The exact day of the LORD is a surprise to His creation, and the time of His judgement upon mankind is unknown to anyone, until it begins; for He will surely separate the righteous from the workers of iniquity, even taking up some of us, before the eyes of the inhabitants of the Earth.
This is certain and will surely come to pass. So, we should always remain prepared for the LORD, as the Bride waiting for the Bridegroom, keeping the lamp burning, through the presence of the Holy Spirit in us, that we may be united with Him on the day of His glorious coming, for eternity!
Though, this will be at an unknown time, taking place when no one expects, yet as Sons and Daughters of God, no matter who is around, we individually should always remain actively prepared, in full submission to His will - constantly proclaiming the Gospel and living by faith, even as we endlessly bear more fruit for His glory, in Christ Jesus, who lives in us.
PRAYER: LORD, Jesus Christ, thank you for the gift of the Holy Spirit, which keeps us preserved for the time when we will be united with the saints, as Sons and Daughters of God, in your Heavenly Kingdom,

From Luke 17:34-36


Only YHWH, the Great I Am That I Am, owns the power to kill and make alive, for He is the Omnipotent God; so, preserving your life requires you abiding in His Word, Jesus Christ, living in Him, even as you remain in full-submission to the Father's will bearing fruits that remain for God's glory (1 Samuel 2:6).
As Christians, we need not protect ourselves from death, because we are alive in the Spirit, shielded by the Grace and Power of God, as Overcomers in Christ Jesus; rather, we should continue the life of self-sacrifice, solely to the LORD, ready to give it all for Him, as ambassadors of Christ, committed to fulfill the purpose of our Christ's Calling, that our lives and eternal inheritance may remain safely kept with the Father, in His Heavenly Kingdom above, as His faithful Servants, following Christ Jesus.
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, I bless your name, for my life is safe in your hands, preserved through the Holy Spirit, to live for your glory in Christ Jesus,

From Luke 17:33


Just as the Son of God was rejected in His days; conceived by the Holy Spirit, to be the Messiah of the World, redeeming mankind from their sins and eternal condemnation, so is the Church, His body, being rejected even from buildings, mocked and sometimes, it's ministering Priests are being persecuted for witnessing to the Good News of Salvation. This happened in the days of Noah, and that of Lot's, for many again choose the preference of enjoying the luxury and pleasures of the Earth, saying "Seeing is believing," and what they possess and pretend while living as if terminal, is all that matters. This makes them hopeless about eternity; trying to live lustfully to the fullest, which is death, they're forsaking the purpose of their existence, which is to live by the Word of God, loving Him and His own.
However, as Christians and faithful Children of God, we mustn't give up nor relent in our Christ's Calling to reach every soul with the Gospel, before His return, bearing more fruits that remain, being faithful branches in the True Vine, for His glory. Nevermind the persecution, mockery, or tribulations; for, we are victorious in Christ Jesus: equipped through the Holy Spirit as triumphant vessels of God, ordained to conquer the principalities and powers of wickedness, by Christ Jesus, who lives in us.
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, thank you LORD, for the glorious call of Salvation, being equipped by the Holy Spirit to proclaim the Good News to all, as an Overcomer, through Christ who lives in me.

From Luke 17:25-30


Though the coming of the Lord, Jesus Christ, is at hand, and many desire to meet Him, being in His physical presence, we mustn't allow ourselves to be deceived, for many false teachers and prophets claiming to be messengers of Christ, or Christ Himself, are already on the surface of the Earth, doing signs and wonders, in order to gain souls for the kingdom of darkness, deceiving many to accept and follow their ways, which lead to destruction and eternal condemnation, if possible, even the elect (Matthew 24:23-24). The second coming of Christ will be seen by all, for every soul living on the surface of the Earth will have no need to be told, because His glorious presence will fill the Earth, instantly declaring Himself to all.
Moreover, physically moving in search of Him, only expresses His absence in one's life, for Christ is in all who are faithful to Him, revealing His Divine presence, ever dwelling in us, as His consecrated Temples.
We trust His ability to overcome the enemy, so we do not need to use human force to persecute others, knowing His will for us instead, as followers of the Way, yet that the liars' time is short.
PRAYER: LORD, Jesus Christ, thank you for your Divine presence in me, which keeps me safe and secured in faith, being your Temple, consecrated for your Glory, and having no cause to seek another,

From Luke 17:22-24


Christ's Kingdom reign is established, seen, and experienced through Jesus' Church; His body, of whom He is Head. Even so, it comes within us as righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit, (Romans 14:17) that the will of the Father who is in Heaven may continue on the surface of the Earth through us, remaining His faithful Servants, instruments of His glorious works, and Heirs of His Kingdom.
Furthermore, the Kingdom reign of Christ on Earth can not be found anywhere else, except indwelling you Brothers and Sisters, the vessels of God; for, you are His Holy Temple, consecrated for His good will on Earth, even as you are commissioned to bring others close to God, through the proclamation of the Gospel of Salvation. 
The LORD'S presence, is revealed through His unconditional love that dwells in you, by the same Holy Spirit who forever reigns with Christ. So, let's share the Good News of Salvation, our Life and Truth; declaring the coming Kingdom reign of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, more souls might be redeemed and consecrated, for His glory in Christ Jesus, before the old quickly passes and all things are made new.
PRAYER: Through Jesus Christ, thank you LORD, for your Kingdom reign in my life, made manifest by the Holy Spirit, who brings eternal peace and joy to my soul;

From Luke 17:20-21


Giving thanks to and appreciating the LORD for His love, mercy, and marvelous works, done for the good of those around us, and in our lives, is a way God is still revealing the wonders of His Love through us. Giving glory to Jesus also reaffirms our faith and Christ's Calling: exalting the name of the LORD, proclaiming His goodness to all, declaring our identity as the redeemed of the LORD, that the mindset of many may be changed, and their commitment towards eternity with the Father, is re-established for God's Salvation of their souls.
Furthermore, coming close to appreciate God, ultimately brings the knowledge of His goodwill to mankind, reaching those who seek to better understand a loving relationship with He Who Is redeeming many from the Kingdom of darkness, into the path of Light, which leads above, to the place of Peace and Glory, in the Kingdom of Heaven. So, let's remain thankful, praising the LORD for His goodness to cleanse us, that all around us may experience the wonders of His Love, coming to the realization that He is the Wonder-working God, who redeems and delivers all who trust in Him, in Christ Jesus.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, Jesus Christ, the Great Redeemer, and the Wonder-working Father, for I am redeemed through faith, by your unconditional Love and compassion for my soul, in Your Holy name;

From Luke 17:17-19


Being thankful for all the LORD has done, that which He is doing, and appreciating Him for that which He has promised to do for all who love Him and are called according to His purpose, makes known His unconditional love and abundant grace; for, as we continuously give thanks to the LORD, coming from the depth of our hearts, falling at Jesus' feet, which once were covered in blood to make our sins whiter than wool, our Heavenly Father will always be willing to be with us, in paradise. Since the LORD hates complaining, and does not delight in burnt offerings, blood, or animal sacrifices, today, our praises in thanksgiving, showing gratitude for His Love and compassion, are pleasing to Him.
Though our praise isn't enough for all the LORD has done, He still accepts it, when it comes from hearts humble to obey and bless Him; for, He knows our strength and He appreciates us, as we give our all in worship, thanksgiving, and praises to Him alone. So, always be thankful and glorify the LORD, and you will continue to enjoy the abundance of His Grace, Love, and Mercy, in Christ Jesus.
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, thank you LORD, Ever-loving Father, for all you've done, that which you are doing right now, and many more marvelous works you are still going to do!
May your Name forevermore be glorified, 

From Luke 17:14-16


Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ is the Door open to all willing to enter and be part of the Kingdom by grace through faith so that we may ...