To be worthy of Christ and fit for God's Kingdom, we need to remain steadfastly dedicated to our Calling, and never relent in our service to the LORD, allowing His Divine will to supercede that which is of the world; for one can not say he is of God, yet keep looking backwards, giving importance to the traditions of men at the expense of God's purpose and Calling in his life.
This should also be taken into consideration, since we've received Christ, and decide to uphold our faith in Him, there is no need to look elsewhere; rather, we should always remain focused on doing the Father's will, that we may always be worthy of Him, because anyone who has received the knowledge of Salvation in Christ Jesus, yet still remains evenly yoked with worldly traditions, is only declaring himself unworthy of Christ.
PRAYER: LORD Jesus Christ, thank you for the glorious call of Salvation, which keeps us refined, being reborn to live for your glory, having no reason for turning or looking backward, yet remaining fit to carry the Cross, as brethren in Christ Jesus,


As living vessels, once you have received the divine call of Salvation, and the grace to proclaim the gospel of Christ to all, avoid continuing any distractions that may hinder you from doing the LORD'S will, by placing Jesus first in all that you do, and never allowing the tendencies of mortal flesh to subdue your spiritual will to serve the LORD, bringing glory to His Name.
The Divine call for God's glory assigned by Christ Jesus, in you as His choice vessel, requires your honesty and full submission to His assignments first, even before you consider family ties or any other relationship on Earth, in order to fulfill the purpose of your calling, inspired by the Holy Spirit, to glorify the LORD.
Therefore, as Ministers of the Gospel, let's not allow the traditions of men to hinder us from fulfilling the purpose of our covenant-calling which is solely to advance God's Kingdom, as we continuously bear fruit in season and without season, because the living still have opportunity to become real Brothers and Sisters in Christ, to show love, for His glory.
PRAYER: LORD, thank you for calling and ordaining us as Ministers with your Son, being labourers in your Vineyard, chosen to advance your Kingdom by living after the pattern of Christ's life, only to glorify your Name, in Christ Jesus,


The life of an Evangelist is soley purposed to seek for lost souls, by bringing the knowledge of Salvation in Christ Jesus, to their doorsteps, even as he continuously breaks barriers, overcomes mountains, crosses over valleys, and moves through oceans, to reach more souls. This makes most evangelical Ministers remain mobile; having no permanent or specific location, moving from place to place, only to do the Father's will, by living in obedience to Christ, as His true ambassadors.
So, once you have discovered your purpose in life as an Evangelist and submit, you should forgo considering a permanent location for yourself to become comfortable, yet always allow the LORD to be your guide through the Divine direction of the Holy Spirit in you, because your visible body is only an earthen vessel in the hands of God, and He has prepare a place for you in His Heavenly Kingdom above.
PRAYER: LORD, thanks for the glorious call of Salvation and the Great Commission to go and teach the gospel of Christ to every nation, as evangelical vessels, nurtured for your glory, to advance your Kingdom, even as we live for Christ, following the Way as Sons of God, in Jesus' name,


The presence of Christ in us, restores us to the citizenship of God's Kingdom, graced with eternity to live again, for His glory, as the redeemed Children of God, not merely doomed to be condemned. This righteousness has made us living testimonies of His Divine love to the World, as faithful Christians.
Therefore, as vessels of the Word which remains when all else fades, and ambassadors of Christ, we are called to live for Him, by showing the love of the Father to all, and not to condemn, nor seek for the downfall of anyone before it's time, yet proclaim the gospel of Salvation in love, that souls might be saved, while we have an opportunity with them, today.
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank you for your love shown to all, through your Son, Jesus Christ, who came for our Salvation and redeemed us from the bondage of our sin and death, that we may live for your glory, in eternity with the saints in Jesus' name,


No matter the level of our spiritual growth, strength, and edification of position in the body of Christ, we should always give room in the House of God, for the overflow of other vessels to be made manifest, and put to use, for God's glory. No sin is worse than another; as Christians, we are all equal in the body of Christ, united as one Church, not to quench the Holy Spirit in a form of culture, politics, nor religion, but to fulfill the Father's will, on Earth as it is in Heaven.
Therefore, we should never allow pride nor jealousy to get the better of us, as we exhort; yet, embrace and encourage one another more, even upcoming Ministers, that God's Love, which unites the Body of Christ, may be revealed to all, being worthy to be looked to, for the growth of the Church, in Christ Jesus.
PRAYER: Dear LORD and loving Father, thank you for the Divine use of your Word, which encourages unity and oneness in the body of Christ, to elevate and strengthen the Church, for the advancement of your Kingdom in Jesus' name,


One's love and humility makes him or her accommodating to all, especially to the vessels of God, sent to declare the  of Salvation for the redemption of souls. This leads to greatness and eternal restoration in the body of Christ, for as we humble ourselves to receive the Children and vessels of God in love, we will also receive the gift of Salvation that comes with them, through God's Word, Christ Himself whom they proclaim.
So, let's always remain humble and ready at all times to recieve the knowledge of God's Word, through His vessels, and constantly meditate in it, that our humility and fullsubmission to His Word, may continue to lead us to the position of greatness, sustained by the glory of the Father in Christ Jesus.
PRAYER: Thank you Heavenly Father, for accepting us as your own, even as we humbly recieve your Word, Jesus Christ, into our hearts, by first recieving your vessels; welcoming them into our homes, which makes us deserving of the Bread of Life, that comes with them, to the sustainance  our souls, for the glory of the Father, in Christ Jesus,


The presence of Christ in *Believers, rebukes the forces of darkness, and overpowers the unclean spirits serving as strongholds, barriers or obstructions against the fulfilment of our purpose in life, as Children of God, created for His good works, that we may remain redeemed and restored, to the glory of God. This ensures Divine healing is seen before men and well-known physicians, as a miracle done only by the LORD, which gives room for our testimony; declaring the marvelous works of God, who loves every person.
Therefore, let's remain in communion with the Holy Spirit, that the Divine presence of Christ in us, will continue to keep us free to overcome the forces of darkness, being restored to the splendid glory of the Father, in His Majesty, Christ Jesus, graced with peace to enjoy now, and hope of eternal life.
PRAYER: Thank you, Jehovah Rapha'El, for your healing power and restoring grace, which keep us free from infirmities, and Strengthened to live Holy, for your glory, testifying of God's goodness to all, in Jesus' name,


Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ is the Door open to all willing to enter and be part of the Kingdom by grace through faith so that we may ...