Tuesday, January 31, 2023


As living vessels, once you have received the divine call of Salvation, and the grace to proclaim the gospel of Christ to all, avoid continuing any distractions that may hinder you from doing the LORD'S will, by placing Jesus first in all that you do, and never allowing the tendencies of mortal flesh to subdue your spiritual will to serve the LORD, bringing glory to His Name.
The Divine call for God's glory assigned by Christ Jesus, in you as His choice vessel, requires your honesty and full submission to His assignments first, even before you consider family ties or any other relationship on Earth, in order to fulfill the purpose of your calling, inspired by the Holy Spirit, to glorify the LORD.
Therefore, as Ministers of the Gospel, let's not allow the traditions of men to hinder us from fulfilling the purpose of our covenant-calling which is solely to advance God's Kingdom, as we continuously bear fruit in season and without season, because the living still have opportunity to become real Brothers and Sisters in Christ, to show love, for His glory.
PRAYER: LORD, thank you for calling and ordaining us as Ministers with your Son, being labourers in your Vineyard, chosen to advance your Kingdom by living after the pattern of Christ's life, only to glorify your Name, in Christ Jesus,

Monday, January 30, 2023


The life of an Evangelist is soley purposed to seek for lost souls, by bringing the knowledge of Salvation in Christ Jesus, to their doorsteps, even as he continuously breaks barriers, overcomes mountains, crosses over valleys, and moves through oceans, to reach more souls. This makes most evangelical Ministers remain mobile; having no permanent or specific location, moving from place to place, only to do the Father's will, by living in obedience to Christ, as His true ambassadors.
So, once you have discovered your purpose in life as an Evangelist and submit, you should forgo considering a permanent location for yourself to become comfortable, yet always allow the LORD to be your guide through the Divine direction of the Holy Spirit in you, because your visible body is only an earthen vessel in the hands of God, and He has prepare a place for you in His Heavenly Kingdom above.
PRAYER: LORD, thanks for the glorious call of Salvation and the Great Commission to go and teach the gospel of Christ to every nation, as evangelical vessels, nurtured for your glory, to advance your Kingdom, even as we live for Christ, following the Way as Sons of God, in Jesus' name,

Friday, January 27, 2023


The presence of Christ in us, restores us to the citizenship of God's Kingdom, graced with eternity to live again, for His glory, as the redeemed Children of God, not merely doomed to be condemned. This righteousness has made us living testimonies of His Divine love to the World, as faithful Christians.
Therefore, as vessels of the Word which remains when all else fades, and ambassadors of Christ, we are called to live for Him, by showing the love of the Father to all, and not to condemn, nor seek for the downfall of anyone before it's time, yet proclaim the gospel of Salvation in love, that souls might be saved, while we have an opportunity with them, today.
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank you for your love shown to all, through your Son, Jesus Christ, who came for our Salvation and redeemed us from the bondage of our sin and death, that we may live for your glory, in eternity with the saints in Jesus' name,

Thursday, January 26, 2023


No matter the level of our spiritual growth, strength, and edification of position in the body of Christ, we should always give room in the House of God, for the overflow of other vessels to be made manifest, and put to use, for God's glory. No sin is worse than another; as Christians, we are all equal in the body of Christ, united as one Church, not to quench the Holy Spirit in a form of culture, politics, nor religion, but to fulfill the Father's will, on Earth as it is in Heaven.
Therefore, we should never allow pride nor jealousy to get the better of us, as we exhort; yet, embrace and encourage one another more, even upcoming Ministers, that God's Love, which unites the Body of Christ, may be revealed to all, being worthy to be looked to, for the growth of the Church, in Christ Jesus.
PRAYER: Dear LORD and loving Father, thank you for the Divine use of your Word, which encourages unity and oneness in the body of Christ, to elevate and strengthen the Church, for the advancement of your Kingdom in Jesus' name,

Wednesday, January 25, 2023


One's love and humility makes him or her accommodating to all, especially to the vessels of God, sent to declare the  of Salvation for the redemption of souls. This leads to greatness and eternal restoration in the body of Christ, for as we humble ourselves to receive the Children and vessels of God in love, we will also receive the gift of Salvation that comes with them, through God's Word, Christ Himself whom they proclaim.
So, let's always remain humble and ready at all times to recieve the knowledge of God's Word, through His vessels, and constantly meditate in it, that our humility and fullsubmission to His Word, may continue to lead us to the position of greatness, sustained by the glory of the Father in Christ Jesus.
PRAYER: Thank you Heavenly Father, for accepting us as your own, even as we humbly recieve your Word, Jesus Christ, into our hearts, by first recieving your vessels; welcoming them into our homes, which makes us deserving of the Bread of Life, that comes with them, to the sustainance  our souls, for the glory of the Father, in Christ Jesus,

Tuesday, January 24, 2023


The presence of Christ in *Believers, rebukes the forces of darkness, and overpowers the unclean spirits serving as strongholds, barriers or obstructions against the fulfilment of our purpose in life, as Children of God, created for His good works, that we may remain redeemed and restored, to the glory of God. This ensures Divine healing is seen before men and well-known physicians, as a miracle done only by the LORD, which gives room for our testimony; declaring the marvelous works of God, who loves every person.
Therefore, let's remain in communion with the Holy Spirit, that the Divine presence of Christ in us, will continue to keep us free to overcome the forces of darkness, being restored to the splendid glory of the Father, in His Majesty, Christ Jesus, graced with peace to enjoy now, and hope of eternal life.
PRAYER: Thank you, Jehovah Rapha'El, for your healing power and restoring grace, which keep us free from infirmities, and Strengthened to live Holy, for your glory, testifying of God's goodness to all, in Jesus' name,

Monday, January 23, 2023


The manifold grace and presence of God in one's life, declares Who He Is, in the body of Christ; revealing His love and compassionate will to all around him, as a chosen vessel of God's goodwill towards men, we are Ordained to fulfill the Word of the LORD, through the purpose of our Calling, which is solely to advance God's Kingdom, by bearing fruits for His glory, in the Love of Christ Jesus.
So, let's not relent in our service to the LORD, yet remain steadfastly committed to our Calling in Christ Jesus, that we may continue to live for God's glory, fulfilling the will of our Father, as we advance His Kingdom and glory, by the declaration of His Word, revealed through our character, and the words of our mouths, as true Christians.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, for choosing to Divinely transform us, for your glory, to touch lives with the knowledge of your Word, through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit; that ears hear again, and eyes may be opened, to see the Truth and Light of God, for the redemption of more souls, made innocent in Your Son, Jesus,

Friday, January 20, 2023


Always remain in communion with God, and never relent in aligning your prayers with God's Law and prophetic insights, for as you continue to do so, you will be Divinely transformed, and equipped by the Holy Spirit, to receive revelations, guiding you in the path of righteousness, to live for God's glory in Christ Jesus who died, likewise fulfilling and achieving your purpose as a child of God, and a vessel of His Divine will.
Our communion with God in the Spirit, and fervent prayers, keep us always abiding in God's life-changing presence, and this makes us uniquely different from the sons of men; for, we are refined for God's glory, to live for Christ, fulfilling the will of the Father, as brethren with Christ, advancing God's Kingdom, even as we diligently work according to our Calling, being led by the Holy Spirit, in the highly exalted Christ Jesus.
PRAYER: Thank you, Heavenly Father, for transforming and restoring us, in your glorious Light, revealed through the knowledge of your Word, Jesus Christ, who dwells in our hearts, paving the way to fully commune with you, in Truth and in Spirit, for the Salvation of our souls, in Christ Jesus,

Thursday, January 19, 2023


We are blessed as Christians, to behold, experience, and continue to live in the Kingdom reign of Christ, made manifest through the Divine presence of the Holy Spirit in us, that we may have the Divine understanding of the deep things of God. We live by His statutes, revealed according to His Word, like Christ; disciples are now graced with boldness to share the Good News with others, to the glory of the Father of lights, seen in Christ Jesus.
With this, we are mandated, as a chosen generation, called and ordained to live for Christ, experiencing His Kingdom reign as members of His body, sharing the testimony with all who are still blind to Salvation in Christ Jesus, that they may come into the realization that there is no other way to the Father YHWH, except through the Son, whose presence is felt through the Divine Anointing of the Holy Spirit, in one's life.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, Everlasting Father, for your Kingdom reign, manifest in our lives by the Holy Spirit, which makes us remain alive, as witnesses to your glory, in Christ Jesus,

Wednesday, January 18, 2023


Always be willing to identify yourself first as a Christian; why ever be ashamed of your calling in Christ Jesus? You are a chosen vessel and one of a royal priesthood, ordained for His good works; to live as salt, changing and preserving the World, and graced with the glorious presence of the Holy Spirit, who reveals the Light of God in you, through the Gospel, which you proclaim.
Yet, those who hide themselves, being ashamed of what God did on the cross, in the grave, and what Jesus commanded them, are only proving themselves unworthy of following Him to the end, and this may lead to the loss of one's gifts. God rarely speaks to people hard of hearing.
So, never relent in listening to the whispering voice, and doing the work you are called to finish, as an ambassador of Christ, nor ever be ashamed, no matter the place or situations you find yourself in, for the LORD is always with the humble, and you will always stand triumphantly victorious, as you do His good will, in Christ Jesus.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD for the gift of the Holy Spirit, freely bestowed upon us, to live for Christ as vessels of Light, graced with boldness to reveal the Good News of Salvation to all, that souls may be redeemed, for the advancement of God's Kingdom and glory, in Jesus' name,

Tuesday, January 17, 2023


As Sons of God, we need not to rely on, nor seek for treasures in the Cosmos, only to forsake the LORD' Salvation, when we know through His Word, that they are basically vanities, which will definitely fade away in a very short time. They can never be exchanged nor compared with the Divine treasures of the Saints living forever, in Heaven above, given in suitable portions to all who overcome the World, believing in Christ Jesus.
Therefore, we need to willingly forfeit fleshly bondages which distract our attention from God's service, that which only entices us with the pleasures and comfort of this World, that we may always remain right with God, working in His righteousness alone, to be deserving of His eternal and Divine reward, as brethren with Christ, and heirs of His Kingdom.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, for the revelation of your Word, which makes us realize what we might have fallen for, repent of our wrong and sinful acts, and stand, only to remain focused on attaining eternal life in your Heavenly Kingdom, where our treasure lies, in Jesus' name,

Monday, January 16, 2023


The Christian life is basically obedient self-sacrifice; this means giving it all, both in strength and might, and loving with heart and soul, selflessly for the service of God, expecting nothing from men nor women. Yet, we remain hopeful of a Divine reward, graced with Jesus' eternal life among the saints in His Heavenly Kingdom, as Overcomers in Christ's strength.
So, let all who desire to eat from the Tree of Life, remain God's chosen vessels, worthy of eternity as Brethren and Bride of Christ, give up every lustful and worldly desire and deception which does not glorify the Name of the LORD, and reject every one of the thoughts of survival, for the sake of their personal Salvation, and that of neighbors, so we may remain dead to the flesh while alive in the Spirit, for the eternal weight of glory, in Christ Jesus.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, for granting us the grace to remain living sacrifices by the blood of Jesus, worthy vessels of your Divine will on Earth, living for your glory, being dead to the flesh and alive in the Spirit, to reveal your love to all, in Jesus' name,

Friday, January 13, 2023


True Christians are uniquely different from the sons of men; always ready to sacrifice their all for God's service, and daily denying themselves that which can serve as a barrier or hindrance against them coming closer into God's presence. To remain focused only on fulfilling the Father's will, brings divine peace to their souls.
Moreover, this is the purpose of our Calling, that we may live with and for Christ and fulfill the Father's will, as Sons of God, ordained for His glory in Christ Jesus, to advance His Kingdom.

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank you for the divine call of Salvation, which makes us unique in character, words of the month and way of life, to please you, even as we endeavor to live for Christ, that we may remain worthy of your redeeming grace, as citizens of your Kingdom, sealed with a quickening Spirit, by our faith in Christ Jesus your Son,


Thursday, January 12, 2023


Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, is the Messiah and Blessed Redeemer of all who believes in Him; for in Him eternal life is rest assured to all who remain faithful and submissive to the LORD. As we keep His written Word, Rhema in the tablets of our hearts, and do them, to fulfill the will of the Father, so that, His presence, dwelling in us as a glorious light will never fade, yet abide in us still to the glory of the Father.
Also, by recieving Jesus' as the Christ; the Messiah of the World, gives you the grace through faith to become a new creation, restore to God's Kingdom, as brethren with Christ.
Therefore, let all who lack this grace turn to the LORD in full submission to His will, and embrace Jesus Christ by faith, as the true Messiah for the Salvation of their souls, and become united in His body as citizens of God's Kingdom.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, Jesus Christ, for your presence in our lives, recieved through the knowledge of your Word, made manifest by the Holy Spirit in us to live for your glory as joint heirs with Christ.

Wednesday, January 11, 2023


The Word of God, Jesus Christ, is powerful and comes with authority, even as He resides in all whom He chooses as His vessels, called for His glory, to proclaim Himself to all who need God's Salvation. Also,  Divine grace multiplies and sustains all who receive and abide in Him, that they may not lack, yet remain supernaturally favored and blessed to have more in store to share with all who are in need, to the glory of our Father.
Therefore, you need not to worry as a Christian, for you are highly favored as the apple of His eyes, and whatever you find to do with your hands, which is not against the love for God and man, will surely remain Divinely blessed. You can excel in all your endeavors as a successful and progressive child of God, moving and growing in the presence of the LORD, and in the glory of His Majesty, because you received and abide in His Word, Jesus Christ, the Bread of Life, who super-abundantly sustains all who believe and trust in Him as the great provider, Jehovah Jireh, who sees to it.
PRAYER: Thank you YHWH Jireh, for your grace and presence in our lives has made us Divinely blessed, being highly favored through your Word, who sustains us with the Divine provision which we need to remain in your presence, being fit and worthy as your chosen vessels, called for glory in Jesus' Name,

Tuesday, January 10, 2023


The sense of guilt in a man's life makes him perplexed, shocked, or feel at a loss, and worried by hearing of God's Word which has been brought to his doorstep, without being made his personal entertainment. This makes many who forsake their Calling for the lust of the flesh and vanities of this present world, to be confused by their own pride; they keep seeking familiar directions to wrong solutions in the easiest place, instead of taking the narrow path of true righteousness in Christ Jesus, which leads to Salvation, and restores peace to one's soul.
To overcome these troubled and guilty feelings,  we need to remain submissive and dedicated to the will of God, shining as Sons of the Father, allowing God's Word to remain a living testimony in the tablet of our hearts, as ambassadors of Christ, risen from our graves!
PRAYER: Thank You Heavenly Father, for the Divine assurance of Your glorious Rhema Word, which we can use to restore peace to souls, and give us hope of eternity with the saints, as brethren in Christ Jesus, Your Son;

Friday, January 6, 2023


Living our Calling as Ministers, and Children of God, proclaiming the Gospel of Salvation; should always be done in love, with the intention of restoring all to peace, but not to ignite anger, wrath, or strife in the hearts of men, that the main purpose of the Gospel may be established in the lives of all who will acknowledge His Word.
Nevertheless, as you go forth, proclaiming the Gospel of Salvation in Christ Jesus, and you are being rejected by some whom you share the Goodnews with, don't be discouraged, just hold onto the Cross, and move ahead, even as you keep the testimony of the Word of God, which will always be remembered.
Moreover, we need to go beyond our borders, because many more souls are still hungry for such super-substantial food, known as the Bread of Life, so that they are filled with the Spirit of restoration, free from the bondage of sin and death, again having their faith established in Christ Jesus, who died for the ungodly.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, Jesus Christ, for the great call of Salvation and the Divine Authority to proclaim the Goodnews of your Kingdom to all, graced with the gift of the Holy Spirit, that we may remain Strengthened to carry the Cross to the end, as Sons of God, doing the will of the Father, in Christ Jesus,

Thursday, January 5, 2023


As Ministers proclaiming the gospel of Christ, we need not rely solely on material support to do so, yet our service to God should always be selfless, expecting nothing from men, seasoned with the love of Christ given us, that we may remain deserving of God's divine reward, as brethren with Christ, the Source of our authority.
Moreover, as we remain dedicated to our Calling, and focused on doing the Father's will, we can carry the "shield of faith," trusting we will always receive His divine favor from above, coming through men and the works of our hands, which remain productive and sufficient for our basic needs and the spiritual needs around us, to work for His glory and freely live, in Christ Jesus.
PRAYER: Dear LORD, the All-sufficient God, thank you for sustaining and meeting us at the point of our needs, even as we remain devoted to our Calling as Ministers, proclaiming the gospel of Salvation to all, in Christ Jesus, your Son,

Wednesday, January 4, 2023


We have been called, chosen and ordained as Christians to subdue the forces of darkness and powers of wickedness, defeating them with the authority and curative power of Christ in us, through the Divine Anointing of the Holy Spirit, which gives us the boldness to stand, as Overcomers in Christ Jesus.
With this, we conquer borders, even as we break barriers of weakness, heal the sick, raise the dead, and set the captives free, through the grace, power, and anointing of Christ in us.
Therefore, "shod your feet with the preparation of the Gospel of Peace," stand out, and declare the Goodnews of Salvation to all, that more souls may be restored; brought to life for God's glory and the advancement of His Kingdom.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, Everlasting Father, for the authority of Christ in us, as strengthened barrier-breakers; overcoming the forces of darkness and powers of wickedness, to proclaim the gospel of Salvation, and set captives free, through your Word, Jesus Christ, our Blessed Redeemer.

Tuesday, January 3, 2023


No matter the situation you find yourself in, always remain faithful to the LORD; have your hope rest in His Word, and avoid giving room for doubt or fear of death. Fear weakens one's faith, while faith in Jesus Himself, gives room for the greatest possibilities and Divine restoration from the LORD, who alone is awesome enough to be reverenced by everyone.
Therefore, as Christians, let's continue to hold on to our faith in Christ Jesus, because He is the source of our existence as God's Children, adopted into the fold.
"For he who comes to God must believe that He is, and He is the rewarder of those who diligently seek Him," that his deepest desires, which are in line with God's Word, may be fulfilled in due time, by the Holy Spirit.
PRAYER: Thank you, Heavenly Father, for taking away the spirit of fear, and blessing us with the gift of the Holy Spirit, which strengthens our faith in your Word, Jesus Christ, to live for your glory, that each of our supplications brought before you in faith, may be answered in Jesus' name.

Monday, January 2, 2023


Though prayer in Jesus' name is the way to commune with God, the key that opens all doors, even so, our dedication reveals our willingness to abide by His Word. 
Yet, it's our faith in Christ Jesus motivating these, granting us the strength needed to carry on until the end, and overcoming every challenge and obstacle in our way, to receive break-through and Divine favor, from the LORD.
Therefore, let no circumstance weaken your faith; rather, be motivated, seeing every trial or temptation as a joy to endure. Grow in Peace along the path Jesus walks, which leads to victory; for the crown of glory, you have to overcome the darkening world, by His Spirit of Holiness. We are more than conquerors, in Christ Jesus.
PRAYER: Thank you, Heavenly Father, for filling and sustaining us with your Word, the Bread of Life, who is Jesus Christ, the Author and Finisher of our faith. 
He is our Strength in trials, our Redeemer in times of temptation, and His presence in our lives, gives us hope and restoration, as brethren with Him.


The Word of God, Jesus Christ, never fails; for the same way He ascended into Heaven, received in a cloud, to be with "the Ancient of D...