Showing posts with label Salvation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Salvation. Show all posts


Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, the only begotten of the Father - conceived by the Holy Spirit, within a virgin at the right time - is the only one who truly came out from Heaven, having chosen to lower Himself to dwell among men, for the redemption of mankind and Salvation from sin (1 Cor. 15:47). Even then, He is the first to ever ascend into Heaven - having conquered death at the time God appointed and broken the chains of sin gripping the sons of men in condemnation (1 Tim. 2:6). Yet, as we believe and receive the finished work of Jesus Christ, we are gloriously raised by His Grace and live with Him, united for eternity (Mat. 27:50-52, John 3:16, Rom. 6:5)!
Therefore, let's remain daily abiding in Him, that He may abide in us, by constantly meditating on His Word and teachings, guided by the Holy Spirit, for the right understanding of the Way to the Kingdom of Heaven where our treasures dwell, being Heirs of the Father, liable to receive all that we ask of Him for our good and God's Glory (John 15:7 & 1 John 3:21-24).
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, thank You, Gracious Heavenly LORD, for Your presence in my life through Your Word who revives my soul, so that I may remain alive in the Spirit to be like you in resurrection eternally, for Your Glory,

From John 3:13


Having faith in, and understanding God's Word - the Scriptures and teachings of Jesus Christ - requires us taking our minds off that which is of the world, in order to concentrate more on the Divine and eternal existence of Elohim, who is far beyond the reach of merely our physical mindset. We are each capable of holding intelligent conversations on doctrine, apologetics, and our role in the earthly religious practices of the Church, without rebellion, but choosing to harden the heart to faith in that which is unseen, limits understanding, even when someone comes to the same level to individually answer doubts, and this dulls eyes from experiencing the actual spiritual truth, which we need to know about our eternal inheritance, as God's Children.
Therefore, while meditating on God's Word, and listening to preachings and teachings of Ministers and servants of the LORD, we need to always be in the Spirit - ignoring distractions which may entertain earthly desires, and focusing more seriously on receiving the true understanding of the Scriptures, which reveal Elohim and His eternal existence, to all who are humble enough to receive Him in Christ Jesus (2 Tim. 4:4). This is essential as citizens of an Heavenly Kingdom, that we may be prepared to make known the reason for our hope, and stand ready as a Bride to meet Him when He comes a second time, to save those eagerly waiting (1 Peter 3:15 & Heb. 9:28).
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD Jesus, for the revelation of Your Word to a dark world, and the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit, which fills me with true understanding of the Kingdom where my treasure is stored, and hope rests, by faith in the One who came from Heaven to deal with my sin by taking it away in an act of love; may I be ready when You appear,

From John 3:12


Testifying of the Truth in Christ Jesus, which is our Christ's calling, reveals our true identity as His beloved ambassadors and Heirs of the Father, living to the fulfillment of His will on Earth, as it is in Heaven. Yet, not everyone received Jesus and the Father who sent Him, so they also may reject us as witnesses of the Truth. This is because of their unbelief in the Divine nature of Jesus the Messiah, who remains the same. Likewise, people may have hard hearts to the Divine message we bear at our own expense, disregarding the fact that we are not our own, but it's the Holy Spirit who helps us carry the cross for them and who speaks through us; for, that which we've been made to know and understand of Love and New Life, by the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit, we constantly bear witness to, for God's Salvation of souls (John 3:32, 1 Cor. 6:19).
However, the Truth has been delivered to us through the Gospel of Salvation by Christ Jesus, who knows and reveals the Father in Himself by the same Holy Spirit who lives in us (Matthew 11:27). So, even while our message is being ignored by some, we who had once not received loving-kindness, but have now obtained mercy, won't fail to live to the fulfillment of our Christ's calling, as His body; for we know we are not of this world, yet are identified as co-heirs with Christ, destined to be among the saints, as God's chosen generation, set apart as a Holy nation, to proclaim the praises of the One who called us into His marvelous Light (John 8:14, 1 Peter 2:9-10, Hosea 2:23).
PRAYER: Thank You, Heavenly Father, for granting us the grace to be able to testify of Your Truth in Christ Jesus, who lives in us and launches us into Your harvest field, so that souls may be revived to be of service and spirits renewed to likewise live for Your Glory; even as Your Kingdom keeps advancing, we ask for workers to be cast into Your sea so that all varieties of people fished for, would be captivated to fall at Your feet, Jesus, in Your mighty name,

From John 3:11


Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and Messiah of all mankind, can never be held captive - not even by death; for He Himself brought to life all living creatures, being the Word of God (John 1:1-4). He only died for our redemption; that we all who believe in Him - receiving Him into our hearts as our Lord and Savior, may become dead to the flesh; which is easily influenced by the devil, and be raised with Him in the Spirit, as Overcomers, triumphing over every deception and obstructive force of the wicked one.
However, He was delivered into the hands of men - who persecuted and crucified Him; yet, He was raised that we might behold the Salvation of the LORD, as His Redeemed and chosen generation - proclaiming the Good News of Salvation for the advancement of God's Kingdom (Exodus 14:13, 1Peter 2:9).
PRAYER: Thank you Heavenly Father, for I am raised with Christ, to declare Your Salvation; as the Redeemed of the LORD, commissioned to advance your Kingdom - bearing fruits for Your glory in Christ Jesus,

From Luke 24:6


Though the Word of God, the Sword of the Spirit, is ever necessary for the proclamation of the Gospel of Salvation; even so, it's among the defensive weapons in the full Armor of God, needed to triumph over the forces of darkness and powers of the wicked one. So, let's endeavor to do all we can to have the Word of God written in the tablets of our hearts, that we may remain Strengthened to break through strongholds, overcome barriers to reach more souls, that the purpose of our Christ's Calling may be fulfilled.
Moreover, the Sword of the Spirit in us, keeps us ready at all times to overcome the snare of the wicked, as well as, their deception - engulfing the surface of the Earth, only to divert the attention of men from God. So, as ambassadors of Christ; called to advance God's Kingdom, we should always keep ourselves refreshed with the Word of God, that every word proceeding from our mouth may remain a testimony piercing into the hearts of men to redeem souls for the advancement of God's Kingdom.
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank you for Your Word - the Sword of the Spirit, in whose testimony we become Overcomers by the Blood of the Lamb Jesus Christ, our Blessed Redeemer (Revelation 12:11)

From Luke 22:36


The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, has established the New Convenant, by iHs precious blood - shed on the Cross at Calvary. This keeps us in communion with the Father; through the Holy Spirit, united in the Body of Christ - who constantly refreshes our souls with His Word, and purifies our spirits to remain in His Divine presence.
Therefore, let all seeking for redemption, separate themselves from every convenant holding them captive, and be drawn to Christ, embracing the New Convenant; established by His blood, for the Salvation of all who believe and receive Him, that they may be reborn into His Body as Heirs of the Father.
PRAYER: Dear LORD, Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God; whose blood was shed for my redemption, that I may remain a Convenant Child of God - consecrated to advance Your Kingdom, blessed be Your Holy name;

From Luke 22:20


The betrayal of Brethren in the Body of Christ is influenced by the devil - deceiving the human mind with religiously misguided beliefs, makes greedy hearts who are not in the Spirit, yet are placed in strategic positions of authority, feel insecure once a faithful servant of God becomes fruitful in his Christ's Calling. This reveals jealousy, which brings up opposition towards the graceful manifestation of God's work.
Furthermore, this also instigates the persecution of the Body of Christ by oppressors, who "take counsel together against the LORD and against His Anointed," even assisted by familiar friends whom we trust and dine with (Psalm 2:2 & 41:9). Still, we need not worry nor be afraid of satanic schemes, because the trick being revealed, is to use separation from witnesses; rather, we should remain courageous to testify, for the LORD our Elohim is with us, wherever we go (Joshua 1:9). Let's stay in the light, assembling all the more with Christ's Family, who does His Father's will, and be a Friend like Jesus, who would lay down one's life, praying for all believers.
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, Dear LORD, the Defender of the Righteous, I exalt Your Name, for whenever the wicked come against me to eat up my flesh, because of Your Word, while we can come to you for strength to stand, they must always fall by the sword intended for Your Anointed (Psalm 27:2)

From Luke 22:2-6


The signs of the end of this age are here, and the Kingdom of God is nearer than most think; for our Lord Jesus Christ is coming very soon to take up the saints, take full control of the Earth, remove the grip of satan over anything, and restore Peace. This is certain, for the end is near; we as faithful Christians, should remain prepared and desiring a place in God's Kingdom.
Furthermore, being prepared requires us to fulfill the purpose of our Calling in Christ Jesus: advancing His Kingdom, while we continuously bear more fruits that remain, for His glory.
PRAYER: Eternal King, thank you for bringing us closer to Your Father's presence, even as Your Kingdom draws nearer to longing hearts, through the Gospel of Salvation, which we proclaim until the end, for the redemption of souls, in Christ Jesus,

From Luke 21:29-31


The second coming of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, is at hand! Though it will only take place after the terrifying signs and wonders of the Heavens and the Earth take place, some of which are already in progress, causing fear and disturbance for guilty hearts; yet, the beginning of these things gladdens the hearts of all with the firstfruits of the Spirit, who are eagerly waiting for Him (Romans 8:19, 23).
Moreover, as these signs and wonders take place, we should remain focused on fulfilling the purpose of our Christ's Calling, fishing for men, while looking forward to seeing who will be revealed as God's children, set free when our bodies are changed and we truly become the Redeemed of the LORD, bearing fruits for His glory.
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, Dear LORD, my Blessed Redeemer, my soul eagerly waits for You; for in Your presence there is the fullness of Joy, and at Your right hand, there are pleasures forevermore!
(Ps 16:11)

From Luke 21:25-28


Having been called by Christ to proclaim the Good News of Salvation to all, for the advancement of God's Kingdom, the devil will ever remain restless - knowing fully well that his time is short. So, he influences the Sons of men, who are far away from God, to serve as vessels for destruction, challenging the spread of the Gospel and persecuting Christians, without understanding why.
Although he may go as far as sowing seeds of deception and betrayal in the hearts of our loved ones, neighbors, and friends, making them murderous towards us, it's all for the sake of Christ, who has gone through this before us, declare His Father's Love, for the redemption of souls who will believe.
There were many times He avoided being harmed and His friends also came out of the grave. As we remain steadfast, holding onto Christ, the Author and Finisher of our faith, we will forever remain triumphantly victorious, because; He who is in us, is greater than he who is in the world (1 John 4:4)!

 PRAYER: In Jesus' name, thank you Heavenly Father, for giving me an enduring heart, and a devoted Spirit, even as I proclaim the Gospel, overcoming the manipulations of the wicked, by Your Holy Spirit;

 From Luke 21:16-18


As the end of all things under the Heavens displaying awesome signs, draws near, the Church - the body of Christ, is falsely accused, persecuted, and imprisoned, with the intention of stopping the proclamation of the Gospel, by the workers of wickedness who try to hinder the advancement of God's Kingdom. Even so, these are stepping stones to greater glory - leading to testimonies of Divine breakthroughs, as victorious vessels of the Holy Spirit. Those who truly know Jesus, visit the Brethren in prison and provide through fabricated famines, to the least of these.
So, let's not relent in our faithfulness to the LORD, even in these trying times; for, as Overcomers, we will be fed healing leaves in God's Kingdom, secure on His unshakeable foundation, being Heirs of our Heavenly Father, forever (Revelation 22 & 3:21).
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, Eternal Father, for the revelation of your Word, who gives us strength in tribulation, that we may remain triumphantly victorious, as Sons and Daughters of God, in Christ Jesus,

From Luke 21:11-13


We have heard rumors of wars, and in some cases experience the commotion of nations rising against nations with rebellion and kingdoms falling; Kings exercising their authority to oppress others for the sake of a false sense of power. This is a sign of only the beginning of the end, and not the end of the birth pangs, yet for all people these are destined to take place, before the rapture of the saints, and the end of the age.
Moreover, experiencing these series of events shouldn't be a cause of worries; rather, we should remain hopeful in the LORD, confident in His Divine grace and protection, and we will surely overcome as victorious vessels of God, worthy of His glorious Kingdom.
PRAYER: Thank you in Christ Jesus, Heavenly Father, for your Divine grace and protection, which keep me safe from harm, even in these trying times, that I may remain an Overcomer, proclaiming the Gospel of Salvation in Jesus,

From Luke 21:9-10


As Watchmen waiting for the second coming of Christ, we shouldn't lose focus on Christ's Calling and the purpose of our existence, as Brides waiting for the glorious coming of the Bridegroom. Yet, we should be cautious of false teachers and deceitful prophets, claiming to be the Messiah. These liars would distract one's attention from Jesus Christ: the Truth and True to His Word, the everlasting Life, and the Way, who leads to Salvation.
Moreover, we should always remain spiritually cautious, and not just believe everyone claiming to be vessels of God. Rather, we should endeavor to test the spirit in them, through the knowledge of God's Word, inspired by the Holy Spirit, that we may not be deceived by any false anointing nor deceitful teaching.
PRAYER: Dear Eternal LORD, thank you for the Divine knowledge of your Word, which gives Light to the world - revealing the Truth so that we, Your chosen people, may not be deceived by the forces of darkness, yet remain on the path of Righteousness, in Christ Jesus,

From Luke 21:8


Every structure possessed or adored by men on the surface of the Earth, only exists for a little while, as a result of the influence of sin - turning away from an awesome God, to take pride in our own accomplishments which are like fig leaves before lamb's-skin, or the partially-built tower of Babel, which will never succeed to reach the sky (Micah 3:10-12).
Furthermore, the admiration of a Temple used for God's glory, without showing respect for His presence seeking entrance into every heart we disciple, makes every stone of an altar prone to destruction; for, "faith without works is dead" (James 2:26). So, let's not simply admire physical and material structures in shrines, nor idly enter into sanctuaries to be entertained, or garnish change, without being changed; rather (Eph 4:6-13), we should actively engage ourselves as the Church, some in the proclamation of the Gospel, some prophesying the Word, some shepherding with the flock - that we may Divinely remain as His Holy Temple, consecrated to advance God's Kingdom, even as we are refined in the House of Worship, to offer a living sacrifice of praise to our Heavenly Father.
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, LORD, I give you all the glory, honor, and adoration, for giving us your only Son, and making me a Temple of your glorious presence - revealing the Light of your Word to all, for the Salvation of souls,

From Luke 21:5-6


Being children of God, consecrated by the Holy Spirit to live for Christ, we shouldn't be worried when challenges arises - coming from oppressors, seeking to stop the proclamation of the Gospel; rather we should remain courageous as ambassadors of Christ advancing God's Kingdom. The Holy Spirit Himself; manifesting the Power of God, will always defend us - putting the oppressors to shame, while we remain Strengthened to carry the cross to the end.
Furthermore, the oppressors silenced as a result of shock, and confusion in their hearts, making them powerless, while we remain triumphantly victorious - proclaiming the Gospel to all in Christ Jesus.
PRAYER: Thank you Holy Spirit of God, for silencing every oppressor standing against my Christ's Calling, that I may ever remain triumphantly victorious, even as I proclaim the Gospel of Salvation to all in Christ Jesus,

From Luke 20:26


The Gospel of Salvation in Christ Jesus restores lives, by redeeming souls from the bondage of sin and death. It also reveals the truth of oneself, which makes those who are humble in spirit, come into repentance - receiving Jesus Christ wholeheartedly, for the Salvation of their souls.
Although the unrepentant soul sees the Proclaimer of the Good News as an obstruction to their false beliefs and authority. Still, as Ministers of the Gospel, we need not to relent in the purpose of our Christ's Calling, with the authority Jesus gave, rather, let's remain steadfast and courageous, for the LORD is our strength, defending the Righteous, and He will always keep us safe from what others fear.
PRAYER: O' LORD, my God, blessed be your Holy name, for I am safely kept under the shadow of your wings, to proclaim the Gospel to all, in Christ Jesus;

From Luke 20:19


The Gospel of Salvation in Christ Jesus, being proclaimed by His Priests this chosen generation, can never be stopped from spreading, until it gets to all who are lacking eternal life, for the redemption of more souls, who immediately expand the Kingdom. Before the second coming of Christ, it will definitely get to the reach of all.
Moreover, being called and chosen by Christ to declare the testimony of His good will towards all, we are equipped with the full armor of God; graced by His love, and we will remain triumphantly victorious over every challenge that comes our way, as ambassadors of Christ, advancing God's Kingdom.
PRAYER: Thank you Heavenly Father, through Christ who lives in me, for granting me the grace, power and authority to be Your witness to all, even as I remain Strengthened by the Holy Spirit to overcome destruction along the way,

From Luke 19:47-48


Though our body is the Temple of God, yet only when we receive Jesus Christ, as our Lord and Savior - abiding in Him, and He in us, then we will be completely cleansed from all guilt and filthiness which defiles a man; keeping him away from the presence of God.
Moreover, the Divine presence of Christ in our lives, keeps us solely for the LORD; being filled with the Holy Spirit, to remain a Temple - consecrated for His good will, revealing His love for the Salvation of souls. So, let's keep ourselves preserved for the LORD, that His glory which attracts souls to Himself may be revealed in us, as His chosen vessels.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, Jesus Christ, for cleansing me with your precious blood, even as you establish your Divine presence, through the Holy Spirit within me, as a Temple refined for your glorious works.

From Luke 19:45


Being vessels of the LORD, and living testimonies of His good will, makes us noticeable by all. His Divine Grace and anointing in our lives, inspires souls to praise and glorify the King - exalting Him for His marvelous works in our lives and through Believers, which attracts more souls to the redeeming grace of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, for the Salvation of their souls.
So, let's endeavor to remain actively useful for the LORD'S glory as true ambassadors of Christ, that we may carry on as sources of praise and gratitude which rise to our Heavenly Father.
PRAYER: Thank you, Jesus for coming in the Name of the LORD; Your Divine presence in my life has made me a vessel of your glorious works, being a source of inspiration that brings forth Joy and praises from Your Creation, amen.

From Luke 19:37-38


By rejecting God's Word, Jesus Christ, not being conformed to His will and purpose for your life, but remaining hostile to the one who proved His love by obeying the Law, people who do evil without fear of God, and encourage rebellion against a life of Love, will be in danger of its innocent Judge, with no escape from the fire which tests everyone, when the King returns (Heb. 12:29). Even though His Grace is sufficient for all, those who declare themselves enemies of Christ, giving no room for His merciful reign in their short lives, yet waging war against the proclamation of the Gospel with lies, are only rejecting the grace of eternal life, to come to light as a horror, where there is weeping, and the worm eating them is undying (Isa. 66:24, Mark 9:48).
Moreover, as we abide by God's Word, and He abides in us, sharing eternity is rest assured, with the King of Kings above, being free from condemnation and shame.
PRAYER: LORD Jesus, thank you for reigning in my life, as my Lord and Savior - abiding in me, that I may continue as Your Ambassador, destined to testify of good news to all.

From Luke 19:27


Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ is the Door open to all willing to enter and be part of the Kingdom by grace through faith so that we may ...