed and lives renewed to the glory and praise of the LORD as the Holy Spirit ministers through us, making us fruitful branches in the True Vine, destined for the advancement of God's Kingdom as many come to faith in the One who gave His life to be with us.
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Ever-Faithful Father, for making me a living example of Your Word, graciously testified by many as an ambassador of Your Kingdom. Please, continue to keep me equipped both spiritually and physically, graced with the sincere desire to live for Your glory, even as I ceaselessly bear fruits that remain, in Jesus' Name;

From John 10:41-42

Thursday, July 25, 2024


Faith in God's marvelous works, done in the realm of the supernatural and made manifest by the Spirit through His anointed vessels ministering in His Holy name, unites us with the Father as we receive and acknowledge His presence in Christ Jesus - His unfailing Word, fulfilled in the lives of Believers. We are redeemed by faith in the testimony of His Word and the revelation of His Power revealed through His glorious actions so that we may share the Good News of our Salvation for others to believe in and be saved, too (Rom. 1:1-17, Eph. 2:8).
So, to overcome every form of disbelief, concerning any ministering channel, we should always endeavor to "test the spirits," using the discernment granted by the Holy Spirit so that we may identify the works of the LORD done through them; for our faith is built on Christ who lives and works in every faithful Christian, being joined together as the Spiritual temple of God on Earth (1 John 4:1, Eph. 2:21-22, John 6:29 & 14:10-11, 1 Cor. 3:16).
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Jesus Christ, for Your Divine presence revealed through Your awesome and marvelous works in my life, always keeping me strengthened in the Spirit and graced with boldness to affirm that You are the Author and Finisher of my faith.
Please, continue to manifest Your Grace, Power, and Anointing through me, so more souls may believe and feel Your Divine presence as they receive You and likewise become one with the Father;

From John 10:37-38

Wednesday, July 24, 2024


Everyone serving the LORD in Truth and in the Spirit, from the depth of their hearts by faith in Christ Jesus, is safely preserved in the hands of God. Although storms may rise, trials may come, or temptation lingers, since those chosen in Him are one with Christ - the revelation of God's love to man - nothing will ever be able to separate us from our Heavenly Father; for Christ and the Father are one (Eph. 1:4, Rom. 8:38-39).
So, we need not fear, as sheep dwelling in the comfort of the Good Shepherd who will never leave us nor forsake us; rather, we should remain courageous, knowing that we are victorious in Christ Jesus - our Lord and Savior, who fought every battle and conquered the war for our redemption - nothing will ever snatch us from His grip (John 17:6 & 12).

PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, for making me Yours by grace, through faith in Your Word in whom I am redeemed to live in the safety of Your Comfort. Please, continue to keep me protected from the devil and his agents who are restlessly seeking for whom to devour, so l may never stop glorifying Your Name, being a ministering channel, commissioned for Your advancing Kingdom;

From John 10:29-30

Tuesday, July 23, 2024


As we faithfully listen to Jesus Christ, the Good Shepherd, obeying His words and inspired teachings which come through His Spirit-filled Ministers commissioned as channels of authority while living and walking in His footsteps as Christians, we are the Lord's sheep and He is the guide of all who will come to faith, keeping us safe in the comfort of His presence (Ps. 119:105, John 8:47). In Him everlasting life is found, through the Holy Spirit who dwells in every Believer, as the Witness of God, testifying of His Son and Living Word in our lives (1 John 5:9-13).
Therefore, as sheep in the fold of Christ, we shouldn't relent in our faithfulness to Love as Jesus, following Him in discipling others, teaching His commands as we harken to the Word of God at all times, and we will always remain in right-standing with Him, deserving of eternal protection and sustenance through trusting our Savior as His flock, called and preserved for His glory.

PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, thank You, LORD, Eternal Father, for graciously counting me worthy of a place to live in Your sheepfold, although in my flesh, I'm still undeserving of grazing in the abundance of Your sweet pasture. Please help me to remain fruitful and obedient to Your Word, without fail, that I may be Yours, forever;

From John 10:26-28

Monday, July 22, 2024


The identity of every professing Believer serving the LORD in Truth and in Spirit, is made known by the manifestation of God's works done through him or her as a channel of His Love, Favor, and Power (John 5:36). Even when there is a reason for doubt, as humans, we should always allow the discernment of the Holy Spirit to take full control of our thoughts, rebuking all our fears and worries so that we may accurately identify the LORD'S chosen Ministers by the revelation of His grace and glory in their fruitful lives (John 2:7-11, 10:38).
Therefore, as Children of God proclaiming the Good News of Salvation, we should endeavor to remain living examples of Christ and ambassadors of the Kingdom, so that the testimony of our works and service to our Heavenly Father through His Spirit, may bring Light to all dwelling in darkness and redemption to many who are slaves to sin (Ps. 60:12).

PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Heavenly Father, for the revelation of Your Word and the manifestation of Your awesome wonders in my life, as a channel and living letter testifying of Your Love in action. Please, always keep me renewed in the Spirit so that the manifestation of Your Grace, Power, and Glory in me may lead to the Salvation of more souls, in Jesus' mighty name;

From John 10:25

Friday, July 19, 2024


We as Christ's Beloved are loved and cherished by the LORD, our Heavenly Father. This is proven by Jesus' willingness to die for the World only to pick up His life again, ascend and then gift His Holy Spirit, empowering us to surely remain together as living sacrifices for the growth of His Kingdom - doing all things good through faith in the finished work of Christ who still lives through us, proclaiming Salvation to all those who are in the bondage of sin. This keeps every Minister protected and preserved by God, as the apple of His eyes, serving as channels of His Love, taking on the yoke of Christ for the redemption of all who receive the Word by faith: God is Love (Ps. 17:8, Is. 53:12, 1 J. 4:7-14).
This is the grace available to Believers, having our lives safely hidden in the everlasting hands of the LORD, and only we can choose to lay it down in surrender to God and for another in need, receiving Jesus' life's blood so that we may have authority to arise anew in Christ Jesus our Lord for His glory, to be shared in on the last day as Heirs of the Father.

PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Heavenly Father, for being the Protector of my life forever, making me willing and able to live like you, the life of self-sacrifice with the fervent desire to continue until the end, gaining souls as Your Kingdom advances, bearing more fruits in the True Vine, for Your glory. Please, keep me strengthened and motivated, both physically and spiritually, having all I need and more, in order to love those who are weaker, to the fullest, the way I've been greatly forgiven, in Jesus' Name,

From John 10:17-18

Thursday, July 18, 2024


The flock of Jesus Christ is united under Him as the King of the Jews who is also our Shepherd as the head of the Church, while we choose to remain dependent and submissive as His Sheep and members of His body, justified and circumcised by the Holy Spirit, to the glory and praise of God. He never intended to have multiple folds remain separate from each other; rather, He came to gather the outcast who listens to His Word, as one with all dwelling in His sheepfold so that we may all feed together on His lush field and live in the comfort of His Divinely secured pen or barn (Isaiah 56:8, John 11:52).
Furthermore, being ambassadors of Christ, we've been assigned, not to separate the docile sheep from rebellious goats, but to stand in the gap praying, continually seeking and gathering sheep who are soiled and lost in the darkness of this World - revealing the Love and Light of God to them through discipleship and the declaration of the Good News, so that they may be redeemed and brought into the fold of Christ, united as one with the only existing flock, not found in a building made by human effort - the Church and Body of Christ, Who only has one Shepherd as the True and Eternal Head - Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior (Isaiah 42:6-7).

PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Jesus Christ, Eternal Head, and Good Shepherd of the flock of God, for counting me worthy of Your Comforter, open pasture and safety of Your barn's shelter. Please, keep me anointed and motivated to seek, convert, and disciple more and more of Your sheep who are far from Your Divine presence, so that many may come to Light concerning their present situation, change their minds to think and act like Your Son, and become united with the one flock and Church who are submissive to You as the only Head Shepherd;

From: John 10:16

Wednesday, July 17, 2024


Every faithful Christian, ministering in Christ Jesus, the Word of God, lives self-sacrificially - willing to make new disciples and give everything received today as His Bride, for the growth of God's advancing Kingdom which lasts forever (Rom. 12:1). Also, living for Christ, the revelation of Divine Love and God's Word to man, makes us know our Father; for He and the Father are one (John 10:30, Rom. 8:38-39).
So, as the Messiah laid down His life for the redemption of many, we should not relent in doing the same for others, too so that many more may experience the Father's Love and forgiveness through us, being ambassadors of God's Kingdom on Earth (John 15:13, 1 John 3:16).

PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, thank You Heavenly Father, for allowing me to know You through Your Word and True Love shown to me in Your Son, my All-Knowing and Blessed Redeemer who laid down His life for me. Please, continue strengthening me as a living sacrifice, for my loved ones and unto Your glory, so more souls may experience Your Love, coming to repentance for their eternal Salvation;

From John 10:15

Tuesday, July 16, 2024


As Sons and Daughters of Abraham who believed in Christ Jesus, we are adopted into the family of faith as the spiritual Israelite generation of today, circumcised in the Spirit to live for God's glory, being royal Priests and Brethren with Christ (1 Pet. 2:9). The Messiah and Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ, knows everyone, seeing all that's in our hearts, even as we work in His Vineyard, noticing all who are faithful and those who are going against Him (Nahum 1:7, John 6:64).
Nevertheless, as Christians, we should always remain steadfast, far from evil, guarding what is good against loss, and never be ashamed of our Christ's Calling but knowing whom we are trusting and serving: the Covenant-keeping God and Good Shepherd who never forsakes His own (2 Tim. 1:12-14 & 2:19-22).

PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, thank you, LORD, my Good Shepherd, for helping me get to know You through Your Word, even as You know who I am, seeing through appearances, into my heart for You and Your people. Please, continue to keep me at peace in Your Divine presence, as I meditate on Your Word, that I may make you known, while never lacking the comfort of Your Love,

From John 10:14

Monday, July 15, 2024


As Ministers of the Good News,  declaring the Truth for the Salvation of souls, we are ambassadors of the only True and Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ our Lord, who gave up His life and precious blood for the redemption of our souls. He is the promised Shepherd, known as God's Word, who feeds folds of the LORD'S sheep, in the Spirit, to overcome the world by His Divine strength (Ezekiel 34:23)
Furthermore, the Messiah never leaves the Father's flock; rather, He gathers everyone into one flock and cares for them, even in His bosom, gently leading them to everlasting comfort, peace, and abundance of joy (Isaiah 40:11). So, being channels of God's Word, the living Lamb and True Shepherd, we should continue living in the fulfillment of our Calling and Divine identity in Christ - discipling every smiling sheep given by the LORD, bringing them to the Fount of Living Water, Jesus Christ, who sustains all who faithfully receive Him with joy, and we shall remain deserving of the Crown of Glory which the Chief Shepherd gives on the last day (1 Pet. 5:4, John 4:13-14 & 7:37-38, Rev. 7:17)
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, the Good Shepherd, for Your presence in my life keeps me comfortable in the abundance of Your Grace, Power, and Glory. Please keep me in Your loving arms as I live to declare Your advancing Kingdom, in Jesus' name;

From John 10:11-13

Friday, July 12, 2024


The Divine presence of Christ in a man, through the Holy Spirit, grants him possession of Life in abundance, being presently and eternally sustained to overcome all evil, protected even from ravenous false prophets who have not kept their lives, and delivered from wolves in sheep's clothing with the intention of devouring especially the weakest, on the edge of the fold of Christ (Matt. 7:15). This keeps every faithful Christian, commissioned as a Minister of the Good News, remaining spiritually strengthened and able to reach out to all who are dead in the Spirit, so that they too may have the grace of abundant Life in Christ, as they receive the Gospel of Truth.
No matter how hard the Devil may try, since adopted Sons and Daughters of God are one with the Son of Man, they will always remain preserved and sustained by Jesus, who has crushed the head of Satan, free from fear and destined for bringing growth to God's advancing Kingdom.

PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, for I am redeemed by Your Word in whom I live each day in the abundance of Your grace. Please, keep me strengthened as I make known Your saving grace and rich Love to all, so that more souls may be granted Life in super-abundance as they receive Your Blood, in Jesus' Name,

From John 10:10

Thursday, July 11, 2024


Jesus Christ, our Lord and Blessed Redeemer, is the only Door of Salvation leading to Elohim, the Creator of all things, as the Way, Truth, and Life - bringing redemption to all who wholeheartedly enter by Him alone (John 14:6). He is the Word of God, made flesh; as we remain steadfast, meditating on and abiding by it, we will always be in the presence of the Father, as disciples of Christ through the Holy Spirit who lives in us (John 1:14, 8:31). This allows us to forgive people and bind things in Heaven as it is on Earth and together create realities in Heaven as on Earth, in His Name (Matt. 18:18-20).
Also, as Christians, going through the Door of Salvation keeps us in the abundance of His grace and surrounded by His glory, being co-heirs with Christ the Messiah of our souls, satisfied in union with the True God.
PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, thank You, Heavenly Father, for Your Blessed Word in my life, granting me full access to abide in Your presence in the Spirit. Please, keep me strengthened and willing to always reach out to every imprisoned soul seeking salvation, as I endlessly proclaim the Good News so that many may realize that Your Word and Son, Jesus Christ, is the only true Door leading to the Father of all creation,

From John 10:9

Wednesday, July 10, 2024


The Word and voice of God, written in the Bible and spoken through His people, is always adhered to by faithful Christians, who are being brought into the fold daily, as His sheep, even as Jesus Christ remains the Good and True Shepherd who never forsakes His flock (Ps. 23:1-4, John 10:11 & 27). This makes us blessed amongst men, who excel in the strength of the LORD as we keep heeding His voice by doing His good pleasure and delighting in His presence (Psalm 103:20-21).
Every true sheep in the fold of Christ will remain focused, obeying Him at all times but never listening to the deceptive antics of the Accuser who only walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he can devour (John 10:16, 1Peter 5:8). This way, we work in the Spirit, fulfilling our Christ's Calling as we flee evil and continuously advance God's Kingdom, bearing fruits that remain, for His glory - subduing the works of the wicked, to the praise of God, who has gone before us to make the Way for us (1 Tim. 6:11).
PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, thank You, LORD, the Good Shepherd whom I follow, God's Savior of my soul, for I am blessed to remain in Your fold - dwelling among Your flocks, exalting Your Name on high. Please keep me living in the comfort of Your guidance like a Mother ewe who calls to her lambs, so that I may also bring others to the only loving God, even as a fruitful branch who is followed back to the True Vine,

From John 10:4-5

Tuesday, July 9, 2024


Only the true Shepherd of a flock goes the right Way to meet His own sheep and has the door opened to Him, calling those who hear the voice of Truth out from where they were humbly housed together for the night, happily dreaming to see green pasture. Vessels of God's Spirit should stay on the path of Righteousness and once they've entered into the presence, never relent in going the Way of Truth but must grab the firm steps of hope and faith, which anchor souls in the Word of God, by personal relationship with the Prince of Peace and High Priest who allows us to hear from God Most High in the stillness (Heb. 6:18-20, 1 Kings 19:11-13).
Moreover, Jesus has fully opened the Door so that every one of His sheep obeying the Word, can have all their needs met by God as they remain committed to their calling in Christ, which is heard in the Spirit (Rev. 3:7-13). Besides, Christ in us, ministering as ambassadors of God's Kingdom advancing into the World, makes us living examples of the True Shepherd who ensures the safety of His flocks by leading those He has chosen, spiritually aright.

PRAYER: Thank You LORD, Jesus Christ, the True and Good Shepherd who never forsakes us, His sheep; yet, attends to every need in due time. Please, keep me focused on Your voice to stay the way of Truth and Righteousness so that I may remain useful for Your glory, as a devoted and determined ambassador of Your Everlasting Kingdom,

From John 10:1-3

Monday, July 8, 2024


Being ignorant or blinded to the Truth, makes a person innocent according to their limited perspective (James 4:16-17). However, the revelation of God's Word declaring the Truth compassionately at the right time, allows everyone alive to either refuse to see reality or admit the sinful nature of humanity, desire to be reborn in the Spirit, and repent - thinking rightly and living in good standing with the Father and each other (Eph. 4:15). Receiving the Word of God by believing Him completely, brings new understanding in the Spirit and Salvation to our souls as we abide by it. After our spiritual eyes have been exposed to see in the Light of His abundant and free grace, revealed by the Holy Spirit flowing through His channels of mercy, we are set free from every thought of condemnation due to sin (John 3:18).
Moreover, with the Good News of the Kingdom of Heaven being proclaimed to all, the fulfillment of the Law and Prophets is explained; everything needed to live faithfully according to God's will is attained (Matt. 24:14). Once light has been brought to the world, stubbornly staying closed off to those carrying the torch after experiencing the manifestation of His awesome wonders, shows lack of love for the LORD, our Heavenly Father who created the heavenly lights and remains forever the same (John 15:22-24, James 1:17).

PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Ever-gracious Father, for Your Word which speaks the Truth into my world so that I may recognize my shortcomings and promptly reconsider who I am in the light of Your abundant grace. Please, help me discern how to be humbly deserving of life with Jesus, the lowly of heart, and lead me to all who are blind to the Truth so that they may realize their sins, repenting from them to live the better Way and receive the Salvation of the LORD, who I proclaim in Jesus' name,

From John 9:41

Friday, July 5, 2024


Listening and meditating on the Word of God, Jesus Christ, helps us realize the Truth, set apart from facts and fiction, making everyone who is shown the Scriptures by someone with His promised Spirit, to know their standing in the path of righteousness - helping to discern the condition of our hearts so that one may come to repentance when needed, before finally judged. The Word of the LORD is just and true, vindicating the righteous by faith in Christ, yet condemning all who delight in wickedness (Ps. 135:14, 2 Thess. 2:12).
Furthermore, God's Son, Jesus Christ who took on the cross for the World's sin, has earned the Divine authority to judge everyone even while living on Earth so that many may acknowledge their faults and the faithful may be encouraged to continue in the path of righteousness; for it's not he who starts the race that becomes the victor, but he who continues to the finish line escapes the gray area and becomes deserving of the honor of God's Salvation (Matt. 24:13, John 5:22 & 27).

PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, thank You, LORD, Heavenly Father, for justifying me by Grace through faith in Your Son, who vindicated me. Please, keep me abiding in Your Word, that I may be free from condemnation, strengthened to declare the Truth in love for the growth of Your advancing Kingdom,

From John 9:39

Thursday, July 4, 2024


Faith in Jesus Christ as the only begotten Son of God and the Savior of our souls keeps Christians graciously redeemed even when we face persecution in life, having been rejected by neighbors and loved ones; God especially reveals Him to outsiders (2 Tim. 3:12). Deliverance will be attained when one listens to obey, with continuous meditation on the spoken Word of God (Rhema) fulfilled and made flesh in Jesus Christ who is offered for the Salvation of men who confess He is the living LORD (John 1:14, Rom. 10:9-10 & 14).
Moreover, the sons of men may think they need to meet with Christ to believe in Him. So, as Christians, we should make them realize that the revelation of God's Word spoken by His chosen vessels, written in tablets, scrolls, books and blogs inspired by the Holy Spirit and acted upon, is the Son, Messiah and Bridegroom given with Love by our Heavenly Father;
as they willingly receive Him by faith, without fear of being persecuted or cast out of eternal homes, they will surely be accepted by the LORD as Heirs of His Kingdom (John 4:25-26, Mark 10:29-30).

PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, for making Yourself known through Your Son who brought Light to my life, reviving my body, soul, and spirit to live for Your glory. Please, keep me strengthened with Joy in Your presence to bear more fruits that remain so that as many as hear the Gospel which I proclaim may faithfully receive it and be among those who have a reason to begin worshipping in Jesus' name.

From John 9:35-38

Wednesday, July 3, 2024


Every Christian Minister who is faithfully committed to His Calling in Christ Jesus, serving as a channel manifesting God's Grace, Love, Ability, and Anointing, has truly been empowered by the LORD in the Holy Spirit and no other; for the revelation of God's marvelous works through His chosen vessels, makes the identity of the Faithful known to all who have understanding, that God is with His people who are sent from Him (John 3:1-2, Matt. 1:22-23). Also, no man can stand firmly on His own, doing miracles that last forever, except he humbly submits himself to be useful in God's hands.
Although there might be disagreement among brethren about your Christ's Calling and Divine identity, even when the works of the LORD done through you show many that you are empowered by Him, you should never allow that to discourage you; for He who has formed and strengthened you will lead you to the end as a triumphant vessel of glory, ordained to show Love from God to all and advance His Kingdom on Earth, before returning to Him (John 9:16).

PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, Thank You, Heavenly Father, for Your presence in and with me, making me a beacon of Your glory, who is anointed to reach out to souls lacking the true knowledge of Your Word. Please, continue to keep me empowered to touch lives - converting and discipling many, as a faithful Child of God, commissioned to advance Your Kingdom,

From John 9:33

Tuesday, July 2, 2024


The LORD, God our Heavenly Father never forsakes His own who faithfully and diligently worship Him from the depth of their hearts; for His eyes are always upon all who are submissive to His will in Christ, harkening to the voice of their supplications (Ps. 34:15 & 56:9). Nevertheless, He resists those who intentionally reject His Son, making themselves enemies of the righteous-in-heart, as a result of pride over-clouding their thoughts towards the knowledge of the Gospel of Truth (Job 35:12, Ps. 18:39-42, Prov. 1:28-30 & 15:29).
Moreover, turning away from God's Word makes one's prayer an abomination, instead of a pleasing aroma rising to the LORD (Ps. 141:1-2). So, let's remain committed to our Christ Calling in full submission to the will of our Heavenly Father in Christ, trusting in Him alone and being reborn as His flock, raised for the growth of His advancing Kingdom so that each of our specific supplications brought before Him may always be answered in due time (Prov. 28:9.

PRAYER: Thank You, Holy LORD, Jesus Christ, for washing me with Your precious blood which has set me free from the bondage of sin so my hands may be clean and my heart purified to make room for God's presence to live with me forever (Ps. 24:3-4). Please, generously choose to keep me strengthened in the Spirit so that I may ever remain deserving of your loving attention to the voice of my supplications,

From John 9:31

Monday, July 1, 2024


It's always right to give our Heavenly Father all the glory for every one of His benefits and attributes because He is the Only miracle-working God who makes shortcomings in the lives of all who trust in Him become perfect yet will judge the wicked in due time, subduing every force of darkness as we receive His Word - who restores Light and hope to our lives (1 Peter 5:10). Still, we shouldn't relent in overlooking perceived wrongs against us while showing appreciation to vessels made in the image of God, in whom His Spirit dwells, manifesting His Grace, Love, and Power, for the Salvation of souls; by this, the LORD, Himself who lives in them, is glorified (Rom. 2:1-11).
Although Christians acknowledge that all power and authority belong to God in Christ Jesus, our Heavenly Father channels His anointed children who have been chosen for His advancing Kingdom and recommissioned to reveal Himself to the World so that many may realize the Truth of His Salvation as they experience His awesome wonders.

PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, thank You, Heavenly Father, for Your presence in my life has Divinely restored me to testify of Your marvelous works. Please, keep me from falling for fear or offending others with anything other than the Good News, but continue to use me for Your glory as I endlessly proclaim Your Truth for the redemption of more souls,

From John 9:24-25


The Word of God, Jesus Christ, never fails; for the same way He ascended into Heaven, received in a cloud, to be with "the Ancient of D...