Friday, January 31, 2025


As we know, "faith comes by hearing the message and hearing by the Word of God, preached (Rom. 10:8-18)." Still, seeing or having a personal experience of God's miraculous works and the fulfillment of His Word in our lifetime makes us first hand, living Witnesses of the Truth, preaching to the World. Still, testifying to everyone of one's Divine encounter with Christ, by studying the Scriptures and word-of-mouth, also strengthens the faith of many, making them declare their confidence in what we say and do for the glory of our Heavenly Father (John 21:24).
Moreover, one needs to be in the presence of God to experience His marvelous works - which are beyond the understanding of men - through submitting to His Divine will, being dead to the flesh to stay alive in the Spirit who gives life to all who receive the Word of the LORD by faith (John 6:63).

 PRAYER: In Christ Jesus I come, Heavenly Father, thanking you for giving me the grace through my faith to experience Your glorious presence, made manifest by the Holy Spirit in my life. Please, keep me strengthened as I remain committed to follow Christ and willing to testify of all you've shown and sent me to proclaim for the Salvation of souls by Your Son,

 From John 20:8

Thursday, January 30, 2025


Our faithfulness and commitment to do His will, as Heirs of the Father, bearing fruits that remain for the growth of God's advancing Kingdom, keeps us graciously preserved for the fulfillment of His Word that never fails but abides forever (Jos. 21:45, Luke 1:37). We might go through afflictions, pains, or difficult times while serving the LORD; still, we should see them as trials of faith, knowing that our Heavenly Father will surely deliver us from all troubles and shame to remain protected for His glory for eternity with Jesus who is the Covenant Keeping God (Deut. 7:9, Ps. 34:19-20).
So, we should not relent in our service to the one who is Faithful and True, no matter what comes our way, for our Heavenly Father intended to, is, and will always be with us to fulfill His promises in our lives by His Spirit, without fail.

PRAYER: Thank You, Ever-loving Father and Gracious I AM that I AM, for creating me to live in the fulfillment of Your everlasting Word, who keeps me safe from harm as one chosen and preserved for Your glory on Earth. Please continue to protect and sustain me as I live to fulfill my calling in Christ: transforming the mindsets of men as they receive the Good News of Salvation, which I proclaim in Jesus' Name,

From John 19:36-37

Wednesday, January 29, 2025


Confidently confessing Christ, affirming God's Word, and testifying of His marvelous works make Christians able to awaken the faith of many dwelling with doubt and darkness, in ignorance of the Truth, for: "faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God (Rom. 10:17)." This seed is needed for the growth of God's advancing Kingdom, for it identifies we who see, for who we are in Christ, called and anointed in the Spirit, to preach good tidings to the poor in Spirit, heal the brokenhearted, and assure all of Peace in Christ as they become delivered through shared faith (Is. 61:1).
As we mature, therefore, we should testify using every means available and opportunity given to declare the Truth of which we are living Witnesses so that as many as have their spiritual eyes opened will believe and join in the advancement of God's Kingdom as Followers of Christ, graced with the understanding of the Living Word which brings life and God's Salvation to all who acknowledge and receive it by faith (John 20:31 & 21:24).

PRAYER: Thank You, Lord Jesus Christ, for making me a living Witness of the Truth, as a ministering vessel of the Holy Spirit, strengthened to reach out to everyone in need of Your revival so that as many as receive the knowledge of Your everlasting Word, Father, may likewise become trustworthy vessels of testimonies revealing who You are to us and declaring the Good News, as Laborers in Your Vineyard, in Your Holy Name;

From John 19:35

Tuesday, January 28, 2025


It's our Calling in Christ Jesus to fish for men, seek the lost sheep, and bring them back to the presence of God, washed as they receive His Word and cleansing by the blood of the Lamb to stay purified in the Spirit, communing and living forever, for His fame and praise. Only after this and glorifying God through our dedication and selfless service for a lifetime, can we say, "It is finished," as our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, did; for He is our mentor and we live in the Spirit, by His teachings, being Heirs of the Father in Him (John 17:4, 1 Tim. 4:6). 
Sometimes, we may be "persecuted because of righteousness," insulted, or falsely accused because of our Calling and identity in Christ; we should not relent, knowing that He is with us and we are blessed, sure to triumph, being one with God who makes us Overcomers in His Son (Matt. 5:10-11, Rev. 3:21).
PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, thank You, Heavenly Father, for Calling, anointing, and giving me the strength to finish Your work, through the Holy Spirit and the revelation of Your Word who keeps me guided and focused to live til the accomplishment of my Divine assignment on Earth. Please, help me to gain more disciples for You and revive those who are spiritually dead, for Your glory, as an ambassador of Your goodwill to all,

From John 19:30

Monday, January 27, 2025


As ambassadors of Jesus Christ, we are always thirsty for more time to win souls, knowing the will of God and that "the harvest is truly plentiful, but the Laborers are few," for it's our duty as faithful Ministers to pray for more workers and please our Savior "God, who wants everyone to be saved and come to know the Truth," by bringing many to repentance and discipling them for His glory in Christ (Matt. 9:37, Heb. 10:7 & 10, 1 Tim. 2:3-4). Even when our flesh is weary, we should keep seeking to carry every lost sheep the rest of the way into the fold, for God is our protector, helper, gatekeeper, door, and strength, who will see us through, even beyond the end of everything we see; for His eternal reward awaits all His faithful stewards, heirs with Christ on the last day (Ps. 27:1 & 69:3, Rom. 8:17).
Therefore, we should continuously thirst to persuade lost souls, seeking and guiding them, through the Holy Spirit, all the days of our lives so that we will be able to please our Heavenly Father in Christ Jesus, who accepts us into His bosom as His chosen people who stay faithful - deserving of His Grace, Joy, and Love (Matt. 25:23).
PRAYER: Thank You, Lord Jesus Christ, for Your presence in my life makes me desire to secure more souls daily and gives me determination to bring them to the Comfort of Your loving presence where there is Peace and Joy in the Living Streams of Water. As I complete the mission of "fishing for men," please help me to grow in Your Divine Wisdom so that with Your Word, I will continue to have plenty to feed Your sheep so we all may remain worthy of Your Kingdom, which remains forever,

From John 19:28

Friday, January 24, 2025


Our Heavenly Father, in Christ Jesus, His only begotten Son, has entrusted every Christian with the Divine responsibility to honor, compassionately care for, and feed His own, even as we seek the lost sheep and bring those who have strayed back to His fold, because of the undying Love He has for we who make sure to stay close to God, submitting ourselves solely for His goodwill (John 13:23). Believers do what He has entrusted us with by His Divine, tender strength given to us through the Holy Spirit who lives in us, manifesting the Power of God as we embrace His own, placed under our care while serving as channels of His Love to all seeking comfort in challenging times.
Therefore, we should stay committed to our new family in the body of Christ, doing all the LORD has entrusted us with, for He loves us and has placed whom He cherishes into our care, knowing He has given us all it takes to relate rightly, so we will remain deserving of His Love by grace, through our faithfulness.
PRAYER: Thank You, Heavenly Father, for entrusting me with a calling in Christ Jesus, Your Son, to care for Your own, seeking who is on Your Heart, discipling Believers, and showing Your Love to all in life whom I come across. Please, keep me motivated to continue in Your goodwill until my last breath, with a pure heart, as an instrument of Your Love to all assigned to me, in Jesus' Beloved Name,

From John 19:26-27

Wednesday, January 22, 2025


Living the life of Christ as ambassadors of God's Heavenly Kingdom on Earth and Heirs of the Father, our Divine identity will not be hidden for long, for it will be known in due time, no matter the efforts of the kingdom of darkness, because we remain channels of God's Light to the World (2 Cor. 4:6-7). Sometimes, the accusations against us - who stay determined to live to the fulfillment of Christ's calling - reveal our Divine identity, making the accusers restless as they see us moving from glory to glory, even under persecution (Matt. 27:37).
So, let's not relent but stay faithful til the end and we will surely triumph, subduing every challenge that comes our way and seeing the Truth prevail, for He who is in us is Greater than those who stand against us (2 Kings 6:16-17, 1 John 4:4).
PRAYER: Thank You, Lord Jesus Christ, for saying what you mean and giving me a Divine identity that reveals Your Love and presence in my life, making persecutors and false accusers affirm Your Lordship over all people and my faithfulness, even without realizing it. Please, keep me worthy of my Christ's calling as I remain honored and determined to persist to the end,

From John 19:19-22


The Righteous in Christ Jesus is ever safe in the Hands of God who never forsakes His own, for He delivers His Faithful One from the snare of evildoers (Ps. 94:12-14). Yet, it's only when the LORD allows His vessels to go through trials to prove their faith, that the workers of wickedness feel in command, knowing they have no right to touch the Children of God without His permission (Job 1:9-12, Luke 22:53, John 7:30).
Moreover, all power and authority belongs to our Heavenly Father, who gives His chosen vessels of leadership the grace to exercise force on Earth (John 3:27, Rom. 13:1). Still, anyone who deceitfully delivers the Just to an oppressive counsel to persecute and defame him, trying to stop the maturity of fruits that remain on a branch for God's advancing Kingdom, is only placing himself in danger of God's judgment by committing a greater sin than the Judge or wicked counsel.

PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, thank You, Heavenly Father and Protector, for I'm safe in Your Hands, being sheltered by Your Grace and Love to glorify Your Name on Earth as Your Word abides in me and I in Him. Please, keep me strengthened so that I will remain victorious over every challenge of persecution that comes my way,

From John 19:11

Tuesday, January 21, 2025


The Truth made known to all by channels of God's Word, causes chaos in the kingdom of darkness, making the forces of wickedness restlessly seek the fall of the Righteous in Christ Jesus by possessing those who are spiritually dead to serve as agents of the Accuser of the Brethren. Those standing against the Truth which we constantly affirm as ambassadors of Christ, see us as a threat to their position, possession, or self-made moral standards, making them deceitful as they try using what we represent and publish to accuse us, merely to try defaming our dignity before all whom we are bringing into the Light of God (Lev. 24:16, Matt. 26:63-66).
Also, while we make known our identity with the Holy Father in Christ Jesus who is One with His Father, the ignorant assume we are not being honest with them, claiming no one can take the place of God, while hypocrites continuously deceive the spiritually blind with twisted Scriptures to maintain their pride and position - based on no more than self-justified actions and wrong interpretation - misused to fulfill their  evil intentions which are solely to satisfy their lustful desires; the scheme stuck with by the Father of Lies is to hatefully spur on false accusations towards the faithful and innocent of heart (John 5:18, 8:44 & 10:30-33, Ps. 82:6-7).

PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, thank You, Heavenly Father, for making me an Heir of Your Kingdom in Christ Jesus, Your Son, whose teachings I trumpet in Spirit and not mere letter, as an ambassador of Your Living Word on Earth. Please, keep me protected from every accusation of the wicked and strengthened with Grace to overcome all challenges rising against my Divine identity as a citizen of Your Heavenly Kingdom,


From John 19:7

Monday, January 20, 2025


As Christ-Followers, we will always remain faultless before all who are honest with themselves, just in their ways, and faithful in their service to people and God, who will reward and keep an eternal covenant with them (Is. 61:8). Even when those who are supposed to stand by the Truth come against us because of our calling and faith in Christ, we shouldn't worry knowing we are serving the Living God who never forsakes His own; for the Holy Spirit is our advocate, defending us and bringing every one of our accusers to shame, so we remain glorified in Christ Jesus, before their eyes (Luke 18:7-8, Acts 3:13 & 14).
Furthermore, our faithfulness to God, despite the challenges of persecution coming to those who are Christlike, graciously keeps us justified before our Heavenly Father who remains our strength in times of trouble (Ps. 37:39-40).

PRAYER: Thank You, Heavenly Father, for keeping me justified by faith in Christ Jesus, Your Son, causing the Holy Spirit to advocate for me in times of trouble, and allowing those honest among men to acknowledge the Truth for Your everlasting Kingdom to advance, in Your Holy Name,

From John 19:6

Friday, January 17, 2025


Confessing Jesus Christ and affirming your identity in Him by proclaiming the Gospel of Truth to all, boldly with the guidance of the Holy Spirit who ministers through everyone faithful in service to the LORD, keeps one identified as a Witness of the Truth, born to declare the Salvation of God on Earth (Luke 4:43 & 19:10). As we continually affirm God's Word, He is again revealing the Way, Truth, and Life which redeems and restores captives of sin to shining right standing when we receive the Truth made known in the person of Jesus, who gives us our heart's desires, transformed, and renews our lives for the growth of His Kingdom (1 Sam. 8:22, Ps. 37:4-6, John 10:10 & 14:6-7).
Moreover, as we hear the Word of the LORD, receive the Truth, and confess Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior before seeking neighbors, friends, and loved ones - affirming Him who is the redeeming Word living in us, from the depth of our hearts through our mouths for the Salvation of more souls, bringing lost sheep back to the fold where they belong - we will be among those sent as channels of the Living Word, called to advance God's Kingdom throughout the World (John 8:47 & 10:27)

PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, thank You, Ever-Loving Father and Gracious LORD, for speaking to me through Your Living Word and favoring me with the Gift of the Holy Spirit who helps me understand the reason I'm alive - for Your glory and our good - as I listen attentively to Your voice. Please keep me humble to continually affirm my Christ's identity to those with ears to hear, as a Witness to the Truth,

From John 18:37

Thursday, January 16, 2025


Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, reigns forever in the hearts of all who faithfully receive Him, submitting to His lordship by doing His will on Earth as it is in Heaven, acknowledging Him as the Author and Perfecter of our faith (Matt. 6:9-10, Heb. 12:2). Christ's Kingdom is spiritual, not of this World, so it can't be fought over with human might and it can never be destroyed, for God has given all power and authority to His Son, to rule as the Head of the Church where every nation, tribe, and race are lovingly united to worship the LORD in Truth and the Spirit, forever (Dan. 2:44 & 7:14, John 4:24, Matt. 28:18).
Therefore, embodied in Christ Jesus as Kings and Priests of God's Kingdom, living as His chosen generation and ambassadors to the World, we have no reason to engage in physical violence nor ask those we are discipling defend us in times of trials and temptation, for the LORD is the Defender of the Righteous, fighting our battles and conquering every war raised against His faithful Children ministering in His Holy Name (Exo. 14:14, Deut. 20:4 & 32:3-4, 1 Pet. 2:9, Rev. 1:5-6 & 5:10).

PRAYER: Thank You, Heavenly Father, for graciously accepting me as a citizen of Your Kingdom, existing from everlasting to everlasting, through Your Living Word, whom I receive by faith. Please, keep me strengthened and guided by the Holy Spirit to live continually in the fulfillment of Your Word, no matter what comes my way, as the Redeemed of the LORD in Christ Jesus, Your Son;

From John 18:36

Wednesday, January 15, 2025


The declaration of the Truth convicts all who have evil hearts, making those with a spirit of rebellion serve in the night as agents of darkness persecuting the Children of Light (1 Thess. 5:5). Those who stubbornly reject the Truth, instead find pleasure in lies and deceit, seeking and scheming ways to bring down the Righteous in Christ, striking us at every opportunity they get; still, we shouldn't be ashamed of our Calling in Christ: showing love to all, even to those oppressing us, for our Heavenly Father will keep us away from shame and disgrace, protected as the pupils of His eyes, preserved for His glory (Job 16:10, Ps. 17:8-9, Is. 50:6-8).
Even when detained or facing any abusive counsel because of the Gospel we proclaim, we shouldn't be worried, for the LORD Almighty will always fight our battles and conquer every war set against us, the Faithful, without fail (Jer. 20:2 & 11).

PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, thank You, Ever-Loving Father, for keeping me safe in Your hands, for in times of trial, You strengthen my faith with the assurance of everlasting Life in Your bosom as I relentlessly advance Your Kingdom, bearing fruits that remain, for Your glory, even in the presence of those who try to hurt me I remain an Overcomer through Your Word who lives in me,

From John 18:22-23

Tuesday, January 14, 2025


As a result of the fall of man through the deception of the devil by the serpent, the whole World has been suffering from the bondage of sin in captivity of the wicked one whose sole intention is to separate people from God, the Creator of all things. Yet the LORD, our Heavenly Father who is ever gracious, merciful, and loving to all that's remorseful, gave every human a second chance at repentance: restoring us, His Faithful people, through His promised seed, Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son, "the Lamb who was slain," for the redemption of all who faithfully receive Him (Gen. 3:15 & 21, John 3:16, Rev. 5:6-12). He who is conceived by the Holy Spirit, being the Son of God born of a woman, is without guilt or stain, for He alone is worthy of delivering every man as the Lamb without blemish given to reveal God's Love and mercy towards His own.
Moreover, only the precious offering of the blood of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, cleanses a person completely from the guilt of sin and shame before God as we receive Him in our hearts as the Author and Finisher of our faith, gladly testifying of His goodness, grace, and mercy, and living as His ambassadors on Earth, we will stay Overcomers, letting everyone know how they too can triumph over every effort of the wicked one (John 11:50, Rev. 12:10 & 11).

PRAYER: Thank You, Lord Jesus Christ, for being the Lamb whose precious blood cleanses my soul from every stain, making me worthy of the Holy Spirit who unites my spirit with the Father in You, for Your birth, death, and resurrection has made me whole, favored with eternal life in the bosom of the Father; may the entire World hear what you have done, once and for all,

From John 18:14

Monday, January 13, 2025


Being Christlike and Heirs of the Father, we can lovingly speak the Truth without fear, declaring it openly for God's glory, no matter the situation or place we find ourselves, because of the authority we have in Christ Jesus who lives in us as the light of the World (Matt. 5:14-16, Luke 4:15, John 7:28). Many things may be revealed by the Holy Spirit in our hearts as friends of God in Christ Jesus, who love and fear YHWH; even then, we are called as Ministers of the Good News of Salvation to speak only what He instructs us at any given time (Neh. 1:5, Ps. 25:14, John 8:26 & 15:15).
So, let's not relent in proclaiming the Way, Truth, and Life for the redemption of souls so that as many as receive the Word of God, Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior by faith, may come to know the Father who is One with Him (John 14:6-7 & 10:30, Rom. 10:17).

PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, thank You, Heavenly Father, for making me bold to declare Your Word lovingly to all, by the Holy Spirit who ministers through me (Acts 4:31). Please, keep me motivated and strengthened to reach out to all who need the knowledge of Truth and Your Salvation, so that more souls may be redeemed, as they receive Your Word by faith in Your Holy Name,

From John 18:20

Friday, January 10, 2025


We should not allow anything or anyone to obstruct us from living to the fulfillment of our Calling in Christ, bearing fruits that remain for His glory, which is the essence of our existence as Sons and Daughters of God, living on Earth. Sometimes, the weakness or lust of the flesh may try to stop us, bringing up fear of facing the pain that comes with trials to communicate a problem with the ways we have strayed; yet, as we remain determined to advance God's Kingdom by praying for spiritual empowerment and Divine intervention, we will surely overcome in Christ Jesus who lives in us (Matt. 26:39, Mark 14:36).
Furthermore, as "the battle is the LORD'S," we mustn't fight spiritual battles with our physical strength nor obstruct God's work through our actions, but remain brave, watchful and surrendered, praying for the manifestation of His Word in our lives; we will surely rejoice sooner than we think, for our Heavenly Father will never again allow His Children to suffer shame (1 Sam. 17:47, Ps. 21:31, 121:3-4, 2 Chr. 20:15, Isa. 54:4-5).

PRAYER: Thank You, Lord Jesus Christ, for calling and choosing me as a vessel of Divine restoration, love, and favor to everyone by grace through faith in Your Holy Name. Though there are trials along the way, trying to stop me from being focused on the Great Commission You have given me, I know with You I will surely triumph, staying victorious as I live to the fulfillment of my calling in the Name that is above all names,

From John 18:11

Thursday, January 9, 2025


We know it's the will of our Heavenly Father in Christ Jesus who has chosen to reveal our destinies as ministering vessels of the Holy Spirit and called us to go into the whole world finding any lost sheep to bring them into the fold for baptism and discipleship, before the end - so they may grow in God's Word, having their faith strengthened to stand as Overcomers, ahead of every challenge that comes their way as they journey along the only true path of righteousness - and to never lose anyone who has chosen to stay under our ministerial care, as good stewards of God's Grace, who are preparing souls, according to His will, to have Peace with Christ on the Last Day (John 6:39). We might expect to be persecuted for living to the fulfillment of our Calling in Christ; even then, we should always ensure the safety of all given to us, for they need to be available when we are not around, to continue advancing God's Kingdom as products of our fruitfulness in the True Vine.
Although we may experience betrayal, be ignored, misunderstood or denied by the ones we tried to disciple, we should stay committed to pleasing our Heavenly Father with whom we are given; keeping His Word and feeding His sheep, nourishing their souls, which reveals our love and obedience to Him who has called us to identify Himself in our world (John 17:12 & 21:17).

PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, thank You, I AM THAT I AM, All-Knowing Father in Heaven, for graciously creating me and keeping me useful for Your glory, knowing I would be converted and able to disciple souls boldly, for Your Kingdom, advancing by Your Spirit. Please, keep me willing in the Spirit, to live to the fulfillment of Your Word so that none of those whom You have given me to disciple will be lost, no matter what comes our way,

From John 18:4, 8 & 9

Wednesday, January 8, 2025


The declaration of Jesus Christ, the Name that is above every other name, is necessary for the Salvation of souls, making the Father's Love known to all so that, as many as receive the Truth will remain in the comfort of God's Love forever (John 3:16). Being Christlike, manifesting the Name of the LORD to all compassionately, through selfless sacrifice, brings many to repentance and submission to the will of God as they boldly confess Jesus Christ as the Redeemer of their souls, acknowledging the Power of His Holy Name (John 17:6).
Therefore, as Ministers of the Gospel of Salvation and channels of God's Love, we should endeavor to remain living examples of the Truth that we proclaim, being that we are not of the world but citizens of God's advancing Kingdom; so, by the manna from Heaven we have eaten, more souls may also be restored to our Heavenly Father, in the Name that is above all names (Eph. 3:17-19).

PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, thank You, Ever-loving Father, for making me a channel of Your Love, declaring Your Holy Name above every other name in Heaven and on Earth. Please, lead me to all who need Your undying, matchless Love, for the redemption of their souls so, as they realize and receive the Truth proclaimed in Your Marvelous Name, they will also be safe;

From John 17:25-26

Tuesday, January 7, 2025


Everyone ministering in Christ Jesus through the Holy Spirit desires that all whom they are discipling may stay united with the Father as they are living in His Grace, for faithful ministers endeavor to remain in right standing with God, being ambassadors of Christ, worthy to follow Jesus in receiving God's glory (John 12:26). Also, no matter where we go, moving from place to place as fishers of men, seeking for lost sheep, our wish is for all converted and those we are discipling to see God's glory, be prepared for the second coming of Jesus Christ, and remain in touch, which we show by praying and giving them regular Bible studies to boost their faith and Spiritual growth (John 14:3).
Moreover, staying alive for Christ through constant meditation on God's Word, as we faithfully walk in the Spirit with power, keeps us preserved and deserving of our Heavenly inheritance with the Saints above (1 Thess. 4:17).
PRAYER: Thank You, Lord Jesus Christ, for giving me the Great Commission to seek the lost as a fisher of men graced with the desire to remain united with You and everyone who has received the Glorious Word so that they may be fully equipped to bring You glory and prepared for Your second coming,

From John 17:24

Monday, January 6, 2025


The glory given by the Father to His Son, made manifest by the Holy Spirit, makes every one of the Faithful perfect in Christ Jesus, who lives in us, confidently showing evidence of God's Love and unity with Him (John 14:20, 1 John 4:16-18). Receiving this grace keeps everyone born of God in the Spirit continuously transformed into the image of the LORD, our Creator (Gen. 1:27, 2 Cor. 3:18).
Furthermore, as we "put on love which is the bond of perfect unity," with the Father in Christ Jesus, minds fixed above the lust of the flesh, we will stay victorious over every challenge, as the ideal likeness of God, revealing His presence on Earth (Col. 3:14).

PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Heavenly Father, for making me perfect in Your Son who keeps me glorified in Himself by giving Your Spirit, lovingly accepted through faith. Please help me in reaching out to souls ignorant of Your Love, so they might receive Your glorious presence and be made perfect through repentance by confessing Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior,

From John 17:22-23

Friday, January 3, 2025


Praying for all converts - and not only those we are discipling to disciple in the Way - to remain strengthened in faith and united with the Father, in Jesus' Name, is part of our responsibility as Ministers of Good News to the whole world, for many are still ignorantly away from the Body of Christ; so our Calling is to bring them, through constant, intercessory prayers and evangelism, into the fold, where we are one flock having one Great Shepherd, Jesus Christ who laid His life down for many, in accordance with the Law, Songs and Prophets of God (Matt. 24:14, John 10:14-16, Rom. 12:5). Christians are called in one hope, faith, and baptism to embrace one God and Father of all Believers, through His Word; as we pray for His Brethren and our Sisters, physically far and near, we are also praying for the unity and growth of the Church, on the only solid foundation (Eph. 4:3-6).
So, let's remain willing to bring all who are far from the presence of the LORD, into the fold of Jesus through discipleship so that more souls may become one with Christ just as we are mercifully in Him who is one with the Father, forever.

PRAYER: Thank You, Heavenly Father, for keeping me united in the Body of Christ and favored by the Holy Spirit to intercede in prayers for all who have faith in the Word. Please continue to touch the hearts of all who confess Your Name to seek Your presence in another and stay united with You, loving one and all, as we have been greatly forgiven and loved, in Jesus' Name,

From John 17:20-21

Thursday, January 2, 2025


Every vessel of mercy recreated to proclaim the Good News of Salvation in Christ Jesus, the Word of the LORD, by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, remains cleansed and alive in His Holiness so, as many people as acknowledge the revelation of God's Truth, ministered with our mouths and practiced through our devoted way of life, may realize the sanctifying effect of God's Living Word and become purified by it daily, as they receive Jesus Christ into their hearts (1 Thess. 4:7-9). This way, we live for Christ on Earth, advancing the Kingdom of Heaven and staying fruitful in His Vineyard, as branches in the True Vine who will crush His enemies (John 15:5, Rev. 19:11 & 13-15).
Also, we are empowered with the gifts of the Holy Spirit, sanctified in the Name above all names to seek for lost souls, convert, and disciple as many from the world as our Heavenly Father gives us, ambassadors of Jesus Christ, His everlasting Word who keeps us purified as we abide in Him, "the Way, the Truth, and the Life (John 14:6)."

PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, thank You, Holy Father, for keeping me sanctified by grace through Your Word washing and regenerating me as I stay consecrated for Your Will; please, help me remain a living example of Your Word, transforming the mindsets of men and sending them throughout the Earth as well, for Your glory!

From John 17:18-19

Happy New Year 🌹

Wednesday, January 1, 2025


There is no discrimination in the Body of Christ, for every Christian, faithful in service to the LORD, remains cleansed with the washing of the Living Water, which flows over our souls by the Word of God, Jesus Christ, our Savior, to be united as the Church, presented in white, without defilement, for the LORD (Eph. 5:25-27). Our Heavenly Father makes no distinction between saints as He purifies our hearts by faith in His Word through the Holy Spirit, making every Christian converted by grace through receiving God's Anointed Son, remain separated from the World yet united as the Church, sanctified by the Truth to subdue any deception of the World (Acts 15:8-9).
Moreover, as Christian souls, continually obedient to the Word of the Father keeping the hearts of Brethren cleansed, we remain citizens, not of the World but of God's Heavenly Kingdom, where Truth and Faithful Love reigns (Ps. 119:9, 1 Pet. 1:22).

PRAYER: Thank You, Heavenly Father, for separating me from the World through Your sanctifying Word of Truth, which purifies my soul to remain deserving of Your Kingdom. Please, keep everyone who is converted through the Holy Spirit in me, cleansed and purified for Your advancing Kingdom, in Jesus' Holy Name,

From John 17:16-17

                                   Happy 🌺
                                              New Year 


The Word of God, Jesus Christ, never fails; for the same way He ascended into Heaven, received in a cloud, to be with "the Ancient of D...