Always endeavor to remain fruitful, advancing God's kingdom through your faithfulness in Him which is revealed by the words of your mouth and your sincere character.
For by our godly manners we bring others closer to God and with the words of our mouths we testify of His goodwill to all, making all who hear and believe the gospel which we proclaim to receive salvation in Christ Jesus by faith.
Moreover, let's not relent in our service to the LORD as a faithful branch in the True Vine, bearing good fruits for God's kingdom because the end is near and the Lord is coming very soon to judge everyman according to his works.
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, we give you all the glory for making us fruitful in your vineyard as chosen vessels called to advance your kingdom on earth by reaching more souls even as we are strengthened through the Holy Spirit to bring the gospel to their door steps.
O LORD be thou exalted in Jesus Christ name amen.


The true nature of a repentant heart is revealed by the positive changes in his character, particularly through the way he associates with others and testifies of the goodness of God to all around him.
Also, through the grace of God which he receives as a repentant soul, he becomes fruitful even as he lives a righteous life in Christ Jesus, being dead to the flesh and alive in the spirit, advancing God's kingdom as a fruit bearing branch in the True Vine.
Moreover, you mustn't rely on your present achievement's as a christian and child of God alone but be zealous, making use of the grace, blessings and favor God  has blessed you with to bring others into repentance, bearing more fruits for God's kingdom and you will continue to fulfill your purpose in life as a true christian.
PRAYER: Dear Lord Jesus Christ, thank you for the gospel of salvation which brings us into repentance, even as you accept us as your own, by making us your vessels, worthy to produce fruits of repentance and advance your kingdom on earth.
May your name be praised forevermore amen.


To every priests, ministers and children of God, it's our individual and collective responsibility to prepare the way for the second coming of Christ, for this is the purpose of our calling and it has become our major objective, that we may advance His kingdom on earth.
Moreover, by proclaiming the gospel of salvation in Christ Jesus, we are bringing more souls who are lost back to the LORD, even as they recieve Christ into their hearts through the knowledge of the gospel brought to their door step.
So, let's not relent in our service for the LORD, for we are living for Christ as christians and our purpose on earth is to fulfill the Father's will by advancing His kingdom and make the knowledge of salvation in Christ Jesus known to all.
PRAYER: Thank you Heavenly Father for making us vessels of your glorious works on earth, granting us the grace through our Lord Jesus Christ and Strengthened by the Holy Spirit to prepare the way for the second coming of Christ, that we may continue to advance your kingdom on earth.
May your name be glorified forevermore amen.


True repentance comes from the heart and it brings about total remission of our sins, even as we are cleansed from every guit and stains by the blood of the Lamb, Jesus Christ the Son of God, who washed our sins away and made us whole, worthy of His grace through the comfort of the Holy Spirit, as we receive Christ into our hearts, confessing Him as Lord and personal savior.
Therefore, we have to make this known to all who are faraway  from God, by proclaiming the gospel of salvation in Christ Jesus to them, that they may receive Him into their hearts, confessing Him as Lord and savior, and they will surely attain total remission for their sins.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD for granting us total remission for our sins and restoring us to your presence through your Son Jesus Christ, whose blood was shed for our redemption, and His presence in our lives through the Holy Spirit has granted us divine assurance of eternity with the Father as sons and daughters of God.
O LORD be thou glorified forevermore in Jesus Christ name amen.


The growth and development of a true christian is divinely unique, for it's both spiritual and natural, which makes him different from others as a child and vessel of God.
Furthermore, the presence of Christ in him through the Holy Spirit makes him to attract the attention of everyone around him because of the unique and divine wisdom of the Holy Spirit that is in him, as the strength to identify and actualize his purpose in life as a fruit bearing branch in the True Vine, committed to advance God's kingdom as a true ambassador of Christ.
Therefore, as a faithful christian you should always endeavor to grow in the knowledge of the Word of God by meditating in it always, even as you pray for divine understanding that you may be filled with the wisdom of the Holy Spirit and be gloriously blessed to identify and actualize your purpose in life as a true vessels of God on earth.

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank you for the knowledge of your word and the gift of the Holy Spirit, which makes us divinely blessed being filled with wisdom to identify our purpose in life, actualizing them as vessels of your divine will on earth through Jesus Christ your Son amen.


The responsibility of a true christian and faithful child of God is to do the will of God by living for Christ and walking in His righteousness alone, for through this we will be able to fullfil the Father's will as citizen of His heavenly kingdom on earth.
Also, by doing this Responsibilities we are fullfiling our purpose in life as christians, advancing God's kingdom, even as we continuously bear more fruits for His glory in Christ Jesus.
Therefore, do not relent in fullfiling your responsibilities as a christian because for this purpose you are called and made a new creation for His service as a born again child of God.

PRAYER: Thank you LORD, for the divine call of salvation which has made us vessels of your glory in Christ Jesus, chosen to proclaim your Word, that more souls may be redeemed through the gospel, identifying their purpose in life, even as they recieve Jesus Christ into their lives as Lord and savior.
May your name be glorified forevermore amen.


The words and ways of the righteous produces great impact as a result of the positive impression they give to all who listens, acknowledge and receive them into their hearts.
Also, the righteous are filled with divine wisdom which makes them unique as sons and daughters of God, living as vessels of His glory, proclaiming His gospel and declaring the truth to all, that many  may receive salvation in Christ Jesus.
Moreover, this is the purpose of our calling and existence as christians and chosen vessels ordained to advance and bear more fruits for God's kingdom.

PRAYER: Thank you LORD for the gift and wisdom of the Holy Spirit which makes us unique vessels of your divine will, chosen to advance your kingdom, by bearing more fruits for your glory which has been our purpose on earth as christians, living as ambassadors of Christ.
May your name be praised forevermore amen.


Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ is the Door open to all willing to enter and be part of the Kingdom by grace through faith so that we may ...