Thursday, October 31, 2024


The Word of God, Jesus Christ, is the True Vine, being the source from which all, born of the Father in the Spirit, by faith, receive Divine sustenance, growth, and empowerment to live through every trial on Earth, even as Heirs of God's glorious Kingdom. Faithfulness in His service, living by the Word in the Spirit, keeps Christians, firm in the True Vine, with supernatural productivity in every endeavor, graced by the Vine Dresser, our Heavenly Father, who separates that.which is not fruitful and, in due time, all He has not planted will be uprooted to keep His Vineyard Holy (Matt. 15:13).
Also, being members of the Body of Christ, serving the LORD in Spirit and Truth, keeps us endowed with the abundance of His grace and favor, having plenty to share, while those who are not grafted into the True Vine, refusing to be submissive to God's Word and good will, end up losing what they've labored for, since they are not trusting to receive from the True Vine, being the Fountain of Life as well as the Light, who sustains its branches to be fruitful in their season. (Ps. 36:8-9, Is. 58:6-11, John 4:14).

PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Ever-gracious Father, for keeping me united with Your Word, Jesus Christ, the True Vine, as a branch firmly united with He who sustains me, both spiritually and physically. Please, continue to keep me well-dressed and preserved, enduring the process without complaint, in Your Holy Name;

From John 15:1-2

Wednesday, October 30, 2024


Our love for God, the Creator of all things - our Heavenly Father, is known to the World as we keep to His Instructions and do His will, living in the Spirit for Christ while we remain dead to the lustful desires of the flesh. This is done in humility, being obedient in life circumstances and persecution, so our love for the Father may touch the hearts of God and mankind, transforming the mindsets of many for the growth of God's advancing Kingdom (Phil. 2:8).
Although after living a fulfilled life on Earth, every Christian is destined to live forever with the Father, still we need to show our love for the LORD by doing every Word He has commanded, as soon as we realize it, and we will remain deserving of Him, as His Beloved in Christ Jesus.

PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, thank You, Ever-Loving God and Gracious Father, for I am Divinely established by Your Love, through faith in Your Word and the manifestation of the Holy Spirit in my life. Please, help me to remain willing and able to do God's will in keeping Your Commandments, so that my love for You may continue to bring more souls to repent as they see me prosper in every way, for Your Kingdom and glory;

From John 14:31

Tuesday, October 29, 2024


Every revelation of God in Christ Jesus, declared through His ministering vessels, by the Holy Spirit, will surely be fulfilled for His thoughts towards us are of peace and not evil, so we may have hope of a joyful and greater future, dwelling in His presence, while along the journey, our faith grows stronger, for His glory (Jos. 21:45, Is. 55:11, Jer. 29:11). As disciples, we are favored with knowledge of the future to keep us readily preserved for the hour of testimony when His unfailing Word becomes visual to the eyes of many, making more souls realize the Power of God and renewing their faith, at the manifestation of His awesome works (John 13:19 & 14:22).
Therefore, let's hold on to our faith in God's Word, revealed through dreams, visions, and prophecies ministered to us by His vessels and we will be filled with joy and songs of praises at the fulfillment of His life-transforming words.

PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, the Covenant-keeping God who never fails to answer my questions; still You always keep me established by the fulfillment of every promise prophesied through Your vessels of living water, ministering concerning my life. Please, continue to strengthen me as a channel of Your certain Word, so that as many who might receive it, testify of Your Divine transformation in their lives, in Jesus' Name,

From John 14:29

Monday, October 28, 2024


Being Followers of Jesus Christ, the Word and Son of God, we rejoice for the hope of eternity with our Father, knowing He has prepared a better place for us to live forever, in His bosom, as we remain comforted by His Divine presence on Earth, through His Holy Spirit within us. Besides, this shows our love for Him, giving every Christian the assurance of His return to take His Faithful Bride home at the appointed time, after living a fulfilled life, doing the will of the Spirit in submission to His Word, as an ambassador of God's advancing Kingdom, bearing fruits that remain with God (John 14:3 & 18).
Christ and the Father are One; still, as one who was begotten of God, becoming flesh, and dwelling among men to redeem the World from sin, by our faith, He humbly acknowledged that our Father in Heaven is above everyone living on Earth (John 5:18-19). So, we have no reason to feel sad nor worried; yet, we should be joyful that our Blessed Redeemer is sitting at the right hand of the Father and will return to us, His anointed and faithful Bride, to dwell forever (1 Thess. 4:16-18).

PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Jesus Christ, for the ability to permanently enjoy Your presence in my life. Your ascension to the Father has reassured me of eternity together in Heaven. Please, continue to send out and use Your Spirit of Holiness in me, as the first reason for those leaving behind the consequence of sin, to rejoice in your Love, as I live for Your glory;

From John 14:28

Friday, October 25, 2024


"The peace of God which surpasses all understanding will guard our hearts and minds," as the Righteous in Christ Jesus, being favored with the knowledge of God's Salvation, which has redeemed us from the bondage of sin, by the mercy of the LORD, as we receive His Word wholeheartedly - embracing His Light who graciously "guides our feet in the way of peace" (Luke 1:77-79, Phil. 4:7). Christ's Peace, which we have in and with us, is Divine, giving Believers reasons to rejoice, knowing that He who lives in the Faithful, has made us Overcomers - already triumphing over every concern and challenge that comes our way (John 16:33, 2 Cor.1:5).
Also, as Christians, we should not be afraid but be filled with joy, knowing that Jesus Christ, the Author and Finisher of our faith, is ever with us to  fight our battles and, with the scars to show what happened to Him, has conquered every war to establish His eternal peace in our lives (John 20:19-20). So, let's always allow God's Peace to rule in our hearts, so we can be thankful for all He has done, that which He is doing, and much more He is still going to do, even as we uphold our Calling in Christ Jesus, our Lord and Savior (Col. 3:15)

PRAYER: Thank You, Lord Jesus Christ, for granting me Divine Peace which gives me reasons to rejoice through challenges while I remain a champion, triumphing over the efforts of the wicked, being thankful to the Father for first place. Please, keep my faith strengthened through Your everlasting presence in my life as I bravely spread the Gospel of Salvation, that the lives of many who hear Your redeeming Word may receive wholeness and experience freedom, right from the Prince of Peace,

From John 14:27

Thursday, October 24, 2024


As promised, Believers in Christ Jesus are graciously favored with the gift of the Holy Spirit, having the Divine knowledge of all things revealed by Him and bestowed with the Wisdom to understand "even the most profound depths of God," which we need to know as Heirs of the Father (John 15:26, 1 Cor. 2:10). Although, Followers of Christ are destined to be clothed with the Spirit of Holiness, we still need to separate ourselves from friendship with things of this present world - meditating on and living by the Word of God to receive power from on high (Luke 24:49).
Furthermore, every vessel proclaiming the Good News of Salvation in Christ Jesus and comparing spiritual things, does not speak his or her own words, neither with mortal understanding, but with the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit who teaches to all who are willing to receive His Word and are faithful to abide by it, since it's spiritually discerned by the ones Divinely anointed to know and live for God's glory (1 Cor. 2:13-14, 1 John 2:20).

PRAYER: In Jesus' Holy Name, thank You, LORD, Heavenly Father, for the gift of the Holy Spirit who helps me to learn, remember, and abide by Your Word - revealing Yourself and giving me the understanding of Your everlasting Kingdom where the saints dwell. Please, keep me strengthened as a ministering vessel of Your Spirit so that I may remain a channel of Your Living Word to all, for the Salvation of more souls, until we meet face-to-face;

From John 14:25-26

Wednesday, October 23, 2024


Every ministering messenger living for Christ, walking in the Spirit with self-control and showing the Father's Love to all he comes across, speaks only what the Spirit reveals, as a vessel of God's unfailing Word. This is made possible through Christ who lives in faithful Christians, heard ministering in the Spirit - declaring the Truth for God's glory; for, as soft clay in the Potter's loving hands, we will do what He shows and tells us to do, being Heirs of the Father (John 5:19).
Also, as Believers, our love for the LORD, who sent His Son, is known by our submission to the will of the Spirit - living according to the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ, which makes us speak and live according to the will of the Father, being channels of His Divine authority, showing His Love and spreading the Good News of God's Salvation, while on Earth.
PRAYER: Thank You, in Jesus' Name, Ever-gracious Father, for making me a channel of Your Living Word - commissioned to proclaim the Truth and live by it. Please, have mercy on those who haven't kept to Your statutes, while making my mouth Holy with Divine teachings, so I may always live, as an ambassador of Your Kingdom, revealing Your Love in Christ Jesus, Your Son;

From John 14:24

Tuesday, October 22, 2024


Keeping God's Word from the depths of our hearts, with all our strength and might, makes us deserving of His Love and presence by grace, through faith in Christ Jesus; for the Father loves and, with the Son, dwells in the hearts of everyone who truly loves Him, making His Tabernacle with Christians through the presence of the Holy Spirit who lives in us (1 Cor. 3:16, Eph. 3:17). The observance of God's Commandments makes way for a loving relationship with the Father, having received His Word through the testimony of the Holy Spirit who abides in every Believer - establishing the presence of Elohim in our lives (1 John 3:24).
Moreover, the Divine presence of Jesus Christ, God's Word and the revelation of His Love, is made known as the Gospel of Salvation spreads - reaching all who seek and need Him to come comfort, strengthen, and shepherd Believers, even as He lives in and with us, since our hearts receive and dine with Him, being comforted by His everlasting Love (Rev. 3:20 & 21:3).

PRAYER: Dear Jesus, in whose Name I trust, thank You for introducing me to our Heavenly Father, for I'm comforted by Your Divine presence as I keep Your everlasting Word and live by it, trusting Your eternal existence and sharing Your Love, first shown to me. Please, continue imparting Your Love for the Bride growing to completion, through Your Spirit, so all who want more of you may receive and keep to Your Word, being redeemed and transformed by It, fruitful through faith,

From John 14:23

Monday, October 21, 2024


Reading the Holy Scripture is enough to have only the surface knowledge of God's Commandments, without keeping them, in unity with Jesus, for faith without works is dead. As faithful Children of God, we are identified and justified by actions in obedience to our Christ's Calling - declaring our Love relationship with God as we willingly abide by His Word empowered with the Holy Spirit, expressed compassionately towards all (Jas. 2:18-26). Doing this shows that we have now received Love from the Source and know the LORD, for only liars say they know God when they deliberately refuse to obey His Word and heed his precious Instructions with integrity, walking Righteously through a sinful world, the same way Jesus walked, trusting God to reveal the Truth in full (1 John 2:3-6).
Besides, as we show our love for the Word, Jesus by living according to His teachings and keeping His Father's Commandments, we will remain loved by Him as the bright and clean Bride of Jesus Christ - His only begotten Son.

PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Heavenly Father, for offering Your Word to live by and helping me to keep Your Commands along the way, as an ambassador of Your Kingdom. Please, keep me strengthened to declare Your Word so many might realize that obedience to God's Rules shows one's love for Him, in Jesus' Name;

From John 14:21

Friday, October 18, 2024


We see the LORD and experience His Love by hearing His Word, Y'shua Hamashiach because of living with Christ, being dead to lusts of the flesh to gain eternity in the bosom of the Father as faithful Children of God, re-born of the Spirit who is always with us (John 3:5, 2 Cor. 4:10, Phil. 1:21). Although, no man has seen YHWH, having our spiritual eyes opened and understanding developed by the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit, we see and know the Father personally, through His Word who lives in faithful Christians, as He remains One with the Father of all creation (Matt. 11:27, John 1:18, 16:15-16).
Moreover, being Believers who constantly meditate on God's Word, revealing His Love and existence to the World, we have a real understanding and vision of who He is, dwelling intimately close as we live unified by the revelation of God in the Spirit, whereas those who still take pride in themselves as the World is dying, will not experience safety until they attain redemption, by a free gift and through trust, only in Christ Jesus (Eph. 2:8).

PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, thank You, LORD, Eternal and Loving Father, for the grace to experience Your Love and Divine presence through faith in Your everlasting Word, who keeps me alive in the Spirit. Please open the eyes of all who are spiritually blinded as they receive Your redeeming Word, which I constantly proclaim in loving color, so that they may experience the joy of being forever vital and vibrant in Your presence;

From John 14:19-20

Thursday, October 17, 2024


The everlasting company of Elohim is sure in the lives of the Godly, shown by the accomplishments of His unfailing Word and the manifestation of the Holy Spirit declaring the Father's Love for us, His faithful Children, as we live for Christ and advance His Kingdom, bearing fruits that remain, for His glory (Isa. 55:11, Matt. 28:20). Besides, the departure of the Son and image of God, Jesus Christ, is to prepare places for Believers who are willingly serving the LORD, in Truth and the Spirit, until their last breath; the offer of the Gift of the Holy Spirit comforting every Laborer in His Vineyard whom He, Himself helps and guides, as Overcomers in Christ Jesus, favored to reside with the Father (John 14:3).
Moreover, from the moment of Spiritual new birth, we are always in the presence of the King of Kings as Christians abiding in the Word, walking beside the Spirit to dwell in close proximity to the Father as Sons and Daughters of God; for, by the Spirit, we commune with the Father, having the veil of sin torn by Christ, the High-Priest of the LORD our God, allowing, "the Righteousness of God in Him," into His most holy place (2 Cor. 5:21).

PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Ever-Loving Father, for I know You are always with me and will never leave nor forsake me, because Your Presence is ever sure. Please, let Your Person in and around me be seen by all who need Your Divine intervention so they may likewise experience Your Love as they acknowledge and receive You in Jesus' Name,

From John 14:18

Wednesday, October 16, 2024


Our Divine Helper and Comforter is the Spirit of Truth who reveals all we who revere Him, need to know about the LORD and understand as faithful Christians, at the right time, for our good and for God's glory, so that we may never again be in darkness concerning any given situation in which we find ourselves (Ps. 25:14, John 15:26). He guides every Believer through the path of righteousness in Christ Jesus - declaring the Word of the Father with the authority of the Son, to enlighten us of our future together, being One of the true Witnesses of Heaven (John 16:12-15, 1 John 5:6-7).
However, we must receive the Holy Spirit to know those things which are true, graced with Divine Wisdom to understand the deep things of God and overcome the foolishness of the carnal mindset, because we are reborn of the Spirit and gifted with the ability to rightly discern and abide by the revelation of God's Word (1 Cor. 2:10-16). This reveals our Christ's identity and helps us to know those who are not of God and who He is, since we listen, obey, and live by the Word of the LORD, revealed by the Spirit of Truth who anoints and teaches Believers to understand all things needed to live for Christ, seeking no other teachings coming from the antichrists who only encourage lies and deception solely to create false and temporary comfort in the minds of men (1 John 2:27 & 4:6). The Spirit of Wisdom will always be with us because Jesus paid the cost in full for His Bride and is Faithful (Matt. 28:20, Rev. 22:17)

PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, thank You, LORD, for the Spirit of Truth whom You've bestowed upon me in order to remain a living ambassador of Your everlasting Word, revealing Your Divine presence to all. Please, help me to take the Good News of Salvation which I constantly proclaim, to the reach of everyone who needs it and is desiring the Truth, so that they might be set apart to receive the promise of True Life for the Salvation of their souls,

From John 14:16-17

Tuesday, October 15, 2024


Man's love for God is clearly seen through his obedience to the Word of the LORD and in keeping His commandments, which are never a burden to anyone who truly loves Elohim (1 John 5:3). This makes us, faithful Christians, different from unbelievers who only desire things of the world which are basically vanities, while we focus on eternity with the Father, knowing that our love for God also requires our faith in Christ Jesus and having mercy with mankind (2 Cor. 6:14-17).
Therefore, we should endeavor to remain faithful in keeping the Holy words and commandments of the LORD with all our strength and might, heart, soul and mind so that our love for God may be expressed by our noble deeds compassionately done from the depths of our hearts, for God's glory; for by doing so, we are not only proving our faith to the one who first loved us but also ministering His Word and Love, to see the Salvation of souls (Mark 12:30-31, Matt. 25:33-40).

PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, thank You, LORD, for showing me the Way and making me a channel of Your Love to all as I live by Your Word, keeping Your Commands by the power of the Holy Spirit. Please, help me to give freely of Your undying Love to all, so that more souls may see and feel Your presence and be redeemed by a revelation of Your Love;

From John 14:15

Monday, October 14, 2024


Every one of our petitions and requests humbly supplicated in prayers before God with clean hands and a pure, thankful heart - asking faithfully in Jesus' Name, who gave everything, will be granted without fail, "because we keep His commandments and do those things that are pleasing in His sight," which is to believe in the Name of Jesus Christ and love others as He loves us, so that the Father may be made known and glorified in the Son (Matt. 7:7, Mark 11:24, John 3:31 & 35, 1 John 3:21-23). As Believers, we are rest-assured, being the LORD'S Chosen - anointed and Divinely equipped to bear fruits that remain by grace through faith in Y'shua Hamashiach so that our joy may be established at the fulfillment of Godly requests (John 15:16 & 16:23-24).
Also, we shouldn't relent in asking our Heavenly Father what we need, for our good and God's glory, in Jesus' name; for He gives to all generously, without reproach and when doing so without doubting, we will always have our supplications granted, without fail (Jas. 1:5-7).

PRAYER: Thank You, Lord Jesus Christ, for Your Love is ever sure and the abundance of Your Grace is established for the praise of Your Name and my sake - being Your chosen and commissioned channel of Your marvelous works - making everything I ask in humility, according to Your will, granted in Your Holy Name;

From John 14:13-14

Friday, October 11, 2024


The benefit we attain for having faith in the Word and works of God, which are marvelous in our eyes, is enduring fruit of the Holy Spirit in and miracles manifesting around every faithful Christian empowered to minister in Christ Jesus' Holy Name as channels of His glorious works done in greater measures - beyond that which we've seen and heard before (Matt. 21:21). This reveals our identity as Believers in Christ Jesus who owns every authority in Heaven and on Earth as we abide in Him, and He in us, making us vessels of His great and mighty works in the eyes of many (Matt. 28:18, John 15:7).
Moreover, with our names being recorded in Heaven as members of the LORD's Army, commissioned to declare Good News to humankind, "even demons are subjected to us, poisons rendered harmless, venomous creatures crushed under our feet, and the sick will have hands laid in them and recover," for example, showing we are God's Faithfuls - empowered in the Spirit to subdue the forces of darkness as we speak in tongues of Angels, graced with the Love and authority of the LORD in Christ Jesus (Joel 2:11, Mark 16:17-18, Luke 10:17-20).

PRAYER: In Jesus' Almighty Name, thank You, LORD, for making me a channel of Your great and extraordinary works, done by faith in Your living Word and graced with the manifestation of the Holy Spirit who lives in me. Please, Father, keep me strengthened as I carry out Your Word and am nourished through Your Spirit teaching me, that I would bear more fruits which remain, for the growth of Your advancing Kingdom, through the manifestation of Your glorious works accomplished through me as a vessel in Your hands,

From John 14:12

Thursday, October 10, 2024


Our faith, either in God's everlasting Word or His marvelous works, causes us to be counted worthy in Christ Jesus, as Heirs of the Father who sent Him, performing the same inspiring actions - for the Son who lives in the heart of every Believer, manifested through the Holy Spirit, comes from God; consequentially, Holy works testify of Him and bear witness of His anointed vessels, chosen to bring glory to Jesus (John 1:1-3 & 5:36). Also, every action which is compassionately done and word spoken with Grace, reveals the presence of the LORD, for every good and perfect gift comes from our Heavenly Father whose eternal existence is felt and expressed unchangingly, in Love (Col. 4:5-6, James 1:17, 1 John 4:16).
Therefore, even when the influence of the flesh makes one doubtful of God's ministering vessel, you need to rebuke the feeling by putting up the shield of faith to resist any unfounded accusation - believing in the works of the LORD, so you may realize that God is the One working and speaking, through the Holy Spirit moving every channel of mercy, following Jesus (John 10:38, Phil. 2:13).

PRAYER: Thank You Lord Jesus, Everlasting Father, for Your unfailing Word and glorious works strengthen my faith and help me know the Truth that the Word is God and dwells with Him - manifesting through the Holy Spirit in and around me. Please, touch the hearts of all reading and listening to Your Word which I proclaim and prove, so that their faith comes alive, for Your glory, in Christ Jesus,

From John 14:11

Praise the Lord, The Fountain Of Life Gospel Ministry is five years today!!!!

Wednesday, October 9, 2024


Christians through whom the Holy Spirit ministers, are vessels of God's Word and channels of His marvelous works, living to glorify His Name above all, through selfless service and free-will sacrifice, done in Love. The Father does this through Christ and is made manifest by the Holy Spirit who dwells in every Believer, so others may marvel and testify that we are one with Christ who is One with the Father, as His Kingdom advances (John 5:19 & 14:19-20).
Therefore, we should always make known our faith in Christ Jesus, the Word and Son of God, by believing in the works done by the Father, through the Holy Spirit poured out on His anointed vessels, ministering in His Holy Name, knowing that the works done and words declared by God's chosen, are not theirs but the LORD's, who created all things (John 14:24).

PRAYER: In Jesus whose Name we simply trust, thank You, Omnipresent Father, for Your Divine existence made known throughout my life by the Holy Spirit manifesting Your glorious works and eternal Word, fulfilled for my good and Your glory. Thank you that you are always with me to guide, protect and empower me! Please, keep me strengthened as a channel of Your Divine will so that others may experience Your Love, as they believe in Your Word who mightily redeems everyone who wholeheartedly receives Him,

From John 14:10

Tuesday, October 8, 2024


God's Salvation, our Lord Jesus Christ is the revelation of His Love and God's Word made flesh for the Redemption of mankind, being the exact image of our Father, filled with His Glory and Power, having authority over all things as our Blessed Redeemer who is seated, "at the right hand of the Majesty on high" (Matt. 28:18, John 1:14, Col. 1:15, Heb. 1:3). For those chosen to become children of God, humbly meditating on the Scripture and living by it, He opens our eyes to the Truth through the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit who gives Believers the understanding to fully see, feel, and experience YHWH Divinely themselves and through living vessels of His marvelous works, spreading the message throughout the Earth (John 12:45, Ps. 19:1-4).
However, some are not able to see the God who walks among His people, not because He hasn't done so for enough time, but due to their mindsets wandering into hiding, far from Him who is the Spirit; they are still focused more on vanities without realizing the fact that, to be in the presence of the LORD, one needs to be born of and led by the Spirit of Jesus - washed in the blood of the Lamb, entering His gates with thanksgiving, worshipping in Spirit and Truth, and communing with the Father, as Heirs of His Heavenly Kingdom (Lev. 26:12, John 3:5 & 4:23, Rom. 8:9 & 14, Ps. 100:4).

PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, thank You, LORD, Heavenly Father, for revealing Your eternal existence through Your Son who gives me the right understanding of Your Love, Grace, and Glory. Please, keep me motivated as I continuously share the Good News of Your omnipresence with all, so that more souls may be blessed with the knowledge of Your everlasting Love and existence as their Father, the moment they faithfully receive You,

From John 14:8-9

Monday, October 7, 2024


The only way to know, see, and be identified with the Father of all, who is over all, through all, and in all creation, Elohim, is through faith in His everlasting and unfailing Word, Jesus Christ, the Son and image of the LORD, who is One with the Father, YHWH; for He makes our vision spiritual and not just sensory - ears tuned to the whisper of His loving direction and desires purified to stay focused on our eternal dwelling place in the bosom of our Heavenly Father (Is. 55:11, Matt. 5:8, John 1:1-3, 14 & 10:30, Eph. 4:6). In Him we see, feel, and experience the true nature of God, revealed compassionately to all, through the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit who gives Believers the needed understanding of Elohim as we continuously meditate on His Word and live by it (Ps. 119:97-100, John 1:18).
So, if we want to know YHWH, it means knowing Yahshua Hamashiach, the revelation of God's Love - receiving Him requires faith in the fulfilled Word, by whom we have everlasting Life as we stay in Christ, in whom the Father is and who is in the Father (Matt. 10:40, John 14:11).

PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Eternal Father, for letting me know what you've done and spiritually visualize Your Divine existence through Your Word so lovingly reveajled to me by the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit, who helps me know You more ekvery day as I continuously meditate and live by it. Please, keep me strengthened as I proclaim Your Word, reveal Your eternal existence and unquenchable love, and help v lives as they willingly receive You by faith in Christ Jesus, Your Son;

From John 14:7

Friday, October 4, 2024


Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ is the Door open to all willing to enter and be part of the Kingdom by grace through faith so that we may remain safe from the deception of the Devil, as the Redeemed of the Lord - abiding in the Way of Truth leading to everlasting Life (John 10:9). This graciously gives every Believer access to the Father, being Heirs of His Heavenly Kingdom where the hope of every Christian rests (Rom. 5:2).
Moreover, continuing in the consistent Truth, God's Word, cleanses our souls, giving us boldness through the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit to live and walk in the Way consecrated for the Faithfuls worthy of the Father - being in the Body of Christ and separated from worldliness and the bondage of sin which leads to a second death (John 8:31-32). God wants us to receive Jesus Christ as the Revelation of Truth but He is the only Way leading to eternal Life with the LORD, being the Mediator by whom we have direct communion in the Spirit, to dwell in the presence of Elohim, as Sons and Daughters of God, the Father of creation (1 Tim. 2:4-6).

PRAYER: Thank You, Lord Jesus Christ, for Your Divine presence in my life through the Holy Spirit, granting direct communion with the Father to me, as an Heir of the Kingdom. Please, continue to lead me as I abide in You, the Living Word of God, so that I may always remain deserving of the everlasting life destined for me as one of Your Chosen,

From John 14:6

Thursday, October 3, 2024


Every person who is faithful in service to the LORD in Christ Jesus, the Son and Word of God who is One with the Father, having all authority given to Him as the Righteous Judge of both the living and the dead, truly knows Yahshua as the True Way bringing light to our understanding which leads us to the Father of all creation (Matt. 28:18, John 14:6, Acts 10:42, 1 Pet. 4:5, 2 Tim. 4:1 & 2). The dwelling place of our everlasting Father, where Christ reigns as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and the saints will dwell, is far beyond the understanding of mortals; still God wants us to be knowledgeable of the Way there, so has come to share life with us, allowing all an opportunity to access Him. Before making it to the end, one needs to be born of the Spirit by faith in God's Word - abiding in Him who is the only Way of Truth and Righteousness that brings every Believer to attain everlasting Life in Heaven (Joshua 1:8, John 15:7).
So, making known the Way of Salvation in which we are walking through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, as Heirs of the Father, we need to remain bright in the Body of Christ as living ambassadors of God's Word who we proclaim so that men who experience the Love of the Father through us, might be willing to receive Divine guidance along the Way of seeking, seeing, sharing, service, sorrow, suffering, and sacrifice, leading to the eternal dwelling place where saints will rest.

PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, thank You, Heavenly Father, for giving me faith today and direction to clean the mud from my eyes, showing yourself and making me knowledgeable of the Way leading me to everlasting life in Heaven - Your Word, the Lamp to my feet, and the Light to my path (Ps. 119:105). Please, keep me focused on the path of Truth and Righteousness as I continuously share the Good News of Salvation so that souls may welcome Your Divine presence into their lives through the Way heading to the bosom of the LORD,

From John 14:4-5

Wednesday, October 2, 2024


We are blessed by God and highly favored as followers of Jesus Christ, for He is the Bridegroom who never forsakes His Bride. He has gone to prepare a place in His Divine abode so we may be comfortably secured together, which gives us time to make ready for Him when He returns to take home all of His faithful Bride, well adorned and worthy of His Love so freely given and received through faith. Until then, we should remain at peace within ourselves and peacemakers in the world, being graced with the Comforter who keeps preserved for the King of Kings, every Christian knowing fully well that the Prince of Peace will surely return from Heaven to take us - by surprise and in due time - home, where we belong with Him (Acts 1:9-11).
Moreover, as we are kept endlessly united following Christ, faithful in His vineyard - daily advancing God's Kingdom, harvesting souls as fruits that remain, for His glory - we will stay honored by our Heavenly Father, who has granted every Believer a place forever, as co-heirs with His only begotten Son: the skilled carpenter and Bridegroom of victorious souls in the Kingdom (John 12:26, Luke 10:1 & 2). The Lord's second-coming will be not only for the living; also, those who are asleep but died with Christ in service to the LORD, will be caught up together in a cloud to Yahshua in the air, always existing with Him as Overcomers, in the Spirit (1 Thess. 4:17).

PRAYER: Thank You, Lord Jesus Christ, for the Divine assurance that You're coming again - strengthening me with your love, as a Believer living for Your glory. Please, help me reach out to ripe souls as I make Your presence known to the world and testify of Your return, before You receive a Holy Bride to Yourself - so that people may humbly come to receive You today, through the Gospel which I proclaim in Your Holy Name,

From John 14:3

Tuesday, October 1, 2024


Acknowledging that we are not of this world but of God in Christ Jesus, by trusting and submitting to our Lord and Savior, makes Christians, born of the Spirit, to stay deserving of favorable positions in the house of the Father of lights and graced with the hope of an eternal place to dwell which will be ready for us after having lived to the fulfillment of our Christ's calling: bearing fruits that remain, for the growth of God's Kingdom, advancing as we declare the Good News of Salvation to all (Heb. 11:13-16). Besides, the abode of the saints who have successfully finished their work on Earth, to the glory of the LORD, is being prepared by the Son of God to keep His Bride in His bosom, secure from the wicked so that we whose works have put the Devil to shame may dwell, forgiven forever, for His pleasure, to praise and glorify Him continuously as triumphant souls, on the Last Day (Col. 2:13 & 15, Rev. 21:7 & 8).
Therefore, as Heirs of the Kingdom of Heaven prepared for all who are faithful and steadfast to the end, from the creation of the World, we need to stay focused on our Creator, placing our hearts where our treasures dwell, to remain highly favored by the King of Kings who always had us in mind and will welcome us, His Faithfuls, to the only everlasting home and inheritance developed for true Believers in Christ Jesus, even before we were born (Matt. 25:34 & 6:20 & 21).

PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Heavenly Father, for creating a place for me and my loved ones to dwell after life on Earth, carefully prepared by Your everlasting Word, who keeps me comforted as I join the saints who glorify You for eternity. Please, help me to reach more souls for Heaven through discipleship so that many will be worthy of Your welcome embrace on the Last Day, in Jesus' Name,

From John 14:2


Times and seasons have never been in the hands of anyone except our Heavenly Father and the Creator of all things, who has placed these unde...