It's always right to give our Heavenly Father all the glory for every one of His benefits and attributes because He is the Only miracle-working God who makes shortcomings in the lives of all who trust in Him become perfect yet will judge the wicked in due time, subduing every force of darkness as we receive His Word - who restores Light and hope to our lives (1 Peter 5:10). Still, we shouldn't relent in overlooking perceived wrongs against us while showing appreciation to vessels made in the image of God, in whom His Spirit dwells, manifesting His Grace, Love, and Power, for the Salvation of souls; by this, the LORD, Himself who lives in them, is glorified (Rom. 2:1-11).
Although Christians acknowledge that all power and authority belong to God in Christ Jesus, our Heavenly Father channels His anointed children who have been chosen for His advancing Kingdom and recommissioned to reveal Himself to the World so that many may realize the Truth of His Salvation as they experience His awesome wonders.

PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, thank You, Heavenly Father, for Your presence in my life has Divinely restored me to testify of Your marvelous works. Please, keep me from falling for fear or offending others with anything other than the Good News, but continue to use me for Your glory as I endlessly proclaim Your Truth for the redemption of more souls,

From John 9:24-25


The effect of a miracle in the life of the Redeemed in Christ, motivates him to reaffirm his faith by confessing Christ to be the Prophet, without fear of questioning. Also, being Witnesses of the Truth, having seen it come to pass before our eyes, makes faithful Christians testify of the only one begotten of God, Yeshua as the Messiah fulfilling every prophecy promised, having been sent to carry our sins and ultimately for the Salvation of mankind (John 6:14, Heb. 9:28).
Moreover, before telling anyone, God's vessels are recognized for the Truth, having received their miracle freely they continually proclaim it by showing the Love, Light, and Power no one can give except our Heavenly Father and all-powerful God of great compassion. As we endlessly declare our faith in Christ to the World, even before persecutors we can bless and pray for, we are making known our identity as co-heirs with Christ who has redeemed us in full for the advancement of God's Kingdom (Matt. 5:44-45).

PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Jesus Christ, my Blessed Redeemer, for You alone are worthy to be praised. Please, keep me strengthened in the Word, both spiritually and physically, so that I may always remain ready to give an answer and finish the race faithful to my Calling, living to testify of Your greatness to all in Your Holy Name,

 From John 9:17


Being immersed in the presence of the LORD and dwelling among His vessels is good like oil, for it brings peace and comfort to the life of every new creation in Christ; even then, until a man submits in obedience to God's Word and works diligently according to the teachings of the Holy Spirit, only then will He receive total breakthrough from the forces of darkness, which also comes through another vessel (Psalm 133:1-2, 2 Kings 5:9-14, Prov. 3:5-8). Going where we are sent is necessary, for every Divine manifestation taking place in our lives comes by Grace, through faith in obedience to the Word of our Heavenly Father, who also pleases Him and imputes righteousness to the fallen World where we live in the flesh (Heb. 11:6, James 2:7).
Furthermore, the LORD is always watching over every one who trusts and follows Him, protecting His Children from death and preserving them as vessels ordained and carried out to declare His awesomeness to all (Ps: 33:18-19).
PRAYER: Thank You, Heavenly Father, for my faith in Your Word has made me work in obedience humbly where I am thrust into, according to the will of the Spirit and keeps me preserved in the wonder of Your works, which sustains me, having been redeemed as a testimony to all I meet along the Way to Heaven. Please, help me to bring others to the Author of my Faith, in obedience to my Christ's Calling, so that I may ever remain fruitful in Your advancing Kingdom, in Jesus' name;

From John 9:6-7


The presence of Jesus Christ, the Word of God, makes those who have hidden it in their hearts vessels of Light to the World, for it is the Light which overcomes every form of darkness, making many come to the realization of Truth, which gives freedom to all who faithfully receive Him (John 1:5, 9 & 8:12).
Also, there is Divine assurance that as we live and walk in the Light who has redeemed us from darkness, we will never be condemned again (John 3:19).
Therefore, as long as we Christians live on Earth, assigned to advance God's Kingdom by the Light of God shining in us, we should always be accommodating so that many may feel loved while we show them the Way and righteousness of God, Jesus Christ, who gives eternal life to all who actively seek Salvation.
PRAYER: Thank You, Lord, Jesus Christ, the lamp to my feet and the Light to my path, for your presence in my life keeps me focused on the Way of Truth. Please, lead me to everyone who desires to be set free from the powers of darkness so they might be delivered as I declare the testimony of Your Word in the Spirit,

From John 9:5


Out of primordial mud, people have been selected solely for the purpose of glorifying God as vessels of His Love by declaring the testimony of His Word, which is the will of the Father; every Christian needs to do it diligently, from the depth of their hearts, even until their last breath and the whole world gets to hear and see the Good News (John 4:34 & 17:3-4)! So, let's endeavor to work relentlessly right now, while it's "daytime," as chosen channels of light, proclaiming life-everlasting through the Word, now that we are strengthened in the Spirit to live for Christ, our Lord; for, time is short for mortals, yet we must never waste it but keep safe from stumbling as we abide in the Word of the Lord who forever remains a lamp to our feet and a light to our path, even on the Last Day (Prov. 3:23, Psalm 119:105, John 11:9-10 & 12:35, Rev. 21:23-25). 
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, for choosing, calling, and commissioning me as a vessel ordained for your service, advancing Your Kingdom while I'm alive within the Body of Christ. Please, keep me able and motivated to reach out to all who need Salvation, so that as long as I live on Earth, I may never stop bearing fruit that remains.

From John 9:4


As humans who have eaten of the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, every situation we go through only needs the presence of Christ to make things come out better so that the Name of the LORD may be glorified by the revelation of His marvelous works in the lives of the ones He chooses, having taken on and erased all the shame to personally overcome everything that His own are suffering (Gen. 2:17, Rom. 8:28, John 11:4, Isa. 54:4).
Even when people are conceived in sin, their present circumstances may not have resulted from the errors of themselves nor run in their bloodline, for there is a time for everything under Heaven (Deut. 7:9, Ecc. 3:1-8). Therefore, welcoming the Messiah and Word of God, Jesus Christ into your life, makes you a living vessel carrying His glorious works in your heart which are testified of by the many who get to witness the experience revealing His awesome wonders in your life.
PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, thank You, my awesome Heavenly Father, for Your presence in my family's life has justified us through faith in the Son, to be safe from the Accuser of the Brethren, with an assuring hope of Divine restoration and total breakthrough out of the power of darkness; may we also be like channels of Your glory through which lives are recreated and restored to right-relationship with our Creator,

From John 9:1-3


Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, has ever been in and with the Father, as the Word proceeding from Elohim, the Creator of all - declaring His presence from the beginning as YHWH, the Great I AM WHO I AM - the Almighty who is, who was, and is to come (Ex. 3:14, Rev. 1:8 & 22:13). Besides, "He is before all things and in Him, all things consist," being one with God (Micah 5:2, John 1:3, Col. 1:17).
Therefore, it's made known to all who are faithful to the living God, by the Spirit who gives true understanding, that both the Word and the Father are one; for, the Gospel testifies of God's Love to mankind, revealed in His Son who exists forever as the Lord and Savior of all who receive His Grace from the depth of their hearts as the Way and the Truth leading to everlasting life with the Father (John 14:6).
PRAYER: Thank You, Lord, Jesus Christ, for you've always been with me - providing, protecting, and leading me the same way all through my life; worthy is the Lamb (Heb. 13:8, Gen. 22:8, 11 & 14)! Please, continue to guide me in the path of righteousness so that I may remain in Your Holy presence forever,

From John 8:58


Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ is the Door open to all willing to enter and be part of the Kingdom by grace through faith so that we may ...