Functional faith in God's Word, Jesus Christ, living in obedience to His teachings from the depth of our hearts, makes us vessels of His glorious works, who declare His goodwill on Earth, even as we abide by Him and He is the source of Love in us (1 Thess. 1:3, 1 John 4:16). Our faith in Jesus as the Son of God whom He sent, is made perfect as we work steadfastly, proclaiming the Gospel of Salvation to every human soul, discipling all nations for His glorious service, and loving His Church; for faith without actions is dead (James 2:22 & 26).
Moreover, as Overcomers in Christ, we are called to live and actively work in the Righteousness of God, Emmanuel, as vessels of the Holy Spirit, so that many may receive the Revelation of God's Word and our Love, which never ends but will redeem souls from shame and eternal condemnation, even as minds are already being transformed (John 3:23, 1 Cor. 13:8, Rev. 2:26).
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Eternal and Gracious Father, for I am redeemed by faith in Christ Jesus, Your Son; as I live and work obediently according to Your will and commandments which He taught, I am sure I will remain highly favored as a vessel of Your Love on Earth. Please, continue to preserve me as a vessel of Your Divine will and marvelous works, so that more souls may believe and receive Salvation through Your awesome wonders revealed in my life, in Jesus' mighty name;

From John 6:28-29


The Living Word, Jesus Christ is the only supersubstantial Bread which sustains all who receive and eat from Him for eternal life (John 6:51). He strengthens us to remain, as we meditate on God's Word through the Holy Spirit, developing our faith, guiding and guarding our hearts with His Righteousness, so that we may remain Divinely empowered as Overcomers, living sustainably on the surface of the Earth, declaring The Good News for His advancing Kingdom (Eph. 6:11-17).
So, we must endure laboring toward the edification of the Gospel, making it our major priority to praise God for, affirm and meditate on it daily, so that we may proceed into the new Heavens and new Earth alive and abiding in Christ, our Savior who sustains and protects us as vessels of the Living God (Josh. 1:8, Matt. 6:33 & 2 Pet. 3:13). Also, God's Word received in faith and written on our hearts, keeps us sealed in His Divine Grace as triumphant vessels, authorized and redeemed for eternal Glory (Isaiah 42:1).
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Heavenly Father, for graciously blessing me with the gift of eternal life through Your Word in whom I truly live as an Overcomer, by faith in Him. Please, keep me strengthened to reach out to souls hungry for Your everlasting, supersubstantial Bread, so all who believe may feast together and hunger no more, in Jesus' name;

From John 6:27


While seeking personal Salvation and breakthrough from the captivity of the Wicked, one needs to be more focused on eternity in God's Kingdom, not merely material gains, but meditating on His Word as food, so that faith may lead many to Righteousness in Christ Jesus, the Redeemer of our souls (Josh. 1:7 & James 2:23).
The signs and wonders seen and experienced are only the beginning of one's conviction; you need to be immersed in the Living Water and be fed with the Bread of Life, God's Word, participating in discipleship so that once the Holy Spirit circumcises the heart, death comes to materialism and living by only the letter of the law, which are vanities many have covered over the Truth with (Ecc. 1:12-14 & Romans 2:28-29).
Therefore, let all seeking for Salvation in Christ Jesus focus solely on God's Kingdom and His Righteousness alone, then all that we as His faithful Children need to give thanks and testify, will be made visible in due time (Is. 38:19 & Matt. 6:33).
PRAYER: Thank You, Heavenly Father, for the Revelation of Your Word, Jesus Christ, who abides in me, keeping me focused more on Your Kingdom where my hope and treasures dwell. Please, help me to bring to the realization of men that Salvation is never materialistic; rather, it's spiritually attained by faith in Your Word, Jesus Christ, our Blessed Redeemer,

From John 6:26


The Divine presence of Christ in us takes away fear and restores peace to our souls, making every raging wind coming in the form of tribulations or trials cease, bringing calmness to all within and around us, for God's glory. Receiving Him as our Lord and Savior keeps us graciously protected and preserved even as vessels of His awesome wonders, overcoming every force and challenge trying to obstruct us from living to the fulfillment of our Christ's calling (Isaiah 43:1-2). 
Therefore, all who are far away from Christ should come to repentance, receiving Him wholeheartedly as LORD and Savior, for the redemption of their souls, so that they may be united with us in the Body of Christ - sailing in the last ark of Salvation to the Heavenly Kingdom of God, where there is everlasting Peace and Joy (1 Peter 3:30-21).
PRAYER: Thank You, YHWH, Heavenly Father; for Your Word calms my soul, uplifts my spirit, and supernaturally energizes my body to remain actively involved in Your advancing Kingdom, by taking away my fears and granting me the blessed assurance of eternity in Christ Jesus,

From John 6:18-21


Our Divine calling and identity as Christians make us the head and not the tail, being above and never below, solely to bring the sons of men to the realization of Truth and Righteousness in Christ Jesus; the only Way leading every faithful believer to everlasting life in the bosom of the Father (Deut. 28:13, John 3:16 & 14:6). Even when others try to influence us as a result of the manifestation of God's Grace, Power, and Anointing on us, to be used for their selfish interests, we should always resist it so that the purpose of our existence as ambassadors of Christ, advancing God's Kingdom, may be fulfilled because we are not of this world but called by our Heavenly Father (Matt. 4:8-11, John 18:36).
Although they may be persistent to puff us up, we mustn't submit to their pressure; rather, we should endeavor to keep ourselves from being swayed by wrong influence and be more focused on our eternal inheritance, seeking guidance from the LORD by affirming and meditating on His Word while we remain in communion with the Holy Spirit, concentrated on the coming of the King of kings (Joshua 1:7-8, Matt. 6:19, Daniel 7:13-14).
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Heavenly Father, for Your Grace, Power, and Glory in my life through Your Word, which makes me a vessel of Your Divine will. Please, help me to remain focused on eternity and determined to follow Your calling so that I may always be separate from worldly influence, in Jesus' mighty name;

From John 6:15


God's Word, Jesus Christ and the Divine presence of the Holy Spirit abiding in us, brings all our heart's desires to manifestation, which are in agreement with the will of the Father, as a sign of His abundant Grace, Power, and Love in our lives, revealing to all who have need of an understanding, that we are vessels favored for His glorious works, being co-heirs with Christ. This reaffirms our identity and calling in Christ Jesus, to all seeking the Salvation of the LORD (John 7:40, Acts 3:22 & 7:37).
Therefore, we should always be looking to the Life of Christ and doing the same, advancing God's Kingdom, and bearing fruit that remains as Heavenly treasure for eternity in the bosom of the Father (Joshua 1:7). As we endlessly accomplish this in love, the signs of God's abundant Grace in our lives will surely be seen by all who desire eternal Salvation, and the Name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ will be glorified.

PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Eternal Father, for the glorious signs of Your abundant Grace in my life which attracts souls to Your Kingdom through Your Word who abides in me. Please, keep me Divinely refreshed so that I may remain eternally strengthened to gain more souls for Your Kingdom in Jesus' mighty name,

From John 6:14


Giving thanks to the LORD for the plenty He has provided, appreciating His goodness, love, and favor freely shown to us, makes all that we have, surrendered into His able hands, more than sufficient for our needs. This is made possible through God's abundant grace upon all who are faithfully diligent in advancing His Kingdom, bearing fruit that remains, which reveals our identity in Christ, as Heirs of the Father and Sons of Abraham (Eph. 3:20).
Also, the Divine grace we receive upon every effort offered in thanksgiving to our Heavenly Father, makes all that we possess, both physically and spiritually, in strength and might, enough to share - lovingly helping others with their basic needs, for the growth of His advancing Kingdom.
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, thank You, LORD, Heavenly Father, for Your abundant Grace and Love in my life, which provides enough for me to share with others, in love, from the depth of my heart. Please help me to redeem the time and remain Divinely motivated to always appreciate Your Love, Grace, and presence in thanksgiving forever,

From John 6:11-13


Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ is the Door open to all willing to enter and be part of the Kingdom by grace through faith so that we may ...