A true miracles is instantaneous and very effective, producing immediate results which is undeniably the work of God.
It also reveals the presence of God in both the one who is being used as a vessel for His glory and everyone who recieves it, even as they experience the hand of God in their lives.
Therefore, let he who desires a true miracle remain faithful, for the Lord will surely attend to his needs in due time.

PRAYER: Thank you Lord Jesus Christ for the gift of your Holy Spirit, who strenghens us as vessels full of your glory, to declare your miraculous works, set the captives free and restore more souls to your Kingdom.
May your name be praised forevermore, amen.


When true ministers, priests and servants of God speak, it touches the hearts of men, producing great impact in their lives because of the authority of Christ working in them.
It also makes many who listen to them realize where they have fallen and repent of all their sins for their personal salvation in Christ Jesus.
Therefore, as a chosen generation who are called to proclaim the gospel to all, we should not relent in our faithful service to the LORD, for we have been given the authority to declare the Truth to all and are Strengthened by the Holy Spirit, that no force or manipulation of the wicked would be able to stand against the authority of Christ in us.

PRAYER: Thank you Lord Jesus Christ, for the grace and authority given to us to proclaim your gospel to all, even as we are being Strengthened by the Holy Spirit to overcome every barrier and obstacle that stands in our way.
O Lord, be thou exalted forevermore.


All power and authority belongs to God, and it has been given to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (the only begotten of the Father) to rule over and subdue all principalities and powers.
Therefore, as a chosen generation called to declare His glory, we are gifted with the anointing of the Holy Spirit, which reveals His grace and authority at work in us as overcomers, being Strengthened to cast out, rebuke and destroy every force of darkness and manipulation of the the wicked that stands in our way.
So let's remain strong and courageous in our service to the LORD, for we are more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus.
PRAYER: Dear LORD, thank you for the authority of Christ in us, manifested by the Holy Spirit, which has made us worthy and capable of helping others with their spiritual needs, even as we advance your Kingdom on Earth in Jesus Christ's name. 


A vessel of God called and chosen to minister and proclaim the gospel of Christ, should not be worried or disturbed when rejected by those whom he considers as friends, loved ones or neighbours. Rather, he should always consider their rejection as a motivation to move forward in life and taking his calling to the next level of glory in Christ Jesus.
Rather, he should always consider their rejection as motivation to move forward in life, taking and take his calling to the next level of glory, in Christ Jesus.
Also, even when you feel mocked or ignored by people around you, you should remain steadfast and never relent in this great commission Christ has given you as a royal priesthood, called and chosen to advance God's Kingdom on Earth, as a fruitful branch in the True Vine.
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank you for giving us this great commission to advance your Kingdom on Earth, bearing fruits for your glory in Christ Jesus which gives us the boldness to affirm that: with Christ in us, we have the power to labor for the spiritual lives of others. Amen.


As true Christians and faithful servants of God, we are called, chosen and anointed as vessels for His glory, to advance His Kingdom on Earth by proclaiming the gospel [of Peace] to all, and setting the captives free, that all who need redemption may attain Salvation in Christ Jesus.

So, let's humbly obey our calling and pick up the cross as we follow Christ, that we may continue advancing God's Kingdom on Earth, even as we bear more fruits for His glory in Christ Jesus.
For, this is the purpose of our calling as Christians, that the will of the Father may be done on Earth as it is in Heaven through us as priests and vessels of God, living for His glory.

PRAYER: Thank you LORD for calling, chosing and anointing us as vessels of your glory, made to proclaim your gospel to all, setting the captives free, and advancing your Kingdom on Earth, that more souls might  attain Salvation in Christ Jesus Your Son, amen.


You are divinely blessed with the grace to stand as an overcomer in Christ Jesus, being highly favored by the LORD and strenghened through the presence of the Holy Spirit in your life; Therefore, as a Christian and faithful child of God, you should always avoid taking advantage of His grace in order to boost your pride, to receive praises from mere men. This only leads to great falls and, ultimately, separation from God.
Moreover, to overcome this you have to be filled with the knowledge from the Word of God, by meditating in it daily and praying in and without season, that you may remain filled with the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit to overcome every lustful desire for the vanities of this world as a mature Christian.
 PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank you for the grace granted unto us to stand as overcomers in Christ Jesus your Son, even as we are blessed with the  divine authority to ask whatever we want in His name.
 Please, let our love for you continue to grow that we may always honor you as our LORD in every decision we make in life in Jesus Christ's name,


Your worship and service to God should never be forsaken or compromised for anything else, for He is the LORD and only Him deserves all the glory, honor and adoration as the Father of all creation. 

Therefore, you should always avoid giving the devil a chance in your life by overcoming the lust of the flesh, getting rid of every obsession to aquire more wealth and riches only for your pleasure and selfish reasons.

Acknowledging in your heart that His grace is sufficient for all and He will surely meet you at the point of your needs because He knows what you need and He will definitely provide them all for you in due time.

PRAYER: Dear LORD, thank you for the grace and opportunity given to us to love, worship and serve you with all our hearts and strength, overcoming every deception of the devil to embrace the path of truth and righteousness in Christ Jesus your Son amen.


Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ is the Door open to all willing to enter and be part of the Kingdom by grace through faith so that we may ...