The death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ is a glorious sign of God's Love and eternal presence, held by all who are faithful to the Son; for by this, God brought Salvation to all who will wholeheartedly embrace the Messiah, now offering us to be bailed from the bondage of sin and eternal condemnation. The New Covenant was established through the precious blood of Jesus, that Grace may overshadow our guilt, even as we come repentant, in full submission to our Christ's calling, as the redeemed of the LORD.
However, many have yet to accept Christ, and are not convinced of the signs of the Lord's crucifixion and Resurrection; still, as ambassadors of Christ, and Heirs of the Father, we should not relent in bringing to their understanding, God's Love and eternal existence through the work of Christ who actually lives in us. Bearing our cross without complaining, and living in victory over anything by faith, the Holy Spirit bears more fruits that remain, and God's Kingdom keeps advancing!
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Jesus Christ, because Your death, burial, and resurrection earned the right to redeem my soul.
Please bring the Glorious Sign of Your 
Divine presence to stay in this, Your Temple, so that I too can walk with authority, even as my spirit is renewed with Your Holy Spirit, to live eternally for You,

From John 2:18-19


We should always remain zealously determined to live for Christ as His Body, taking up the cross for others and carrying out the will of the Father on Earth as it is in Heaven; for this is our Christ's calling and by so doing, our Identity as Heirs of the Father in Christ Jesus is revealed. We who are revitalized by His Spirit will be consumed with swiftly and completely doing what is right, in love for God and humanity, so that we may live to the fulfillment of His goodwill towards all. Even though, because of this, we are insulted as if we should be ashamed of being too radical, we must always live passionately for Christ, and His Eternal Love will permanently prevail over all evils (Psalm 69:9, Romans 8:37).
So, let's remain steadfastly focused on our Christ's calling - being resolved to advance God's Kingdom in love, and we will never be destroyed, as chosen vessels of God, consecrated to subdue the Kingdom of darkness, as ambassadors of Christ.
PRAYER: Thank You, Christ Jesus and Glorious LORD, for the gift of the Holy Spirit, which keeps me zealously prepared to meet You and determined to bear more fruits - discipling them for the advancement of Your Kingdom; please protect me from distractions, with Your Peace,

From John 2:17


God's house is a place of worship, and shouldn't be exploited as a marketplace nor is the true Church a money-making organization.
This is so that believers may not be misguided, having contradicting thoughts about true worship and Salvation in Christ Jesus, who obediently brought tithes yet offered our Holy Father much more than His poor parents could give up to approach One so worthy; out of pure love, becoming the Lamb and ultimate sacrifice, giving us eternal Life. Worrying more about profit-making in the Church as a Priest, leads to one taking advantage of sincere believers, and he himself losing focus on his Christ's calling, rejecting his Christ's identity as a Minister consecrated to disciple members of the Body of Christ, preparing them as Sons and Daughters of God, for the Great Harvest.
Therefore, let's focus first on seeking the Kingdom of God, while we continuously strive to disciple and encourage believers, bringing to their understanding that, self-sacrifice comes with a Divine reward from the LORD, but taking advantage of the sincerity of believers for selfish gains, finally become poorer than the poor in this world are made. With the goal of being right with the LORD, we will always remain highly favored by God, lacking nothing needed, both materially and spiritually, to live for Christ, as His faithful ambassadors on Earth.
PRAYER: Thank You, Heavenly Father, for gracefully choosing me to serve in Your Vineyard - consecrated to declare the Truth, that men may realize and repent, lifting You first as their priority and Treasure over worldly wealth and riches, in Jesus' mighty name,

From John 2:16


On the cross outside of Jerusalem's walls at Calvary, we were Divinely cleansed by Jesus Christ through His precious blood, and are sanctified by the Holy Spirit to live for Him as God's Temple - consecrated for His service, even as Heirs of His Kingdom. So, to advance the Kingdom of Heaven, we need to give our all for Christ, proclaiming His Word in love, which cleanses the hearts of all who receive Him, purifying their souls, so that their bodies may remain the Holy Temple of God - the dwelling place of His Love and abundant Grace (1 Cor 3:16-17).
However, by being active, ministering vessels in the Body of Christ - the Church - there is no more room for greed, sexual immorality, idolatry, nor does a reward remain for boasting about what we have to offer to the all-sufficient God, for the tables have been turned.
So, let's remain steadfastly faithful to our Christ's calling, abiding in Him, even as He abides in us, 
while we freely reveal His Love to all with compassion - having been made into Holy vessels of His glorious works on Earth.
PRAYER: Thank You, Holy LORD, Abba Father, for I'm purified by Your Divine Grace, and sanctified through humbly receiving Your compassionate Love, as a Temple consecrated for Your service in Jesus' most precious Name,

From John 2:14-15


Living with the Holy Spirit in us, as born-again Christians, we've been Divinely preserved for the present day; now is the right time to proclaim the Good News of Salvation to the Sons of Men in love, that they may come to the realization of the Truth - knowing that Jesus Christ is the only Way leading to eternity with the Father of all creation. As other people receive the Truth, they also will be renewed in the Spirit, their souls now imperishable, to uphold righteousness in Christ Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith.
Therefore, let's never stop sharing the New Wine, known as the New Covenant, established for the redemption of mankind, through discipleship, as we reveal to those closest to us, God's Love and Divine Grace, which has delivered us from eternal condemnation and shame, so that souls may be refreshed and spirits revived for God's glory, while His Kingdom couriers advance.
PRAYER: In Jesus' Holy Name, thank You, LORD, the Redeemer of my soul, for keeping me Safe and preserved for this moment - to declare the Truth, established by Your blood as the New Covenant, which brings forth Salvation to all - reviving the souls of men and renewing their spirits for the advancement of Your Kingdom, the best to ever come to Earth,

From John 2:10


Being useful for God's glory requires obedience to His Divine will, that we may live to fulfill our Christ's calling - expanding His Kingdom, as we continuously bear fruits that remain - for His glory. As Jesus was sent with authority, we should be motivated likewise by love, to always be at His beck and call, ready to serve Him humbly in Truth and in the Spirit, which reveals our Christ's identity as faithful servants of God - called and chosen to do the will of the Father on Earth, as it is in Heaven (Rom 10:15 & Matt. 6:10). 
Being faithfully obedient to the LORD, makes us vessels of His Divine manifestation, used for His great and marvelous works - compassionate to all, so that the mindsets of the Sons of Men may be rekindled for Christ - the Light of the World. So, as Bondservants of Christ, called to declare the Truth for the Salvation of souls before our Master returns, we should "work heartily," so that we may remain graciously favored to inherit His Divine blessings, even as blessing, glory, wisdom, thanksgiving, honor, power and might belong to Him, forever (Col. 3:22-24 & Rev. 7:12).
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Jesus Christ, for allowing me to be of service to You - in obedience to Your Divine will, that I may gracefully live to the fulfillment of my Christ's Calling, as an Heir of Your Kingdom; in Your Holy Name,

From John 2:5


We should always be patient while we remain steadfast in God's service, and hopeful for the fulfillment of His words in our lives; for He has made us His own, and equipped us for the advancement of His Kingdom, so that we may bring joy to others as we experience the beauty of His awesome wonders and the perfection of His works, in due time (Ecclesiastes 3:10-11). Still, it's necessary to be prepared for the hour of God's manifestation, so that we may receive His abundant Grace (John 7:6 & 8). 
So, while we thirst for the manifestation of His awesome wonders, we should keep building up our faith in Christ Jesus,  through constant affirmation of His eternal Word, as if drinking the new wine of His blood, seeking time daily to meditate on His body broken for us, as if chewing on true soul food carefully, so that we may fully experience the gift of life and testify of His goodness to all, as vessels of His great and mighty works.
PRAYER: In Jesus' Holy Name, thank You, Eternal Father, for Your Word is Faithful and True, giving me a blessed assurance of the glorious manifestation of Your promises in my life - in due time,

From John 2:3-4


Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ is the Door open to all willing to enter and be part of the Kingdom by grace through faith so that we may ...