Friendship comes with respect for one another, and being of help and support in times of greatest need. So, when choosing whom to serve in this dying world, where to tithe, and while making friends, Christians should always endeavor to consider the spiritual effects of such associations, even before we take the bold step of making the decision which may come with an effect on where eternity is spent. Also, making good friends requires Wisdom; knowing the right qualities needed, like sincerity and Truth (1 Cor 5) among believers, and who to break fellowship with for the destruction of flesh, will help you not be puffed up with sin, but grow as a Child of God, living for Christ, that you may remain a fruit-bearing branch in the True Vine.
Everyone we see met with compassion, and everything we've been given to hold loosely, is about to come to an end. Although, it's necessary to use our resources to make friends today, we should always be careful of the kind of friends we keep close, for friends are said to have similar characters as a result of the influence they have with each other. So, let's not relent in being good friends, yet be careful of whom we chose to dwell with, and how to converse with them, because wrongdoers will fade quickly, but lasting treasure is stored in Heaven, with our best friend Jesus and His Saints.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, Jesus Christ, for the Spirit of discernment, through the Knowledge of your Word, which helps us make lasting friendships, through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, who lives in us,

From Luke 16:9


Being Children of God, called, ordained, and commissioned to live for Christ and proclaim His good will toward all people, for the Salvation of their souls, we need not be wise in our own eyes; rather, we should always remain submissive to the LORD'S will, placing every one of our thoughts and decisions before Him in prayers, especially before taking any bold step concerning our lives, and those of others. This way, we are always in rightstanding with God, and true communion with the Holy Spirit, even as we remain one with Christ, fulfilling the Father's will by advancing His Kingdom through bearing fruits that remain, for His glory, in Christ Jesus.
Moreover, acting on our will, as if in the darkness, without placing God first, seeking His Wisdom, leads to making wrong decisions most of the time; for no matter how right it may seem, in selfishness, it leads to self-recognition, giving room for pride and arrogant feelings. So, let's remain faithful to our Calling in Christ, by being submissive to the Father's will, advancing His Kingdom as true Stewards of the LORD.
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, O' LORD, thank you for calling me into your Glorious Light which fills me up to serve faithfully in your Vineyard, as a true Steward and vessel of your glory, in your Holy name;

From Luke 16:5-8


As the Redeemed of the LORD, saved by Grace through faith in Jesus Christ, we are called in love, to express and reveal the Love of the Father to all, for our inheritance of the Kingdom is established. So, from the depth of our hearts, we should always be willing to bring more souls back from the grave, who need physical and spiritual nurture, baptize and disciple them for the advancement of God's Kingdom; even as we rejoice for God's Salvation of each one of His children, welcoming them with joy and open arms, that they may experience God's Love and compassionate embrace, which restores peace and comforts all.
Moreover, as we rejoice, even as joint Heirs with Christ, who turns finding the most lost, into a cause of celebration for the repentant souls, welcoming the new-borns with open hands and faces, this glorifies the name of the LORD, and brings more joy to the soon-coming Kingdom of Heaven.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, Jesus Christ, for granting us life eternal, through your precious blood, sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit, which keeps us established as Heirs of your Kingdom;

From Luke 15:24


For every soul that repents, receiving Jesus Christ into his heart as the Redeemer of his soul, confessing the Lamb as Lord and Savior, there is Great Joy in Heaven, because he was once dead in the Spirit, but now he is alive because of the sacrifice of the Father, who embraces and accepts him in love. His humility and willingness to serve the LORD will bring him under cover of the Robe of Righteousness, being served the welcoming feast of a true and faithful servant, that he may be instantly equipped to seek, find, and convert sinning souls supped with, discipling them for the advancement of God's Kingdom.
Though we were once dead in sin, now we are made alive together with Christ, saved by Grace, through His precious blood, freely offered to cleanse the sins of every family member who believes in Him. Therefore, let's continue celebrating what Jesus has done, striving to win more souls who have lost their identity, yet seeking for breakthrough and deliverance from captivity, that they may be redeemed by faith, through grace, even as we endlessly proclaim the Gospel of Salvation in love, for the redemption of souls. 
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, LORD I give you all the glory, honor, and adoration, for you have forgiven all my sins and made me alive in the Spirit, for your glory, even to live as God's Son, in Your presence where there is fullness of joy;
Hallelujah, Amen!

From Luke 15:22-24


Our Heavenly Father is always willing and ready to accept anyone who comes before Him in humility and true repentance, trusting He is the compassionate God who embraces all who receive the Love of Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son. His warm embrace and lifegiving kiss, felt through the gift of the Holy Spirit, makes us comfortable and reestablished in love, granting us a blessed assurance of eternity with Him, by Grace through faith in Christ Jesus.
With this, we are no longer strangers and foreigners, but 
fellow citizens with the saints, and members of the household of God (Ephesians 2:19). So, let's not relent in spreading the Good News of Salvation, that souls who are lost may realize where they have fallen, returning to God with repentant hearts and humble spirits, so that they may experience the welcoming embrace of the Father and feel His love in Christ Jesus, as Heirs of His Kingdom, belonging at His side.
PRAYER: In Christ Jesus, we are blessed to rise again and come from such a long way from You, Father, receiving the welcoming embrace through the Holy Spirit, who bears witness that we are Sons and Daughters of God, being Heirs of His Kingdom; 

From Luke 15:20


When a man realizes he is missing his mark, he is humbled, and because pride is taken away, as a result of his deep fall, which makes him to be in dire need of help, and willing to repent; breakthrough, deliverance, and lasting resolution comes, only from God the Father, through Our Blessed Redeemer. Though Christ Jesus died for all, only when we come into repentance, seeking for God's Salvation by faith, gratefully believing in Christ as the only Way that leads to eternal life, we will be worthy of His acceptance by Grace and Love as His own.
Moreover, even after a man realizes his guilt and stains, He still needs to take the bold step of repentance and confession in humility, completely letting go of his arrogance and old ways, that he may be worthy of God's Grace and Divine restoration, as a soul redeemed by Christ Jesus. So, let's not stop declaring the Good News of Salvation to those still in need of a place to rest eternally, that more lost souls may come to the realization that Jesus Christ is the only one who cleanses everyone who receives Him, by His precious blood.
PRAYER: LORD, Jesus Christ, thank you Blessed Redeemer, for giving us a second chance, even as we've realized our wrongdoings, and repent from them all, for our personal Salvation,

From Luke 15:17-19


Our Calling as faithful Christians and Disciples of Christ, is solely to advance God's Kingdom, bearing fruit that remains for His glory, by sweeping aside other things to find lost souls, bringing the Gospel of Salvation to all who are in need, and discipling them for God's service, that they may be restored into the Kingdom of God. This brings joy to the body of Christ on Earth, and also to the saints above, in the Kingdom of Heaven.
Furthermore, as we continuously seek for lost souls with love and true dedication to the fold of Christ, this makes us fruitful in the LORD'S Vineyard, which brings glory to His name, exalting Him above all, which makes even the host of Heaven to rejoice over every soul that is redeemed by Christ Jesus. So, let's endeavor to remain steadfast to our Christ's Calling, that we may remain vessels of glory and praise to our Heavenly Father.
PRAYER: In Christ Jesus, thank You Heavenly Father, for making me to be a reason for more joy in Heaven, even as You've strengthened me to live as Christ, the Good Shepherd, that every soul may be redeemed for Your glory; Amen.

From Luke 15:6-10


Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ is the Door open to all willing to enter and be part of the Kingdom by grace through faith so that we may ...