Showing posts with label Faith. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Faith. Show all posts


Our Heavenly Father, the Creator of Heaven and Earth, and every one of the inhabitants who are alive therein, is the Omnipotent God, whom nothing is impossible for (Jeremiah 32:17). He sees and understands our situation; so, as we come in humility before Him, placing our supplications at the cross, with repentant hearts and faithful spirits, He who never fails, will surely meet us at the point of our needs, in due time.
Though, we may try our best as mortals, even so, no one can ever be perfect without the Son of God, Who loves us at our worst, so gave His Life, forgiving humankind in a way anyone can understand. The LORD, the Great I Am That I Am, is the perfect one, and as we place Him first, through prayers and full submission to His will, He hears us, and makes all our endeavors perfectly established, as we trust in His Grace and infinite Glory.
PRAYER: LORD, Jesus Christ, I affirm: there is nothing impossible with you, and my purpose in life is established, as I lay it down, in your Holy name;

From Luke 18:27


Living faithfully according to the Father's will, through Christ who lives in us, being consecrated to advance His Kingdom, even as we remain dead to the flesh and alive in the Spirit, makes us posses Divine Authority, as Sons and Daughters of God, to subdue the Earth and its inhabitants. This makes the forces of nature and even the supernatural to remain submissive to our demands; for, by keeping even the smallest faith in Christ Jesus, who is the Author and Finisher of our faith "all things are possible to him who believes!" (Mark 9:23, Hebrews 12:2)
Moreover, since we are in Christ, the fullness of the God-head bodily dwells in us, giving us no cause for worries (Colossians 2:9). So, we mustn't relent in moving forward, as Soldiers of the Cross: fighting from victory to victory, breaking barriers, uprooting trees, and overcoming mountains obstructing our spreading of the Gospel, that it may get to the reach of all who need God's Salvation of their souls.
PRAYER: O' LORD, Ever-faithful Father, thank you for your Divine presence in my life, for this gives me the grace and authority to subdue every barrier standing against my Calling, that more souls may be redeemed, for your glory, in Christ Jesus:

From Luke 17:6


Jesus Christ is the fulfilment of the law, established for the Salvation of souls. God's Word has never failed, and will continue to remain established, forever. Though the heavens vanish away like smoke, the Earth grows old like garments, and all of its inhabitants die, the Word of God, which reveals righteousness and grants Life to anyone who believes and receives Jesus Christ as their personal Lord, and Savior of the World, will continue to abide forever, fixed through His Divine Grace; for He is the Eternal Rock of Ages, Who remains Holy.
Furthermore, the Word of God, Jesus Christ, unites man and God, through the covenant relationship He established when He offered His body and blood complete with forgiveness. When we receive this seed into a soft heart, with the desire to serve Him in love, as faithful servants committed to bring more souls to the Salvation of the LORD in Jesus, for the advancement of God's Kingdom; by living like Christ, this makes even the blinded to see the love of the Father, through experiencing the One who is greater, living in us, by the manifestation of the Holy Spirit, Who testifies, revealing our identity as Christ's, to all who need Salvation and total redemption from the kingdom of darkness, into marvelous light.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, for your Word is sure and your covenant is established in my life, in Christ Jesus; 

From Luke 16:17


Our service to the LORD, our Creator, the Great I Am That I Am, YAHWEH, should remain undiluted or undefiled; not influenced by the lust for worldly treasures, pleasures, and possessions, for they only build up or create both physical and spiritual barriers between man and God. When man's attention is being divided amongst two or more, whom he believes to be his source of peace and sustainance, he is gradually deviating from the one and only true God, who can not be served with other gods.
Moreover, it's easier to remain focused on one than two, because a kingdom or body divided against itself can never stand uprightly, rather it would be constantly shaking, moving to and fro, at the presence of temptation and trials, yet he who stand on the Solid Rock, Jesus Christ, will always remain comfortable, having a Blessed Assurance of His Divine Grace and protection, even in the midst of the ranging storm. So, remain focused on God and no other, through faith in Christ Jesus, our Lord, bearing fruits that remains for His glory, and it shall be well with you.
PRAYER: O' LORD, thank you for keeping me focused on my Christ's Calling, advancing your Kingdom through your Word, for the redemption of souls, in Christ Jesus;

From Luke 16:13


God's miraculous works, through His chosen and ordained vessels, are mostly instantaneous; Our Healer is changing lives, and redeeming souls for His glory. This confirms both the Messenger and the Good News of Salvation which he proclaims, because the breakthrough, restoration and Salvation attained is made permanently perfect by the LORD, and seen by both the Faithfuls and witnessed by unbelievers, as a testimony of His greatness, love, and compassion for all.
However, every instantaneous miracle takes place only when we are closer to the Father, through the Son, Jesus Christ, and having communion with the Holy Spirit, by whom the miracle is made manifest, for our good, to the glory of God, that the Truth may be revealed in love as the Light of God to all. He is confirming redeeming grace as life, to all who believe in His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ. So, let's continue moving closer to the LORD, by constantly meditating on His Word, as His chosen vessels, that the gift of the Holy Spirit in us will remain manifest in our lives, even as we endlessly proclaim the gospel of Salvation to all, in Christ Jesus.
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, Heavenly Father, thank you for making me a vessel of your glorious works, assigned to declare the Truth of the Gospel, touching and changing lives miraculously, for the Salvation of souls;

From Luke 13:12-13


Always keep yourself readily prepared for the second coming of Christ, for no one knows the exact day and time when this will take place, not even Jesus Christ Himself, except God, the Father of all creation. This should be done with utmost dedication from the depth of our hearts, even as we remain determined to uphold our faith and Christ's Calling; bearing fruit that remains, and discipling souls for the advancement of God's Kingdom, that there may be more labourers in the LORD'S Vineyard, constantly harvesting and nurturing souls worthy of eternity, until we see the full reality of Christ Jesus.
Also, being Ministers, we shouldn't relent in prayers for ourselves, the new converts and all whom we are discipling, for the devil is restlessly moving to and fro, up and down, across the surface of the earth, conceiving seeds of deception and rebellion in the hearts of men, distracting many from their Divine Calling, because he knows he only has a limited time of existence, and this makes him desperately seek for souls to be condemned with him.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, for your Word keeps us readily prepared for Christ's coming, through the Holy Spirit, who leads and direct us aright as Ministers, for the Salvation of souls, in Christ Jesus;

From Luke 12:40


Being faithful Brides, and devoted Servants, who are watching and waiting patiently for the second coming of Christ, the Bridegroom and Master of the universe, whom every authority in Heaven and on Earth belongs to, we are Divinely blessed and highly favored to be in the Lord's Vineyard, harvesting abundantly, even as we are given seed to sow. Yet, only those who keep themselves prepared and ready to meet Him face to face, keeping communion with the Father, through the Holy Spirit, and steadfastly looking for the second coming of Jesus Christ, our Lord, without giving any room for doubts nor distractions, influenced by the devil and his agents, through the lusts and temporary pleasures of the flesh to weaken their spirits, diverting their souls from Christ's supreme Calling; rather, those keeping themselves as a living sacrifice for the LORD, and discipling souls for the advancement of God's Kingdom, will surely be worthy of Christ's service, to recline in God's Kingdom.
Moreover, it's not all those who start the race who win the trophy; rather, all who work as unto the Lord, holding fast to the end, will be deserving of the Crown of Glory, in Christ Jesus. So, let's endeavor to remain watchful and fervent in prayers, with true dedication, that we may be deserving of God's Kingdom, dwelling with the saints on the last day, as Heirs of the Father, in His Son, who lives forever.
PRAYER: Thank you, Heavenly Father, for making me a Laborer in your Vineyard, Strengthened to disciple souls for your Kingdom, even as I continue to wait patiently as a faithful servant, watching for the second coming of your Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord;

From Luke 12:37-38


Let your soul be for Christ, and your mind focus on fulfilling the Father's will, for as Christians, we are the body of Christ, Himself, who leads and directs us, through the Holy Spirit, who lives in us. Being assigned under the Divine Authority of our Lord and Savior, our souls should be more determined to continue bearing fruits worthy of Him, that we may remain worthy as Heirs, and good Stewards, deserving of His Heavenly treasures, prepared for Overcomers in Christ Jesus, for His glory.
Furthermore, every effort in life counts, yet by living for Christ, we are acquiring wealth of Heavenly value, which is safely stored by the LORD; and, as we continue to do so wholeheartedly, we will surely be counted worthy of receiving a store house, as co-heirs with Christ.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, Jesus Christ, for the Divine call of Salvation, which makes our hearts fixed on fulfilling the Father's will, that we may attain Heaven where our hearts and thoughts reside;

From Luke 12:34


You need not be afraid, rather you should always remain courageous and faithful to the end, that you may remain deserving of God's Kingdom, as joint Heirs with Christ who is Faithful and True, and His chosen generation; for, fear only distracts one's attention from fulfilling the purpose of his Divine Calling, while faith in Christ Jesus, produces courage and strength to overcome anything.
As Christians, even newly born-again, actively advancing God's Kingdom through the proclamation of the Gospel, we need to come to the realization that it's our Father's good pleasure for each of His little flock to remain citizens of His Heavenly Kingdom, through His Divine Grace and Love. Jesus gave His life, so we have no reason to fear nor be troubled, for the joy of the LORD is our strength, and the Holy Spirit is our Guide, which makes us more than conquerors, in Christ Jesus, who lives in us.
PRAYER: O' LORD, thank you for your Word in our lives, which strengthens our spirits, to remain free from fear, yet faithful and deserving of your good pleasure, as Heirs of your Kingdom, in Jesus' name, we pray;

From Luke 12:32


Always be at peace with yourself, but never fear nor be worried about that which you can't foresee or haven't achieved yet, for one's anxieties cause rapid heart beat, making him or her nervous system go into a different state, and most times sweating is caused, which leads to more lost and lesser or no gain of what is needed to be content with. No one can do more than what God has ordained and destined for him or her, even though some haven't realized their purpose yet; still, we need to remain calm, meditating on God's Word, while making life changing decisions, so that, as the Comforter and Divine Helper, the Holy Spirit may continue to direct us aright, revealing our purpose in life as well as our Divine Calling on Earth.
Moreover, no amount of worries for the following day, nor level of anxiety claimed, can bring a perfect change to any given situation, except by our first casting concerns consistently by prayers in communion with God, through the Holy Spirit available in Christ Jesus, who makes the Way where there seems to be no way.

PRAYER: Thank you Eternal Father, the God who never fails, for as we cast our smallest cares and most sinful burdens on to you in prayers, through the Holy Spirit, all our supplications are answered, in Jesus' name;

From Luke 12:25-26


Being born-again Children of God, we need not worry about what we would eat or drink any more than the birds who live in fruit trees, for both our physical and spiritual needs will surely be met in every season, without fail, because our God is The Great Provider, who never ceases to meet His own at the point of their needs, providing our heart's desires in great abundance, that we may never lack, yet have enough to share, in love with others. Because of the Lamb of God, we are of great value to our Heavenly Father, who will never allow us to go hungry nor thirst of that which we deserve as Heirs of His Kingdom, so we need not to worry nor be disturbed about our basic physical and spiritual needs; rather, as we keep holding on to our faith in Christ Jesus, whatever we need or ask in His name will surely be granted unto us, in due time.
Furthermore, our position as Heirs of God, and brethren with Christ Jesus, has given us direct access to the Father, being highly favored by Him, that we may give out to nations but not borrow, and also have enough compassion to share with the needy whom we discern are receptive, even as we have gratefully accepted the Grace to help others with their spiritual needs.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, Jesus; for, you've made us lack nothing, yet you always provide for all that we need, to meet our basic and spiritual needs, and to help others with theirs too, in Christ Jesus;

From Luke 12:24


You need not worry about your present circumstance, challenges and struggles in life, as a child of God, such as what you will eat, wear and possess, for one's life is valuable and precious to the LORD, who gave His firstborn Son for us; He will never again allow His own to suffer shame, disgrace, nor die of hunger. No matter what desert you are going through in life today, be hopeful, have faith in God, and He will surely turn your life around for your good, restoring all your lost glory, by making a way where there seems to be no way, and providing like nothing else, for all your spiritual needs, according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.
Therefore, let's hold fast to our faith in Christ Jesus, giving no room for doubt, fear and thoughts of backsliding, standing firm on the cornerstone once rejected; for the LORD is our God, and He has made the Heavens and the Earth, by His great power and outstretched arm, and there is nothing too hard for Him to do,  because He is the Way-maker, and miracle-working God whose Love never fails, yet establishes every one of His words, in due time.
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank you for granting us eternal peace and hope, as Sons and Daughters of God, bringing us to the realization that life in Christ Jesus is more important than earthly treasures, and you're Faithful to meet us at the point of our needs, in Jesus' name;

From Luke 12:22-23


We should be proud of our Calling as Christians and not be ashamed or afraid of confessing before others, Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, for He is the Blessed-Redeemer of all mankind, and all power and authority in Heaven and on Earth belongs to Him. We fear the Son having to disown us. Besides, it's not always enough to simply confess verbally with our mouths, for our actions of Love, speak louder than voice.
Therefore, at every opportunity given, we need to confess Jesus Christ through our character. This is specifically to please the Father, with Faith in the Son, by living as the one sent, Christ; self-sacrificing, we love that others may see and and feel the love of God, revealed by Christ who likewise lives in us, through the Holy Spirit; the hope of glory and eternal security in God's Kingdom. By being His Bride confessing Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, He will be pleased to declare us as accepted before God and the Angels, through the Holy Spirit, who bears witness that we are brethren with Him.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, Jesus Christ, for we confess that you are our personal Savior and God; in you we trust, and by your Grace, we have the blessed assurance of eternity with the saints, in Jesus' name;

From Luke 12:8-9


Being born-again Children of God, Ministers, and vessels of God's glorious works, assigned to bear fruits for God's Kingdom, and commissioned to proclaim the Gospel of Salvation in Christ Jesus to all who are headed into the pit, we need not be afraid of any who stands against our Calling and Great Commission, seeking to take our lives. Yet, we need to acknowledge He who is in us, is far greater than anything controlling them. This way, we may remain courageous as Overcomers, fearing God alone, who owns the power to restore, refresh, and destroy both the body and soul. 
Also, "the fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom," yet the fear of oppressors and accusers of the Brethren, diminishes one's faith, glory and dignity, while our faith in Christ Jesus, brings us closer to the Father, through the Holy Spirit who lives in us.
Moreover, all who fear the LORD, have faith in Christ Jesus; for our faith in Christ Jesus, draws us closer to the Father, through the Holy Spirit who walks with us as the Comforter, whom our spirit communes with, to remain awestruck in His Divine presence.
PRAYER: LORD, Jesus Christ, thank you for always being there for us, for your Word gives us courage to stand out as Overcomers, having no fear of death. So, we will remain, seeking to live in your strength, for your glory in the face of Christ Jesus;

From Luke 12:4-5


The Divine revelation of God's "RHEMA" Word, spoken to all through His chosen vessels, who are actively using the spiritual sword to pierce darkness, evidences God's existence, fully revealed through His Son, Jesus Christ who, for the Salvation of souls, like Jonah was swallowed by a giant fish before warning the repentant city, once died as a man to bear the cross and shame of every man. He was buried for three days and rose out of the grave with a sign of His intention to return folded into the very graveclothes God removed for our benefit. Yet, as a result of their unbelief and weak faith in the One sent to save, limited by their proud egos, many still seek for signs to physically prove their Maker's Love, and to clarify their doubt of God's Word, living through His Anointed Church body.
"The secret of the LORD is with those who fear Him, and He shows them His covenant." Therefore, to understand the written stories and reveal spiritual signs and wonders, we have to remain obedient and submissive to His divine will, by His Spirit rebuking every doubting spirit, even as we grow in faith; we are revealing awe and love of God in us, through the varied gifts of Holy Spirit, who testifies that we are Sons and Daughters of God, blessed with Divine Wisdom to understand the deep things of God, revealed to His Beloved, in Christ Jesus.
PRAYER: Thank you Heavenly Father, our Omniscient God, for you never leave us in darkness, yet always reveal the Truth through your Word, Jesus Christ; the Light that leads us out from darkness, for the Salvation of our souls, in Jesus' mighty name,

From Luke 11:29-30


Although we need not put Our God to the test, the life and character of the Righteous in Christ Jesus, will always be questioned and sometimes condemned by unbelievers who only sought for more signs and wonders of Him to clear themselves of their doubtful thoughts towards Our Father. Likewise, we too may have been skeptical whether a Minister or message is of God or not. Usually, this comes as a result of the fear of being overcome spiritually, or jealousy, when it's evidently seen by all that, the Righteous only minister through the Holy Spirit, by the grace of God in Christ, who lives in Him.
So, as Christians, called to minister and Live for Christ, we need to remain in the Word and more faithfully committed to our Calling, that the LORD may continue to reveal Himself, in every aspect of our lives, as vessels of His glorious and marvelous works, so the sons of men may get rid of their wrong and doubtful thoughts, even as they realize where they have fallen, making amends in repentance; for the Salvation of their souls has come, and everyone needs to truly just believe, resulting in Godly actions.
PRAYER: LORD Jesus, thank you for your glorious light shining in us, revealing your Divine grace and presence within and around us, through the Holy Spirit, which testifies that we are Sons of God in Christ Jesus,

From Luke 11:16


No matter the situation you find yourself in, always remain faithful to the LORD; have your hope rest in His Word, and avoid giving room for doubt or fear of death. Fear weakens one's faith, while faith in Jesus Himself, gives room for the greatest possibilities and Divine restoration from the LORD, who alone is awesome enough to be reverenced by everyone.
Therefore, as Christians, let's continue to hold on to our faith in Christ Jesus, because He is the source of our existence as God's Children, adopted into the fold.
"For he who comes to God must believe that He is, and He is the rewarder of those who diligently seek Him," that his deepest desires, which are in line with God's Word, may be fulfilled in due time, by the Holy Spirit.
PRAYER: Thank you, Heavenly Father, for taking away the spirit of fear, and blessing us with the gift of the Holy Spirit, which strengthens our faith in your Word, Jesus Christ, to live for your glory, that each of our supplications brought before you in faith, may be answered in Jesus' name.


Though prayer in Jesus' name is the way to commune with God, the key that opens all doors, even so, our dedication reveals our willingness to abide by His Word. 
Yet, it's our faith in Christ Jesus motivating these, granting us the strength needed to carry on until the end, and overcoming every challenge and obstacle in our way, to receive break-through and Divine favor, from the LORD.
Therefore, let no circumstance weaken your faith; rather, be motivated, seeing every trial or temptation as a joy to endure. Grow in Peace along the path Jesus walks, which leads to victory; for the crown of glory, you have to overcome the darkening world, by His Spirit of Holiness. We are more than conquerors, in Christ Jesus.
PRAYER: Thank you, Heavenly Father, for filling and sustaining us with your Word, the Bread of Life, who is Jesus Christ, the Author and Finisher of our faith. 
He is our Strength in trials, our Redeemer in times of temptation, and His presence in our lives, gives us hope and restoration, as brethren with Him.


Conceiving of God's Word through constant meditation, pushing humbly forward by affirming it daily, reveals our willingness and desire to be above the crowds, in our Saviour's presence, where we remain in direct contact with Him, even as we experience His divine touch through the Holy Spirit, which grants us peace with God, and total restoration.
Also, in our persistence to coming closer to the LORD, through faith in His Word made flesh, Jesus Christ, every barrier that stands against our right-standing is broken; Love is building us up, through laying down Himself, confirmed through the Holy Spirit received, to become deserving of His divine touch, forever. The signs of His love are revealing the manifestation of His miraculous and marvelous works in our lives, received by faith, and given because of the grace of God.
So, let's always remain persistent in seeking God's presence, which is always with us; we should never relent in meditating on the Law and abiding by His Word which is fulfilling every prophecy, for these will always bring us even more closely into the Father's heart.
 PRAYER: Thank you LORD, for bringing us closer into your presence, through your Son, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit who dwells in us, for this has freely granted us the grace to be in direct contact with you, as brethren with Christ.


It's our divine calling and purpose of existence on Earth, to advance God's Kingdom as Christians, seeking for lost souls, and bringing the knowledge of YHWH's Salvation in Christ Jesus, to their doorsteps, that as many of those who believe, harken, and receive the Word of God which we proclaim, might be redeemed as citizens of the Heavenly Kingdom.
Yet, we all as Ministers, called to carry and sow seeds of Truth into the hearts of people, should always remain fervent in prayer concerning the seeds we've sown, that they may be Strengthened to withstand, conquer, and overcome every trial and temptation waging war against their faith and divine qualities, as citizens of Heaven.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, Jesus Christ, for sowing the seed of Your Word in our hearts, through the revelation of the good news, which makes us labourers in your Vineyard, assigned to advance your Kingdom, as we continuously share the knowledge of Salvation which we've received through hearing your Word preached, that many may be redeemed, for your glory.


Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ is the Door open to all willing to enter and be part of the Kingdom by grace through faith so that we may ...